Can a UT fan be a real fan if they didn't attend UT?

I applied to UT just to see if I could get in and I did but I had the Hope scholarship in GA so it didn't make any sense to leave the state so I went to Georgia Southern. Which made the '04 win over UGA phenominal since everybody down there are dawg fans.

I can one-up you. I moved from East Tennessee to Athens, GA when I was 13. I went to high school here and graduated from UGA. I am currently working on my master's at UGA and can be proud of my academic career. However, I completely seperate academics from athletics at this institution. Despite the endless taunting from all these dawg fans, I have always worn orange and always will. I love my Vols and can't imagine ever rooting for anyone else. In fact, being here has allowed me to witness some extreme classless acts by UGA fans, which has caused me to revel in any UGA loss. BTW, I am looking forward to making the trip to Knoxville on Saturday to watch our Vols take on UCLA. GO VOLS!!!

You can not be a fan of ANY school, unless you attend there.

Wow,I guess I have been wasting all these years for nothing then huh?This is freakin crazy.I didn't attend UT but I knew Lee North and he was someone I looked up to and he was the main reason I started following Tennessee football.This was and has been the only College team that I have stood by.

You don't have to be from Tennessee to be a Vol fan.Just ask these kids.
YouTube - Korean Kids singing Rocky Top
This has probably been said before but...If you love the Vols then you love the Vols, plain and simple.

And as for the Korean kids singing Rocky Top...I love the enthusiasm but the they need more practice :)
IMO..In a sense your more of a fan if you did'nt attend school there. Similarly the way an adoptive parent chooses to parent a child without obligation but does anyway. Aside from that I see the Tennessee Volunteers as representatives for every person from Tennessee, and the state itself. It's a pride thing with me.

All these posts about people who didn't go to UT somehow being bigger fans than people who attend the university are ridiculous. You're condemning people who say you aren't true fans because you didn't go to the school and then you somehow say that people who go to the school aren't as big fans as yourselves? Isn't that being hypocritical??
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Based on numerous data points, the main qualification to be a Vols fan is the ability to successfully fog a mirror.
Based on numerous data points, the main qualification to be a Vols fan is the ability to successfully fog a mirror.

Surely you're not pretending it's different than any other team and it's fanbase? Given several data points, you damn well might be.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
i went to U of Oregon cause I wanted to be get an advertising degree which UT didnt offer at the time but I was born in TN and my family has been there forever. I used to miss Oregon games in college so I could watch the Vols play. Grew up loving them = helluva fan. There may be relative degrees of fan but like I read up above, a fan is a fan.
I wouldn't tell a 12 year old that he/she's not a "real fan" yet because "you have to wait until you're 18."
All things being equal, I'd say that an alumnus of a school has a leg up on a non-alumnus in terms of total degree of fandom.
Let the truth be known. I'm a UGA grad and while living in Knoxville since 1990, I was completely converted by 1992. There is nothing black or red in my house (except for my wife's lingerie - my hypocrisy only goes so far). I go to as many home/away games as possible and since 2000, I've only made donations to UT.

To the disgust of all of my family in GA, I'm not a Volunteer, but I am a VOL FAN! People that know me would never guess that I was UGA alum. (No, I don't pull for UGA when UT plays them)
All these posts about people who didn't go to UT somehow being bigger fans than people who attend the university are ridiculous. You're condemning people who say you aren't true fans because you didn't go to the school and then you somehow say that people who go to the school aren't as big fans as yourselves? Isn't that being hypocritical??
I'm simply saying I have less reason to root for the university than those who did attend the school, yet do so anyway. Those that did attend the school are somewhat obligated to, I do it for my reasons. I worded my post to address those that did attend who think I'm not a fan because I did'nt. I was not intending to say that those who did attend the school and view all fans as equal, are less of a fan than myself.
Let the truth be known. I'm a UGA grad and while living in Knoxville since 1990, I was completely converted by 1992. There is nothing black or red in my house (except for my wife's lingerie - my hypocrisy only goes so far). I go to as many home/away games as possible and since 2000, I've only made donations to UT.

