Bad news



Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
Got a really bad report from my Dr. today. I know some of you are the praying type so please keep me in mind. Been apart of this forum for a long time and I have really enjoyed it. Vol to the very end. Keep pulling. Love to you all.

Update: 13 biopsies this week came back clean. Meaning that the cancer hasn't spread. The doc says it can be treated with chemo. I may be around for awhile after all. I want to thank you all for your prayers. Please keep praying for me. God is good.

Update: I will be starting weekly chemo treatments on 11/6 that will last for about 1 year. 80% chance of survival. The docs are much more optimistic than when we started. Keeping my Bristol tix. Thanks for praying. God is working this out.
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Got a really bad report from my Dr. today. I know some of you are the praying type so please keep me in mind. Been apart of this forum for a long time and I have really enjoyed it. Vol to the very end. Keep pulling. Love to you all.

Damn man, sorry to hear it
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I'm sorry. I'll say a prayer for you. You're still alive, so don't give up.
Very sorry to hear that orangefloyd. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. :hi:
Adding my prayers too. Lots of love and support here from your Vol friends when you need it.
Don't give up, floyd. Never give up. Fight whatever it is with all you got.
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Sorry to hear man. Saying a prayer now.
hate to hear it,thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

fight it to the bitter end,don't give up
I go for another round of biopsies on Monday. We'll know the extent then. Doesn't look good though. Thank you for your prayers.

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