Caicos Turkey Shoot?



It takes wisdom to understand wisdom.
May 12, 2010
Spreading gun rights everywhere, and being stupid about it. What were they thinking, with airport security being as stringent as it is? I know, I know, I know! They planned to take over and annex the island. Rename it Trump Isle, expelling existing residents, and have it resettled by MAGA faithful only. Cool plan.
Wish this came with footnotes, because I don't have a clue as to what you just typed. Did your cat run across your keyboard?
That's a falsehood. It's all over the news. Next time, find a bigger rock to hide under.
Spreading gun rights everywhere, and being stupid about it. What were they thinking, with airport security being as stringent as it is? I know, I know, I know! They planned to take over and annex the island. Rename it Trump Isle, expelling existing residents, and have it resettled by MAGA faithful only. Cool plan.

I can give you at least careless or even stupid but c'mon man, I know you're big on the troll roll but miscellaneous loose bullets in bags/luggage has no similarity whatsoever with what you're selling here. Troll better. At your best you can be pretty funny...this is just weak.
So, the guy pulled a dumb and didn't check his bag thoroughly from a trip the previous year. And made it through TSA screening in the States prior to leaving.

Yay, TSA. Great job, folks. Anyway...

Also didn't have the accompanying weapon to the ammo... so, not seeing the hubbub here.

I have this feeling there is a lot more being unsaid in this case. If he acted the fool with the customs people at his destination, I could see the problem here and him getting locked up.

I'm gonna give that a "probably happened" label.

Now, if they are just going overboard over a box of ammo, that's a little extreme.

I'm gonna give that a "maybe" label.

Hypothetically speaking, if he went the dumb American route, was calm and explained "hey, went on a trip last year, didn't realize it was still in the bag, I'm dumb for not checking and please allow me to surrender it and accept whatever fine you feel is appropriate for said dumb act. May I please do what's necessary to get back to my family?" that might have worked.


If he pulled the indignant role, played Mister Tough Guy American That's Better Than You Third World People and went overboard, that's a different story and probably needs to be sitting in that jail while a determination is made.

I have this feeling the truth is somewhere is the middle. But I'm leaning towards "dumb American tough guy" that ran his mouth.
It's sounds like they've got some overboard going on down there.

Yeah, just read that.

But still... I'd figure there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than is being said. That's a country that requires tourism as income. And bad press means tourists start booking in Jamaica or the Bahamas or any other tropical location other than the Turks and Caicos.

Look at what's happening in Cancun at the moment with all the cartel wars and the decrease in Yankee travelers.

In regards to T&C, Cruise lines don't have to travel there and can select any number of additional destinations. Tourists don't have to book at Sandals and can go elsewhere.
Yeah, just read that.

But still... I'd figure there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than is being said. That's a country that requires tourism as income. And bad press means tourists start booking in Jamaica or the Bahamas or any other tropical location other than the Turks and Caicos.

Look at what's happening in Cancun at the moment with all the cartel wars and the decrease in Yankee travelers.

In regards to T&C, Cruise lines don't have to travel there and can select any number of additional destinations. Tourists don't have to book at Sandals and can go elsewhere.
Everything you say makes sense financially/tourism wise but everything I'm reading says they're kinda off the hook on such things.

“The Turks and Caicos Islands have clear laws against the possession of firearms and or ammunition and strict penalties in order to serve and protect the community. Firearm and or ammunition offences carry a mandatory minimum custodial sentence of twelve years plus a fine. An Attorney General’s Reference to the Court of Appeal certified that where a court finds there are exceptional circumstances, the sentencing judge has discretion to impose a custodial sentence (less than the twelve years) and a fine that are fair and just in the circumstances of each case."

There is the little caveat in bold but there's apparently no great push to have "inadvertent" fall under "exceptional".
He was very irresponsible, my hunting bag is not the same as my vacation bag.

Story has gotten way too much attention, it's not worth it let the man go don't allow him back in......simple.
Spreading gun rights everywhere, and being stupid about it. What were they thinking, with airport security being as stringent as it is? I know, I know, I know! They planned to take over and annex the island. Rename it Trump Isle, expelling existing residents, and have it resettled by MAGA faithful only. Cool plan.

Go wear your Brittney Griner jersey wimp!
Man, this happens more frequently than people know and never makes the news. The number of people getting picked off at TSA checkpoints carrying a weapon in a bag happens a fair mount. Some even get through, but I don’t know what those numbers are. It’s so dumb and lazy on the part of the gun owner. I don’t shoot a ton, but I have separate bags for shooting vs my normal work/travel bags.
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It's times like this that I would love to take a bong rip with Brittney Griner. In a Russian airport btw.
I keep seeing all these people comparing this situation to hers and it’s not the same. So many people want this guy to go to jail for very obvious reasons and it’s absurd.
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