How to get away with murder



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
Anyone watching this? Caught the first three episodes last night on Hulu and found it to be quite entertaining.
With a name like that, I wasn't sure what to expect, but it held my attention. I'm surprised no one has started a thread about it.
Speaking of which, my 9 year old niece wrote this for a school project. It's funny cause some parents freaked out and the teacher defended her. She's harmless and sweet and will write murder mysteries someday, but I can understand why people who don't know her might be a little disturbed:

With a name like that, I wasn't sure what to expect, but it held my attention. I'm surprised no one has started a thread about it.

It's in my dvr, but have yet to watch it. It has my interest though
Speaking of which, my 9 year old niece wrote this for a school project. It's funny cause some parents freaked out and the teacher defended her. She's harmless and sweet and will write murder mysteries someday, but I can understand why people who don't know her might be a little disturbed:

Disturbingly funny.
When I read the thread title I assumed this was a synopsis of Alabama's recruiting techniques.

Sorry, guys. I'll see my way out.
I like it alot. ....I found my jaw on the floor 3 times in the first episode.
I was pleasantly surprised by it. Anxious to hear other's opinions.

I have been watching it as well. Really liking this show. Having Scandal on prior to it also helps because it has a large following as well and part of the Shonda Rimes TV shows.
I've been contemplating about watching it, but thought it probably wouldn't hold my attention. I guess I'll check it out now since the people that have watched it seem to enjoy it.
Speaking of which, my 9 year old niece wrote this for a school project. It's funny cause some parents freaked out and the teacher defended her. She's harmless and sweet and will write murder mysteries someday, but I can understand why people who don't know her might be a little disturbed:


Lol awesome...have fun!

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