Currie following Kiffin on Twitter

The plane has a Big Orange T on the Tail looking at the pictures provided in the Flightaware site.
I am an alumnus. Went to school back in the glory days. Majors, and Fulmer, used to greet us around campus. I met Peyton when he first arrived, as well as Brandon Stewart, Shane Burton, Schuler, and many others. Hell, drank beer with many of them on more than one occasion. Martin was a friend as well. Nice guy. I sincerely do not know what the right answer is to our current coaching dilemma but I will say this; we are running out of options in getting an “explosive” hire. Kiffin screwed us. I knew that when he was hired, and said it then, that he would use us as a steppingstone to the USC job. I wasn’t surprised when he left us to take that job. That was his intention, knew it then, know it now. That was his dream and I cannot blame him for pursuing it; we would all do the same. Yes he left us in disarray, yes it made us, the university, and fans, look like a bunch of morons. We settled for coaches that were easy to get, but not what we ever wanted. We settled. I’m tired of settling just because it appeases the so-called administration. We have the facilities, the fan support, and the money to get a coach that is of the caliber to be on par with any program in the country. Kiffin has been humbled and I would like to think that he has learned from his prior mistakes. He is a good coach, as much as I hate to say it. I say talk to him, vet him, and if he’s on board, hire him. Put the onus on him to say yes, or no. If yes, draw a contract up that will financially not be in his interests to break. This can be done and I sincerely think that he would be ok with that. I’m a season ticket holder, not that matters. I really think that he may be the answer. Welcome other’s opinions.
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You’d think by now that stuff like this means absolutely nothing. Who follows who, planes, what color of a tie someone wears, etc. it was fun thinking for a moment, but we’ve got to accept reality at some point. There is No sign, no smokescreen, we’re gonna be lucky to get keep hoke at this point. Nobody wants this job.

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