Any ideas where to buy a jersey...



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
Any idea on where to buy a jersey that is quality with a current player’s name on it? UT sells only alumni jerseys for obvious reasons, but I really want a Jauan Jennings jersey and am afraid to order blindly off the internet. I’m sure some of y’all have done this, and I figured I’d just ask!

Thanks & GBO.
I took the advice of some on here and ordered my son an Acuna jersey for Christmas but can’t speak to the quality yet because it hasn’t arrived. Ordered on Nov. 28th... from China. Heard nothing but great things for the price point but expect at least 4-6 weeks minimum before receiving if timing is important.
Hopefully you ordered a size or 2 bigger than you needed.
I've ordered a few jerseys from DHGate. Just look for sellers that have been ordered from a lot and order 1 or 2 sizes bigger than you normally wear. They've usually taken about 3 weeks to arrive for me.
A scammer tried to sell me New Jersey once for $100.
I wasn't dumb enough to fall for that - I only gave him 50.
But that's the last time I bought a jersey.
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A scammer tried to sell me New Jersey once for $100.
I wasn't dumb enough to fall for that - I only gave him 50.
I can sell you the George Washington Bridge for 50.00. You will need it to get between your State and New York.
Any idea on where to buy a jersey that is quality with a current player’s name on it? UT sells only alumni jerseys for obvious reasons, but I really want a Jauan Jennings jersey and am afraid to order blindly off the internet. I’m sure some of y’all have done this, and I figured I’d just ask!

Thanks & GBO.

Next fall, as soon as he's under the NFLPA licensing agreement, there will be a Nike Tennessee #15 with his name on it. If he's drafted, Fanatics will be able to make it right away. If he's undrafted, he'll have to make an active roster before they could do that.
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