To the disgust of all of my family in GA, I'm not a Volunteer, but I am a VOL FAN! People that know me would never guess that I was UGA alum. (No, I don't pull for UGA when UT plays them)

I can one-up you. I moved from East Tennessee to Athens, GA when I was 13. I went to high school here and graduated from UGA. I am currently working on my master's at UGA and can be proud of my academic career. However, I completely seperate academics from athletics at this institution. Despite the endless taunting from all these dawg fans, I have always worn orange and always will. I love my Vols and can't imagine ever rooting for anyone else. In fact, being here has allowed me to witness some extreme classless acts by UGA fans, which has caused me to revel in any UGA loss. BTW, I am looking forward to making the trip to Knoxville on Saturday to watch our Vols take on UCLA. GO VOLS!!!

Welcome :hi:
Surely you're not pretending it's different than any other team and it's fanbase? Given several data points, you damn well might be.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

To rephrase "Based on numerous data points, the only qualification to be a sports fan is the ability to successfully fog a mirror."
Big lulz @ this thread.

Check one of the following options:

Are you a Tennessee Volunteers fan?
- Yes
- No

If this was on a Gator board, my suspicion is that it was some in some way related to the fanbase of the University of Miami. Its a truly odd thing -- if you go to one of their home games and see the fans wearing their jerseys and hats and what not at the game, it is usually the case that less than half of them ever stepped foot on that campus.

That team has truly been adopted as the city's team, and it is not really viewed as the university's.
All things being equal, I'd say that an alumnus of a school has a leg up on a non-alumnus in terms of total degree of fandom.
I only hope you are not one if this is the way you are taught to reason things out.

So if a kid is a UT fan for life and he busts his butt in school and is offered a scholarship to a school that may offer something more/different than UT offers, he's less of a fan.

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Absolutely. I bleed orange and I never went to UT. Both my folks did; and their parents did too..

It's not an alma mater thing... it's a family thing. That, in my opinion, makes it even more important.
All teams have fans regardless of whether or not they went to school there. The alumni fans however are the hardest core fans. It seems to me the "fair-weather" fans are more the casual "I didn't attend school there" fans.
Absolutely a person can be a Vol fan without attending the university!

I've been a UT fan as long as I can remember. My father and grandfather were UT fans to the core. My childhood memories often include the University of Tennessee: Countless trips to Knoxville for the Orange & White game, I grew up knowing that I better not have anything planned during gametime on Saturday, I used to have to go to my room upstairs and shut the door during games because both of my parents would be shouting/cheering/cursing at the top of their lungs, lol, I watched as Peyton lost the Heisman :furious3: , the first time I ever watched a UT game all the way through without budging was the 1998 National Championship game. I was 10 years old and hooked!!!! Ever since then, I've loved the Vols wholeheartedly. When it came time to pick a college, I was intimidated with the size of UT, and chose a smaller school in the state (I had graduated a year early, and was only 16). Also (call me lazy), but all those hills on campus didn't look fun to walk up and down 10 times a day- but still that doesn't take away for my love for the big orange!

My point is- I dare someone question my passion for UT just because I'm not enrolled there or an alumni! I'll love UT no matter how bad or good we are. I'll love UT no matter how many coaches we fire/hire. I'll love UT no matter what! F*** fair weather fans!!!!!!!!

All you have to have is passion and loyalty for your team. I was fortunate enough to graduate from UT, but I know alot of people who either went to UT and dropped out or were just huge fans from around the area. You don't need a degree to indicate you're a "true" fan. What about people who drop out? Are they real fans, then not so real because they aren't taking classes. Gimme a break.
I only hope you are not one if this is the way you are taught to reason things out.

So if a kid is a UT fan for life and he busts his butt in school and is offered a scholarship to a school that may offer something more/different than UT offers, he's less of a fan.


If everything else were absolutely equal in the most literal sense of that term (same number of games attended, same amount of merchandise purchased, same amount of hours spent watching the Vols on television), then it should be quite clear that the person able to boast about actually having attended Tennessee is the superior fan.

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