AD White on UVA HC



Home Sweet Home To Me
Nov 25, 2013
Didn’t see this posted yet.

Quote from UVA HC:

“When I evaluated it, there were a lot of positive things about it. It just wasn't the right time for me. So when it came down to it, I prayed about it and said I want the Lord to lead me in the direction that He'd have me to go. So, it was close. But at the end of the day, when I looked at the totality of everything, it just wasn't the right time and the right fit for me.”

I appreciate that AD DW didn’t engage immediately, but spoke up once he saw false info continuing to be reported.


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It was widely reported that Elliot was the top candidate and from what I remember he was being brought in for a 2nd interview. That's when he decided to decline moving forward as a candidate.

Obviously in his mind he thought he could get a better coaching opportunity, but looks like he was wrong. He darted for the best job he could get after a subpar season from his offense at Clemson.
It was widely reported that Elliot was the top candidate and from what I remember he was being brought in for a 2nd interview. That's when he decided to decline moving forward as a candidate.

Obviously in his mind he thought he could get a better coaching opportunity, but looks like he was wrong. He darted for the best job he could get after a subpar season from his offense at Clemson.
That's not at all how I remember it.

I remember Dan White spending the first three and a half days as AD pushing James Franklin. Meanwhile, he put feelers out to a few other candidates, Elliott included. But the job offer was only ever on the table to Franklin during that period. Keep in mind, you can't offer two people the same job.

Toward the end of those 3 1/2 days, White came to a realization that the best candidate for the position was the fella he'd just left at UCF. And he immediately switched his focus to Josh Heupel.

Two days after that, Heupel was in Tennessee being announced as the Vols' new head football coach.

Elliott was never Tennessee's top candidate. He was one of White's afterthoughts, a plan B or plan C at best. And it never advanced to White making a job offer.

Go Vols!
Didn’t see this posted yet.

Quote from UVA HC:

“When I evaluated it, there were a lot of positive things about it. It just wasn't the right time for me. So when it came down to it, I prayed about it and said I want the Lord to lead me in the direction that He'd have me to go. So, it was close. But at the end of the day, when I looked at the totality of everything, it just wasn't the right time and the right fit for me.”

I appreciate that AD DW didn’t engage immediately, but spoke up once he saw false info continuing to be reported.

Danny might as well come on and argue with VN as well because that's the level of journalism A to Z sports is. We take stuff from other parts of the Internet, post it, and comment on it as well
Danny might as well come on and argue with VN as well because that's the level of journalism A to Z sports is. We take stuff from other parts of the Internet, post it, and comment on it as well

To be fair, they never said Elliott was offered. They just said what Tony Elliott said. And really, at least from that article, he didn’t really said he was offered either. Just the standard “timing wasn’t right” that all coaches say. And then he complimented Tennessee. Kinda surprised any of that made DW mad.
Whatever the case, glad we didn’t hire that bum.

Agreed.....the right hire seems to have been made. Excellent upswing in record and recruiting appears to be 90's-esque. If Elliott really DID spend a lot of time in prayer and letting the Lord lead him as he stated, then this just proves to me that God is a Vols fan and he's leading his people out of the desert and into Canaan now. :D
TE was saying things far less complimentary about UT a couple of years ago. I went from indifferent to him, to loathing him.
He strongly implied God saved him from our dysfunction and the fallout from the Pruitt scandal, and taking this job would have been the biggest mistake of his life and for his family.
TE was saying things far less complimentary about UT a couple of years ago. I went from indifferent to him, to loathing him.
He strongly implied God saved him from our dysfunction and the fallout from the Pruitt scandal, and taking this job would have been the biggest mistake of his life and for his family.

I think TE is correct it would’ve been a mistake. He would’ve been a disaster here.
Quote from UVA HC:

“When I evaluated it, there were a lot of positive things about it. It just wasn't the right time for me. So when it came down to it, I prayed about it and said I want the Lord to lead me in the direction that He'd have me to go. So, it was close. But at the end of the day, when I looked at the totality of everything, it just wasn't the right time and the right fit for me.”

There is nothing in the quote where he says he was offered. He could be saving face. He could also be honest about how he approached the possibility of the job.
TE was saying things far less complimentary about UT a couple of years ago. I went from indifferent to him, to loathing him.
He strongly implied God saved him from our dysfunction and the fallout from the Pruitt scandal, and taking this job would have been the biggest mistake of his life and for his family.

Is like to see this in video or transcript. That's the way a lot of people saw this job then. Now that would stir the pot.
To be fair, they never said Elliott was offered. They just said what Tony Elliott said. And really, at least from that article, he didn’t really said he was offered either. Just the standard “timing wasn’t right” that all coaches say. And then he complimented Tennessee. Kinda surprised any of that made DW mad.
Everyone reads things differently, my take was Elliott was claiming to be first choice over CJH.
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There is nothing in the quote where he says he was offered. He could be saving face. He could also be honest about how he approached the possibility of the job.
Yah, Dan White does play a bit of a semantics game in his description of the coaching search. He only counts it as an "offer" if there's paper on the table and a fella is handed a pen to sign something. Anything short of that is just conversation.

So yeah, semantics allows Dan to say he only ever offered the job to one guy, who accepted.

And it's obvious that Dan is doing that to protect the reputation of the University of Tennessee: no one ever turns us down. If we offer, they accept. That sort of thing. So good on him for doing that.

Perhaps the better way of discussing this, rather than offers, is the question of top candidates. Franklin was definitely our top candidate for about 3 1/2 days. And then Josh was our top candidate, leading to an offer and acceptance. There were no other top candidates in between--just James, then Josh.

Everything else, Elliott included, was just backup plans and alternative possibilities being explored while the main hunt played out elsewhere (in Pennsylvania, then in central Florida).

Go Vols!
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Yah, Dan White does play a bit of a semantics game in his description of the coaching search. He only counts it as an "offer" if there's paper on the table and a fella is handed a pen to sign something. Anything short of that is just conversation, like: "if I were to offer this job for $Xm and a new car, would you come to Knoxville immediately?"

So yeah, semantics allows Dan to say he only ever offered the job to one guy, who accepted.

And it's obvious that Dan is doing that to protect the reputation of the University of Tennessee: no one ever turns us down. If we offer, they accept. That sort of thing. So good on him for doing that.

Perhaps the better way of discussing this, rather than offers, is the question of top candidates. Franklin was definitely our top candidate for about 3 1/2 days. And then Josh was our top candidate, leading to an offer and acceptance. There were no other top candidates in between--just James, then Josh.

Everything else, Elliott included, was just backup plans and alternative possibilities being explored while the main hunt played out elsewhere (in Pennsylvania, then in central Florida).

Go Vols!
This is my vocation . In hiring process, I will verbally confirm specs that will work. Offer stage is when I call and say : " I have been authorized to extend you an offer of employment for x and sign on Y and merit bonus structure Z. The person then verbally accepts and paperwork generated for signature. So the semantics are ..what people define as an "offer". An offer to me is extending verbally to then define in paper if they say yes. Only one who received that phone call was CJH IMO.
There is nothing in the quote where he says he was offered. He could be saving face. He could also be honest about how he approached the possibility of the job.
Not to defend the guy, but how do we know he isn’t being honest? If he didn’t mention being offered then maybe what he said is more about going forward with the process at all. Maybe he was saying he just wanted to withdraw and not even pursue it or be considered?

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