Anyone need a good laugh?

Stop blaming liberal or conservative CITIZENS in our country and start blaming and removing the wolves in Sheep's clothing. We have the technology to track every move these crooks make. Start using that data to remove and replace.

replace with what?

So long as we have a tax code and government that is involved in nearly ever aspect of life someone will be trying to get the rules written their way.
So basically you're agreeing with me but don't want to admit that the Koch brothers are actually harming our country. Not ONLY them either. That's where you are confusing my thread. This isn't a Koch bro bash fest but a clear demonstration that money controls our leaders.

It has for 200+ years. The Koch bros didn't invent it. Yet somehow we have become the greatest country this planet has ever seen
replace with what?

So long as we have a tax code and government that is involved in nearly ever aspect of life someone will be trying to get the rules written their way.

So we just sit back and keep playing the red vs blue game? And I see that you've mentioned Mr Paul. I really am interested to see where and how far he can go.
Of course they vote democratic, it's in their best interest to do so. If you worked a line for the big three, you could hate Obama - but you'd still vote for him.

I cringe every time I see someone say what someone else's "best interests" are.
So we just sit back and keep playing the red vs blue game?

not at all. Nothing wrong with calling out crony capitalism but if you want to attack it then you attack what enables it.

It strikes me that people love to attack cronyism only when it is the other side. If you believe in renewables then you justify the cronyism because it's heart is in the right place. (not directing this at you)

I applaud your outrage at cronyism across the board. That's the first step. To beat the dead horse, the real solution lies in removing the mechanisms that allow it to happen.

Change the game, not the players
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It has for 200+ years. The Koch bros didn't invent it. Yet somehow we have become the greatest country this planet has ever seen

I really hope that it wasn't because of money. It was because of hard working Americans with goals and dreams.
not at all. Nothing wrong with calling out crony capitalism but if you want to attack it then you attack what enables it.

It strikes me that people love to attack cronyism only when it is the other side. If you believe in renewables then you justify the cronyism because it's heart is in the right place. (not directing this at you)

I applaud your outrage at cronyism across the board. That's the first step. To beat the dead horse, the real solution lies in removing the mechanisms that allow it to happen.

Change the game, not the players

So wouldn't citizens united be the first step? We know they will not vote on it and will not repeal it.
I really hope that it wasn't because of money. It was because of hard working Americans with goals and dreams.

The rules have always been written by the connected. Take a look at the history of prohibition. "Americans" wanted it but the want was fueled by the interests that would benefit.

I had a Canadian friend who told me once (I think he meant it positively) America was founded by rich people for rich people.

It just so happens that the rich, connected favored a capitalistic system which did more to grow wealth for everyone than other competing systems.
The rules have always been written by the connected. Take a look at the history of prohibition. "Americans" wanted it but the want was fueled by the interests that would benefit.

I had a Canadian friend who told me once (I think he meant it positively) America was founded by rich people for rich people.

It just so happens that the rich, connected favored a capitalistic system which did more to grow wealth for everyone than other competing systems.

So have we reached a tipping point because of our population?
So wouldn't citizens united be the first step? We know they will not vote on it and will not repeal it.

Personally I think CU is a red herring. It still funnels money into campaign messaging which at least is visible to the public.

The real deals are the lobbying behind the scenes that the public never knows about.

On a side note, CU can't be repealed. The Constitution can be amended to disallow what CU allows but that is massively different than repealing a law.
So have we reached a tipping point because of our population?

I don't think so at all. I don't think things are historically bad in terms of cronyism.

The tipping point (IMHO) is the ratcheting effect of ever expanding government. The more that is controlled by government via regulation and/or taxation; the more opportunity there is for small groups to influence.

What is most disheartening to me is that anyone who dares suggest that government be restrained in reach or scope is demonized as hating the poor, etc. etc.

We are our own worst enemy.
The entire state would have to be a's like saying Tennessee could build a nuke reactor so large it would be equivalent to...

not true at all, there is a reason they space them out, that same spacing would just be carried over all the plains, while not being disruptive at all, those places could use some more shade.
not true at all, there is a reason they space them out, that same spacing would just be carried over all the plains, while not being disruptive at all, those places could use some more shade.

in case this wasn't sarcasm see below

you believe you could build enough windmills in Kansas to generate the equivalent of 3/4 of all electricity currently produced in the US? That was my point.

As another poster pointed out - there is either a typo (million vs billion) or the author of the story made a substantial math mistake.
what i don't understand is why doesn't Koch and other O&G companies jump and this and buy it up? if there's money to be made, they have the capital to invest in it, and we will always be buying power, so why not make the move and go ahead and corner another market?
what i don't understand is why doesn't Koch and other O&G companies jump and this and buy it up? if there's money to be made, they have the capital to invest in it, and we will always be buying power, so why not make the move and go ahead and corner another market?

Because even though they are greedy they are also dedicated to destroying the planet. Their desire to burn the earth to a cinder while they move to their secret moon base drives them to oppose all actions that might save humanity - muahahahahahahahha.
Because even though they are greedy they are also dedicated to destroying the planet. Their desire to burn the earth to a cinder while they move to their secret moon base drives them to oppose all actions that might save humanity - muahahahahahahahha.

Their father's communism fear mongering probably included alt energy. They can't help it, that's just how they were raised.
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