'14 TN OL/DL Charles Mosley (UT Signee 2/5/14)

Your condescension is getting f'ing old.

Every. Single. Time. We get positive news on a recruit that Bama may or may not be in on as well, you've gotta chime in and spin it so it looks favorable to Bama.

"We didn't want him anyway..."
"We're looking at other players more highly ranked..."
"We've decided that ____ isn't good enough for us...but you guys can have him..."

Its a tired act and, honestly, I couldn't care less what a Bama recruiting site has to say anyway about Mosely or any other recruit that matter. You bring a decent amount of info...but save the condescending comments and bama spin for Bama boards.

So many of us have said this! Then he acts like he's so innocent with the condescending comments. F his so called contributions! Plus he needs to change all those "we" comments to "they". He is nothing but a bandwagon bamer fan. I will argue a true bama fan anytime, but this dude does not deserve the respect. I feel sorry for the trolls who have no idea what it's like to pull for your own team and have real passion! Be gone TW!
So many of us have said this! Then he acts like he's so innocent with the condescending comments. F his so called contributions! Plus he needs to change all those "we" comments to "they". He is nothing but a bandwagon bamer fan. I will argue a true bama fan anytime, but this dude does not deserve the respect. I feel sorry for the trolls who have no idea what it's like to pull for your own team and have real passion! Be gone TW!

I am being called a troll by a troll. Love this. And I will never need to justify my passion for UA. Fans like yourself is what gives fan bases a bad name. I will make sure I pass on your ideology to the UT group that meets for games on Saturday's in my area where I know the majority of them are not from TN or went to school there, just grew up pulling for them for various reasons.

The real troll is the person like yourself and a few others on here that have a sense of self entitlement that you feel makes yourself the authority on what constitutes as a true fan or what you think is appropriate for posting on a free board. But I enjoy posters like yourself in all honesty because of the entertainment it brings me seeing how a simple post can ruffle your feathers, just because I do not pump the sunshine you escape here to receive. It also amazes me that the continued ones that do not enjoy my posting but yet continue to stalk my post hoping to get a chance to attack me have yet to hit the ignore button. BTW a simple operation and if needed I can draw up a diagram of how to if need be.

In regards to the majority of posters I enjoy the banter and yes I may not be as cordial at times with my post but I do always try to be honest.

Again Mosley will end up at UT in my opinion and think he will be a beast in a 4-3 defense.:toast:
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I am being called a troll by a troll. Love this. And I will never need to justify my passion for UA. Fans like yourself is what gives fan bases a bad name. I will make sure I pass on your ideology to the UT group that meets for games on Saturday's in my area where I know the majority of them are not from TN or went to school there, just grew up pulling for them for various reasons.

The real troll is the person like yourself and a few others on here that have a sense of self entitlement that you feel makes yourself the authority on what constitutes as a true fan or what you think is appropriate for posting on a free board. But I enjoy posters like yourself in all honesty because of the entertainment it brings me seeing how a simple post can ruffle your feathers, just because I do not pump the sunshine you escape here to receive. It also amazes me that the continued ones that do not enjoy my posting but yet continue to stalk my post hoping to get a chance to attack me have yet to hit the ignore button. BTW a simple operation and if needed I can draw up a diagram of how to if need be.

In regards to the majority of posters I enjoy the banter and yes I may not be as cordial at times with my post but I do always try to be honest.

Again Mosley will end up at UT in my opinion and think he will be a beast in a 4-3 defense.:toast:

TW, I don't have a problem with you and I'm not looking for one. One of my best friends grew up a bama fan and I've always tried to be sympathetic. I think the problem that some of the posters have with you in regards to Mosley may be the fact that there are a number of stories from the media from the spring and early summer touting Saban's objective to reel in Mosley as a DT. By all reports Mosley as a DT was a priority until Saban got Butchslapped by the crew in Knoxville. Your analysis may be being viewed as your attempt to rewrite history and provide some face-saving cover for what is potentially the beginning of the downfall of your evil master. I could be wrong but I ain't gonna lie. You guys lost and we won or at least it looks that way right now. I really think you should avoid the excuses and just face the reality that the Tide has peaked and is now showing the first signs of it long slide as it begins swirling down the toilet bowl. :hi:
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I am being called a troll by a troll. Love this. And I will never need to justify my passion for UA. Fans like yourself is what gives fan bases a bad name. I will make sure I pass on your ideology to the UT group that meets for games on Saturday's in my area where I know the majority of them are not from TN or went to school there, just grew up pulling for them for various reasons.

The real troll is the person like yourself and a few others on here that have a sense of self entitlement that you feel makes yourself the authority on what constitutes as a true fan or what you think is appropriate for posting on a free board. But I enjoy posters like yourself in all honesty because of the entertainment it brings me seeing how a simple post can ruffle your feathers, just because I do not pump the sunshine you escape here to receive. It also amazes me that the continued ones that do not enjoy my posting but yet continue to stalk my post hoping to get a chance to attack me have yet to hit the ignore button. BTW a simple operation and if needed I can draw up a diagram of how to if need be.

