Clothing options for larger TN fans (merged)

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I was asking for websites and no one offered a suggestion but it was merged so I had a good discussion about the anatomny of the pig that can be eaten.
I went to Chinatown in San Francisco last summer. Toured the local grocery shops. Everything on a pig can be eaten except the oink. Trust me.
All 7 pages Brah.... Too bad there isn't a "group hug" forum.....

I swear every time I see this thread I see it as Clothing optional for larger TN fans...
Having lived in Florida for a long time, where there were several "Clothing Optional" beaches, when I glanced at the thread title, I read it as "Clothing Optional for larger TN fans". I thought it was an interesting title for a thread...I steered clear for a couple of days until I realized that I had misread it.

No harm intended. My favorite size is 3XL. :)
weight issues are tough, i played hs at 210, my sophmore year of college i trasnferd back from william and mary to E&H got up to like 235 from just being lazy, got down to 200 in just about 7 weeks, i was able to get back in the strength and cond program and got up to 227. dang after college 3 years ago i got up to 315 lbs, im sitting on 245 right now, but if i dont watch it in 3 months id weigh 300 lbs, maybe i got something going on. i seem to gain faster AND be able to loose it real fast.

anywhoo i was a QB i liked my jersey kinda loose fitting, enough to be able to tuck it in real good and still leave plenty of slack for manauiverbility. the wife wears some of those old jerseys to bed sometime 2x and 3x. she was a cheerleader for the fighting wahoos of uva and she put an old uniform on one staurday. im like get outa the way you are blocking lee corso and pretty boy herbstriet and that middle aged suspect closet homosexual football guy that sits beside desmond howard. but she got my attention when she snagged a UT cheerleader outfit a few years back for my birthday.

LOL thats a UVA top shes got on in the avatar pic, i hate having to pretend they are my "2nd fave team"
hope she dosent read that LOL. its worse i have to go to 1 UVA game every year, except this year thank god i dont have to go see them get beat by the team i hate more than bama or UF, the VT turkeys.
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weight issues are tough, i played hs at 210, my sophmore year of college i trasnferd back from william and mary to E&H got up to like 235 from just being lazy, got down to 200 in just about 7 weeks, i was able to get back in the strength and cond program and got up to 227. dang after college 3 years ago i got up to 315 lbs, im sitting on 245 right now, but if i dont watch it in 3 months id weigh 300 lbs, maybe i got something going on. i seem to gain faster AND be able to loose it real fast.

anywhoo i was a QB i liked my jersey kinda loose fitting, enough to be able to tuck it in real good and still leave plenty of slack for manauiverbility. the wife wears some of those old jerseys to bed sometime 2x and 3x. she was a cheerleader for the fighting wahoos of uva and she put an old uniform on one staurday. im like get outa the way you are blocking lee corso and pretty boy herbstriet and that middle aged suspect closet homosexual football guy that sits beside desmond howard. but she got my attention when she snagged a UT cheerleader outfit a few years back for my birthday.

LOL thats a UVA top shes got on in the avatar pic, i hate having to pretend they are my "2nd fave team"
hope she dosent read that LOL. its worse i have to go to 1 UVA game every year, except this year thank god i dont have to go see them get beat by the team i hate more than bama or UF, the VT turkeys.

That last part made me laugh out loud!
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