condition of Jarrett

I think KC will play... JG just cannot take anymore hits, and Richmond continues to play touch football so no help coming. KC will be fine, get a week with the ones in practice should tighten things up. Played well at Stanford... and he has stats to prove it.

What stats?

Zero wins against winning teams?
The zero 300 yard games?
The 2 200 yard games in 28 appearances?
The career 54% passing?
The career sub 7 ypa on his terrible accuracy?
The career 130 rating?

Its sad buddy but KC has more elusiveness than JG. Since KC has been playing cleanup I would'nt be so harsh on KC. Appears to be a great kid. JG does also. I just disagree with who is starting. A person never will know where we would be now with KC at QB but it is what it is..............................

Did you not watch the game? We do know. Winless in the SEC and headed for a 3-9 season most likely.

What is the difference? Chryst makes turnovers and JG can't read defenses. The reason he is injured is because he can't change protections at the line and has to wait for his assigned receiver to clear before releasing the ball. At least Chryst can read the defenses and move the offense. I do not see our QB play being any better next year unless we can start a freshman. But that would be cruel with our OL.

How do you figure the guy completing 65% of his passes with two interceptions playing the whole season and facing the tough teams can’t read a defense but the guy that just went 35% with two interceptions vs the worst pass defense in the SEC can?

That is just stupid. I can’t believe people are still lying about who can do what. JG is obviously superior in reading the defense and throwing the ball. No sane person can debate anything different.

How is him scoring 17 vs the worst passing defense in the SEC, but JG scoring in the 20s and 30s vs MUCH MUCH better defenses showing KC can move the ball and score but JG can’t?

You are making up stuff about the prot cations and why he was injured. There were clearly two missed blocks on the two sacks he took. Singe went over it Friday. He signs the hits this year have been due to missed blocks and people blaming JG have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.

KC also got sacked, took a few hits, and made some bad passes due to pressure. I guess all those instances of pressure getting to him were his fault and had nothing to do with the blocking either huh?

We need to let this die. KC is the backup for a very good reason. We should all hope JG is back and healthy because he gives us our only hope to win. If KC has to play we should all hope he has a career game.
JG is probably our best option but to act like he’s good is laughable. Supposed dual threat QB who can’t/won’t move. When his plant foot lands in his drop, he becomes a statue. That’s not good when you can’t read a defense pre snap. Is our OL good? Definitely not. But he brings a lot of the hits he takes on himself. He’s tough as hell and gives us the best opportunity to win but that’s not saying much on this roster.
Was there not a coaches show today? Pruitt would have updated JG and Calloway injuries during the show. Haven't seen any updates from the beat writers on twitter.
Good lord there's some jock sniffers in here.

Will Pruitt give us an update on JG or will he " keep that information private so Vandy doesn't know who to prepare for"

If JG has a concussion he should not be available to play Saturday. If he did not sustain a concussion why did he not reenter the Mizzou game?
When he left the game he sat on the bench with his helmet off. I don't recall seeing any trainers hovering around him. He was just sitting there. Later when he entered the tent I believe he had his helmet in hand.

Did JG sustain a concussion in the Florida or Bama games?
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If it would not change his status for red shirt I am all in... get a series or two early next week... then decide. He might light it up with a totally different approach... RUN Forest RUN...

QB is not our problem. Our problem is our OL. Peyton Manning would not survive behind this OL.

It would not change his red shirt status, if he did play. He could play up to 4 games and still be eligible to red shirt. But he will not play this year.
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What stats?

Zero wins against winning teams?
The zero 300 yard games?
The 2 200 yard games in 28 appearances?
The career 54% passing?
The career sub 7 ypa on his terrible accuracy?
The career 130 rating?

Did you not watch the game? We do know. Winless in the SEC and headed for a 3-9 season most likely.

How do you figure the guy completing 65% of his passes with two interceptions playing the whole season and facing the tough teams can’t read a defense but the guy that just went 35% with two interceptions vs the worst pass defense in the SEC can?

That is just stupid. I can’t believe people are still lying about who can do what. JG is obviously superior in reading the defense and throwing the ball. No sane person can debate anything different.

How is him scoring 17 vs the worst passing defense in the SEC, but JG scoring in the 20s and 30s vs MUCH MUCH better defenses showing KC can move the ball and score but JG can’t?

You are making up stuff about the prot cations and why he was injured. There were clearly two missed blocks on the two sacks he took. Singe went over it Friday. He signs the hits this year have been due to missed blocks and people blaming JG have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.

KC also got sacked, took a few hits, and made some bad passes due to pressure. I guess all those instances of pressure getting to him were his fault and had nothing to do with the blocking either huh?

We need to let this die. KC is the backup for a very good reason. We should all hope JG is back and healthy because he gives us our only hope to win. If KC has to play we should all hope he has a career game.
Do you really think if JG had not got hurt the outcome would be different? some of your post is unreadable, you must live a sad life being this miserable.
Good lord there's some jock sniffers in here.

Will Pruitt give us an update on JG or will he " keep that information private so Vandy doesn't know who to prepare for"

If JG has a concussion he should not be available to play Saturday. If he did not sustain a concussion why did he not reenter the Mizzou game?
When he left the game he sat on the bench with his helmet off. I don't recall seeing any trainers hovering around him. He was just sitting there. Later when he entered the tent I believe he had his helmet in hand.

