Official Jon Gruden Thread V

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J i honestly think most of these guys believe they are telling the truth. I went round and round this morning with Boro and don't believe all of his story but its not blatant lieing IMO. I think their sources have told them info that the believe but with every curve in the round their story changes to cover the end result. In the end I think JG could end up being the guy like their sources have told them but like anything else when things are passed from person to person stories get twisted.

BINGO! And as a business owner with lots of employees, I've been on the other side of the walls. My employees spread rumors about me all the time. Some of which are partly true, but NEVER at absolute zero. They are always +- one way or the other. Often times they make assumptions based on what they "see" but not hear...or "hear" but not see. They "think" they know what is going on based on their version of common sense, but it's never exact, because they are lacking key information.

In comparison, I believe all this "insider" information is about as strong as my above analogy. As the cliche is so often used, where there's smoke, there's fire. But I seriously doubt anyone on here (at least anyone that is vocal) has a source that is actually inside the closed doors....EVER.

And going back to my analogy, as the center of all the rumors within my business, I simply keep my mouth shut and smile, which is precisely what Hart and his closest colleagues are doing.
What happened to the golden rule? If you can't say something nice, don't speak. Several people came here just to stir up trouble, because they weren't smart enough to comprehend the posts of the "insiders" of this thread. You're butthurt because they didn't write out that they believed or felt 100% confident about what they were told. No, they wrote that "it's a done deal, 100%, fired after MS game" ect. Boo hoo. If you are not intelligent enough to interpet that to mean, from what I was told I believe that the deal is done and Gruden will be our next coach, then don't believe them. You are the kind of people that would walk into a church on Sunday morning and half way through the sermon, walk to the pulpit and tell everyone that what they believe is stupid, absurd, and crazy; after all what source do you have, you don't have one, I am right and you are wrong.
Not one "insider" said anyone had to believe them. Ya'll didn't come here today to offer a different view, you used a different view to be confrontational. You stired the pot to start a fight and when one started, you cried bully, you big bullies, that's why people don't come here, bully. Whhhaaaa haaa.

To Boro and the rest, I thank you. Whatever ends up happening, I believe.
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Local man said he was working at a MAJOR BOOSTER's house and that booster said Dooley is not gone yet but very close. Also said the booster's offered the job to Gruden and he has turned it down. Fwiw This booster has his name on a building on campus. This is all just what heard from a local guy who has done work for this booster for many years.
I know I'm new so please don't bash me. I'm just reporting what I heard!!

I want Gruden so bad I can't stand it!!!
What happened to the golden rule? If you can't say something nice, don't speak. Several people came here just to stir up trouble, because they weren't smart enough to comprehend the posts of the "insiders" of this thread. You're butthurt because they didn't write out that they believed or felt 100% confident about what they were told. No, they wrote that "it's a done deal, 100%, fired after MS game" ect. Boo hoo. If you are not intelligent enough to interpet that to mean, from what I was told I believe that the deal is done and Gruden will be our next coach, then don't believe them. You are the kind of people that would walk into a church on Sunday morning and half way through the sermon, walk to the pulpit and tell everyone that what they believe is stupid, absurd, and crazy; after all what source do you have, you don't have one, I am right and you are wrong.
Not one "insider" said anyone had to believe them. Ya'll didn't come here today to offer a different view, you used a different view to be confrontational. You stired the pot to start a fight and when one started, you cried bully, you big bullies, that's why people don't come here, bully. Whhhaaaa haaa.

To Boro and the rest, I thank you. Whatever ends up happening, I believe.
Enough! we have already been through this. This is the Gruden thread.

And all that comes with being the Gruden thread is the Gruden thread. That is what we should remember.

Who is getting sacrificed tonight? Or will there be another kind of ritual.:whistling:
Local man said he was working at a MAJOR BOOSTER's house and that booster said Dooley is not gone yet but very close. Also said the booster's offered the job to Gruden and he has turned it down. Fwiw This booster has his name on a building on campus. This is all just what heard from a local guy who has done work for this booster for many years.
I know I'm new so please don't bash me. I'm just reporting what I heard!!

I want Gruden so bad I can't stand it!!!
Of course he's going to tell his landscaping guy that. Do you really think he's going to tell his hairstylist the real deal? People don't get a lot of money by being stupid. Loose lips sink Ships.
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