Basilio reporting now 6:15

Really ashamed of Peyton Manning through all of this. He could have been part of a saving voice for Tennessee. But it seems like he is nothing more than yet another person who is drinking the Haslam swil.

Like to hear his side of the story before we drink Basillio’s swill.
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From this day forward, Peyton Manning Pass will be known as R. Joshua Dobbs Drive.
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I wasn't for the emotional response concerning Shiano...I'm in involving Doeren though...

Not acceptable.....and this administration needs to be held solely accountable...
I was all for the uproar against Shiano. I don't agree with this hire either, it's a bad hire.

But, do we really want to do this again?

We had good reason with Shiano. If we keep this up then we can forget getting a coach. We are having a hard enough time as it is. Just a thought, I'm not for the hire, but I am to the point now that who ever we get, we will be replacing in a few years. I don't think we can get quality now, hope I'm wrong. TN is a train wreck right now. I didn't think it could get worse, but I'm continually wrong.

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"power struggle right now within two factions of boosters, and Peyton is on the wrong side, doeren is about to be hired" He just said his source told him if Currie doesn't have a coach tonight he's fired and he's about to sign doeren.

This is what I was afraid of that Peyton has aligned himself politically, socially, etc. with the Haslams.

Can't believe Peyton has fallen into this nonsense, and I can almost guarantee you it's all about politics.
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I was all for the uproar against Shiano. I don't agree with this hire either, it's a bad hire.

But, do we really want to do this again?

We had good reason with Shiano. If we keep this up then we can forget getting a coach. We are having a hard enough time as it is. Just a thought, I'm not for the hire, but I am to the point now that who ever we get, we will be replacing in a few years. I don't think we can get quality now, hope I'm wrong. TN is a train wreck right now. I didn't think it could get worse, but I'm continually wrong.

It's either that or watch our incompetent administration throw money at more incompetence. I can't fathom how people this stupid have those jobs.
If the Chancellor or the President refuse to sign then we get rid of Currie. The next step is get the HOH out of UT Athletics. Maybe the FBI will do that for us and save us the fight. :hi:
Must blow up @John_Currie and @StateCoach D and Chancellor Bev to stop the Doeren hire!!!

Blow them up on twitter!!!!
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If we hire D and NC State goes after Kiffin... and lands him...

I’ve never said this...but I might actually step away from Tennessee football. And I’m a sunshine pumper at home....

Not that I matter in the scheme
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HOW do you people know who's acceptable and who's not? You whined for Gruden for weeks when it's obvious he doesn't want to put in the work required to be successful. You used a manufactured scandal to blackball Schiano. What makes any of you experts on who can and who can't coach? There are a lot of good coaches who are bad fits in a given situation. If Doeren is the hire, get your collective panties out of a wad and support him. Ultimately it's about the players, not YOU, not the ADMIN, and not the fat cat BOOSTERS. I'm a 33 year veteran successful coach at the High School level who understands what a pain in the butt outside interference can be.
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