Did JG sustain a concussion in the Florida or Bama games?
This is a decision for the doctors. I am sure they will let CJP know if he can/should play. I would sa we will know by Thanksgiving Day.
QB is not our problem. Our problem is our OL. Peyton Manning would not survive behind this OL.

It would not change his red shirt status, if he did play. He could play up to 4 games and still be eligible to red shirt. But he will not play this year.

This is kind of nail on the head of what I'm thinking too. I think the overwhelming bulk of our offensive struggles are rooted in our offensive line. When our QB is constantly getting hit, our running backs rarely have lanes to run in, and 1st and goal from the 1 is anything other than a plunge... that's our offensive line. The first coaching change Pruitt may want to consider making is sending Coach Friend packing. It would be nice to see us go out and get Mike Munchak off the Steelers to come coach our O-Line. I'm not sure he would make that jump but maybe the sour locker room in Pittsburgh will get old to him and maybe he would like a new start?
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I would challenge all of you labeling those that wanted to see Chryst get meaningful time in A game (I wanted to see him in the Charlotte game) point out where anyone wanted to see JG get hurt. Fact is you can't. Many of us predicted he would get hurt if he didn't learn to move and make better pre-snap reads. Unfortunately this happened on Saturday. Most of you that call us haters will at the same time speak disparagingly of our OL, DL, and coaches. I hereby label all of you team haters. Since an honest critique of a player is considered hate speech now, all of you that are critical of anyone on the team are haters. You are Vol haters and should go find someone else to pull for.
Remind me how many crushing hits did KC take on Sat? The line must block better for him.
JG is probably our best option but to act like he’s good is laughable. Supposed dual threat QB who can’t/won’t move. When his plant foot lands in his drop, he becomes a statue. That’s not good when you can’t read a defense pre snap. Is our OL good? Definitely not. But he brings a lot of the hits he takes on himself. He’s tough as hell and gives us the best opportunity to win but that’s not saying much on this roster.

Kiffin would roll Crompton out to keep him from getting killed and to cut down the field for his decision making. Why can't this staff see this as an option? JG is much like Crompton in not being able to read the defenses and has a strong arm.
Good question and I have no clue what the answer is. JG made two great plays by stepping up in the pocket and moving on the last first half drive against KY. The two passes to Calloway on that drive were perfect. Just would love to see him move more in his own. He has plenty of arm to make the throw in the move.
I believe Saturday told us all we need to know as to why Chryst wasn't starting. He throws the ball to the other team. It's my guess that he did it enough in practice that CJP had no tolerance for playing him. CJP has absolutely no patience for giving up turnovers. You've seen that all year from the RBs.

Otherwise, I don't think there is a great deal of difference in the two in terms of ability to lead the offense and score points. Anyone who thinks the outcome of the Missouri game would have been different should JG have played the whole game is delusional. Would it have made the loss 7-14 points lighter, maybe? But, it would have been a loss nonetheless. They dominated in all phases. Tua would have lost that game.
Not only is JG in jeopardy of not playing against Vandy, but our locked up QB question for next season maybe a question once again. I'm hoping he can play and stays well.
Do you really think if JG had not got hurt the outcome would be different? some of your post is unreadable, you must live a sad life being this miserable.

We would have had less points, but JG wouldn't have had any interceptions and a completion percentage of 62%, it would be all good, and totally the oline's fault for the lack of offensive production.

If you think otherwise, well, then you are racist.
Regardless of who plays this Saturday it he doesn't get better protection than we gave against Missouri don't expect a great day. You can't make something out of nothing got to have a chance to make a play.
I'm not a JG "hater" but yes. I hope he starts in the vandy game. At least we put up 17 with KC. It looked like we were going to be shut out with JG.
Wait a minute. You just saw Chryst go 7-19 with no tds and 2 interceptions in a 50-17 loss....and you want him to start over the 4th most efficient qb in the SEC who NEVER turns the ball over and who has started and finished all 5 of our wins this year?

Maybe the whole football thing just isn’t for you.
JG is probably our best option but to act like he’s good is laughable. Supposed dual threat QB who can’t/won’t move. When his plant foot lands in his drop, he becomes a statue. That’s not good when you can’t read a defense pre snap. Is our OL good? Definitely not. But he brings a lot of the hits he takes on himself. He’s tough as hell and gives us the best opportunity to win but that’s not saying much on this roster.
Such bs. At least you got the talking points down pat. Good for you.
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Such bs. At least you got the talking points down pat. Good for you.
Thank you Mr.Guarantano. Your input is appreciated. Nothing I said was untrue or a dig at the kid. It’s plain to see if you watch it without an agenda.
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So has anyone actually heard if the kid is OK? We do have a solid dozen other threads to bash either or both QBs if that is what you are would be nice if we could click on this one to see if there is an actual update on his condition.
Is there a worse QB controversy in the country than Chryst v. Guarantano?

Neither of them are very good. The people that matter have felt JG is the better option and...after last week...I can see why.

Hope Guarantano gets healthy and plays next week but the cumulative effect of all these hits may have finally caught up with him.

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