In regards to the majority of posters I enjoy the banter and yes I may not be as cordial at times with my post but I do always try to be honest.

Again Mosley will end up at UT in my opinion and think he will be a beast in a 4-3 defense.:toast:

Nothing personal but I just Really HATE BAMA! Always have, always will. I Really HATE FLORIDA also.
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I view TW's posts as I do several others on here - informative. I cut through the spin with all of them, including our own sunshine pumping. I find the back tracking amusing, but not the personal attacks. I wish we had more dependable posters from other SEC camps on here so we would not have to source the pay sites as much.

As far as "bandwagon" or "true" fan comments - that is all high school stuff. Grow up. Posters were saying the same junk on here early in the Dools' reign of terror when many of us saw him as a clown. We were "Negavols". To us a Negavol was someone that could not see that Dools was tearing down a once great program. So let's keep it all in perspective when posting. JMOFWIW.
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I view TW's posts as I do several others on here - informative. I cut through the spin with all of them, including our own sunshine pumping. I find the back tracking amusing, but not the personal attacks. I wish we had more dependable posters from other SEC camps on here so we would not have to source the pay sites as much.

As far as "bandwagon" or "true" fan comments - that is all high school stuff. Grow up. Posters were saying the same junk on here early in the Dools' reign of terror when many of us saw him as a clown. We were "Negavols". To us a Negavol was someone that could not see that Dools was tearing down a once great program. So let's keep it all in perspective when posting. JMOFWIW.

Same here. I like what TW brings to the board at times. Just HATE BAMA not TW.
Well you guys call it how you see it. I'm gonna call it how I see it. I think he's playing some of you for fools. He comes on here smearing it in your faces that his team is too high and mighty to even consider taking a recruit that we would. Bottom line is, they're takes until they get out recruited. Then they didn't do well enough in camps, they got better players, blah blah blah. Bottom line is we got several players that I guarantee you Bama would take, and a few that I'm convinced we beat them out for. Yet it's the same oh same oh....we didn't want them. Someone please explain to me how we keep getting all these players Bama didn't want, yet we're kicking their ass in recruiting?
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This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (edit 2 above, by RR)

Every stinkin' time the Vols secure a commit that was considering Bama here comes the troll TW with one of the following:

We had higher players on the board
His offer wasn't commitable
We wanted him on offense and he wanted to play defense
He's better suited for the 4/3
We passed because he had grade issues

I'm sure I missed a few.

Oh yea almost forgot :hi:
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I have said since the beginning of the summer Mosley would not end up at UA. The staff wanted him and he decided to check out UT and since has leaned that way. And like I said before unless UA thinks he would be a perfect fit for the DL he was never coming to UA to play OL. There are several 4 or 5 stars(depending on which site) have been told no room for them(D Stanley) or we are slow playing a few for OL ranked a lot higher than Mosley on the OL.

And for the record Mosley set this visit up to UA according to our sites. I know UA sites tell no truth only UT sites. Again Mosley will end up at UT in the end so it really does not matter. And my opinion his success will be greater in a 4-3 not a 3-4 so his choice would be best for him in the end.

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I am being called a troll by a troll. Love this. And I will never need to justify my passion for UA. Fans like yourself is what gives fan bases a bad name. I will make sure I pass on your ideology to the UT group that meets for games on Saturday's in my area where I know the majority of them are not from TN or went to school there, just grew up pulling for them for various reasons.

The real troll is the person like yourself and a few others on here that have a sense of self entitlement that you feel makes yourself the authority on what constitutes as a true fan or what you think is appropriate for posting on a free board. But I enjoy posters like yourself in all honesty because of the entertainment it brings me seeing how a simple post can ruffle your feathers, just because I do not pump the sunshine you escape here to receive. It also amazes me that the continued ones that do not enjoy my posting but yet continue to stalk my post hoping to get a chance to attack me have yet to hit the ignore button. BTW a simple operation and if needed I can draw up a diagram of how to if need be.

In regards to the majority of posters I enjoy the banter and yes I may not be as cordial at times with my post but I do always try to be honest.

Again Mosley will end up at UT in my opinion and think he will be a beast in a 4-3 defense.:toast:

Talking with a Bama alum yesterday and we keep it real....He understands that Bama was incredibly fortunate to hire Saban...end of story...nothing more here....He will win as long as he's there...I am ALL VOL...but I married into the Bama coaching legacy family going back to the Bear days...Enjoy Saban while you have him...It wont last forever....
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If an Alabama fan tells you that they won't be PO'd if Mosely picks UT, or they didn't really want him, they are lying through their tooth.
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I wonder if we do well with these juco defensive lineman plus land Barnett and Hendrix that Mosley will be a OG, or is he a DT all the way
I wonder if we do well with these juco defensive lineman plus land Barnett and Hendrix that Mosley will be a OG, or is he a DT all the way

I think size wise he certainly could go either way but talking with the people who know him thinks his mentality is more suited for Dline....Just a thought....

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