BREAKING: Tennessee officials discussing football coach Butch Jones immediate future

No matter what happens in this whole deal with Butch one way or another, Currie has made himself look foolish.

Wasn’t that one of the goals of MIT? Maybe this is a booster way of getting back at the university and Haslam for nixing Blackburn and bringing in Currie?
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No we don't have anyone lined up...

Gruden & Kelly are not interested. The other coaches are still coaching and won't give us any serious conversation until the season is completed.

Ya want to know who our next hire will be? Make a list of your top ten replacements for bUTch when he gets fired. Then assume that we hire the 10th person on the list.
Some prospects don't want to leave their current job. Some prospects will act interested in Tennessee ,so as to get a raise at their current school. Then we will find a coach from a small school, like U Conn or Temple who will take the job. IT will be late in the hiring process and the fans will demand a hire soon, so the school will negotiate from a position of weakness and they will over pay the new hire. (See Derick Dooley hire as an example)

Not one time has Gruden said he was not interested nor has Kelly. Where do people come up with this crap?
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Neither can comment because TN has a coach at this time.

Actually they COULD say whatever they want. Butch being employed has no bearance on a guy saying

“IF The University of Tennessee came calling I would be flattered, but I’m not interested in coaching college ball/at UT”
Actually they COULD say whatever they want. Butch being employed has no bearance on a guy saying

“IF The University of Tennessee came calling I would be flattered, but I’m not interested in coaching college ball/at UT”

Ok I could go with this and dont know why he hasnt commented at this point. It is still my imo he would not comment when we have a coach in place.
UPDATE: After questioned about his status after 2017 Season, Butch said it is "week-to-week and day-to-day". His discussions with Currie regard "anything and everything".
I know Butch Jones ranks 20th on National Coach's salary rankings. But i cant find the numbers on most "expensive" coaches per win for 2017 so far. But my gut feeling is that Jones has to be leading that category by some obscene amount.
I tried to tell you guys that Currie is doing everything he can to try to keep Butch in 2018. He is Haslam’s yes man, and Haslam wants to invest his money in the Browns right now, not the Vols.
This is the weirdest non-decision I have seen in many, many years watching Tennessee football. I am disheartened at the lack of decisiveness on the coaching change / lack of change period.
One of the reasons why Tennessee loses out on hiring the best available coach is the administration waits too long to decide to fire and who to hire. Florida is wasting no time in firing McElwain so they can put their name in the hat in search of a replacement. Tennessee has time and time again shot themselves in the foot with indecision about whether to fire and hire. Coaches, in many cases, are prepared to make their decision quickly to take a new job if and when a job becomes open. As usual, we will take a second or third tier coach or any leftovers because of the administration's indecision to act. When will they learn ?

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