Dogs of VolNation and other pets that are inferior to Dogs

The little one looks like a wild ass.
I love little dogs with personality
Short story about this mean little sh!t. Fabio is a rescue. His back leg is hooked behind his butt, he walks on 3 legs, has No teeth and doesn’t take any sh!t off the other dogs. Someone threw him out of the car (witness says) and they picked him up. He’s so lovable even with all the things not perfect about him.
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Short story about this mean little sh!t. Fabio is a rescue. His back leg is hooked behind his butt, he walks on 3 legs, has No teeth and doesn’t take any sh!t off the other dogs. Someone threw him out of the car (witness says) and they picked him up. He’s so lovable even with all the things not perfect about him.
Yup, he’s a good one
I took Bruno to get him groomed on Monday. I wanted him to smell nice for his visit to the rehab/retirement home. Not to mention his nails trimmed so he doesn't hurt someone if he steps on their foot. We went for his bi-monthly visit this morning. We went early because we are expecting bad weather later today. We got there just after breakfast this morning. I wish you could have seen the looks on the people's faces as they came out of the dining room.
If you remember the lady that was scared of Bruno on his first visit. She was glowing when she saw Bruno. She said don't move, I got him something for Christmas. lol She had a box of extra-large Milk Bones and a big bone from Tractor Supply. This place has a bus that they take day trips with. Turns out on one of the day trips, she had them stop so she could get Bruno a Christmas present.
Oh, before I forget, the lady's name is Faye. She gave Bruno a Milk Bone. She wanted me to give it to him. She was scared he might grab her hand. I told her to just hold it by one end and he will get it. The smile on her face was priceless.
Bruno had a great visit with everyone. On the way-out Faye said don't forget his box of bones. I said how about you keep the box of bones and just give him one when we come back to visit. She just glowed and said you are really going to come back? I told her Bruno loves the visit as much if not more than they do. Faye said I doubt that. Then she says I wish I had a dog like him. I just smiled and tried to hold back a tear. I told her how about when we are here for a visit he can be her dog. I said that way you don't have to scoop poop. She was crying and laughing at that same time. I am not sure who enjoys these visits more of them, me, or Bruno.
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Short story about this mean little sh!t. Fabio is a rescue. His back leg is hooked behind his butt, he walks on 3 legs, has No teeth and doesn’t take any sh!t off the other dogs. Someone threw him out of the car (witness says) and they picked him up. He’s so lovable even with all the things not perfect about him.
Fabio is a great name for that handsome pup!
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