Florida fans lol!

went on a florida board today just to see what the common opinion was. Almost all totally dismissed us as an easy win. But one guy post their db's will very easily contain our wr's. Then like 5 different posters copied and agreed. soo rediculose. you'd think even an optimistic fan would say those wr's scare me a little but i still think we win. I never said a few years ago tebow won't be effective scrambling on third and short. They're just delusional!!

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:rock:I have to say I live in Lakeland Fl , beside lake Gibson High home of Trent Taylor and the Gator fans here are a little worried. They well the ones I've spoke to even watched the vols on ppv, tell me their not worried

If you ever see a red Tundra with a power T on the back then that would be me. I live North Side at the moment.
I don't know how to post a link on my phone and wouldn't want to go back anyway but i think the thread title was "predictions for Tennessee". And some of the posters were conservative. But there were also some dilusional ones. And any Florida fan that thinks their db's against our passing game is their advantage qualifies as dilusional

I want to join in on the smart asses messing with you about spelling errors soooo bad. I can't bring myself to ridicule a fellow UT fan.
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Pretty sure A&M's top 3 receivers this past week were Fr... Pretty sure UT's top 3 receivers are more talented, more experienced, and faster. I think ZR has an opportunity to really have the game of his life in this one... or one of the other WR's behind JH and CP. You know they're going to try to cheat help to whoever is covering those guys and especially when they blitz. Someone is going to be open with a lot of room to run.

Me likey and me agree!!

Got a feelin Rivera is gonna look like Jason Witten this Saturday!
I too have checked out gatorsports.com only to find dismissal of the Vols. Respect is earned, not given.

I have been to every UF/UT game (home & away) since 1997 so I know not to underestimate the reptiles. That said, I am more confident & excited than I have been in a long time. Going be fun this Saturday.

Go Vols!!
Me too! (except for 2002, so not quite, but close)
You're right. It's spell check. I type redi...and it finishes the word. And i put two extra "o"s for extra emphasis. Thanks for the grammar lesson though.

I'm not one that gives a crap about spelling (well, that's a lie, but I give a pass on "ridiculous") so take this with a grain of salt, its just a thing that I use to help me remember, but a lot of times when "re" Is the prefix, you're describing something that's being done again, i.e. redo, react, rewind, etc.
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These Florida fans haven't seen good football in so long, they just don't realize what it looks like. All we need are these wideouts and QBs and we will torch them. Our schedule has been way tougher than theirs thus far, and I have liked what I've seen. Texas A&M is a bit overrated, andi don't think NC State and GA State get enought credit- those were SOLID wins. And we haven't even shown 10% of the play book yet! This is gonna get good....
It's not gonna be easy but we're gonna win! I really fill like we can blow them outta the water if we play their weaknesses and get our running game churning. Coaches gotta show up for this one as well! It's time to go to war!
They are dismissing the game as an easy win yet they returned a large chunk of their tickets. Actions speak louder than words.
Texas A&M is a bit overrated, andi don't think NC State and GA State get enought credit- those were SOLID wins.

No win over a Div 2A team should ever be considered solid.

The teams we played against are a wash. Each of us has faced a decent opponent and a gimme.
They are dismissing the game as an easy win yet they returned a large chunk of their tickets. Actions speak louder than words.

or....they are so confident they don't want to waste gas to go. would you go see UT vs oklahoma community college if we happened to play them?

with that said, Florida fans are idiots
or....they are so confident they don't want to waste gas to go. would you go see UT vs oklahoma community college if we happened to play them?

with that said, Florida fans are idiots

If OCC is a conference game. Yes. Difference between this year and two years ago? Nothing.
Florida fans are the most disrespectful and trashy in the SEC. Most are displaced yankee's that couldn't keep a job in a hell hole garden spot like Cleveland or Detroit so they moved south to Florida and try to ruin the rest of the country.

Cleveland is a very nice city, IMO. They've done a lot to clean it up in the last several years.
While my disdain for the Gators matches anyone's here, I have to respectfully disagree with the analysis that they are the worst fans in the SEC. They are the second worst. LSU fans are the dregs of humanity.

GO VOLS!! Earn respect by pounding that freakin rock for 60 min!!!

Have to agree with you about the LSU fans. I'd call Florida fans total pricks but LSU has the most classless fan base in the conference!
I live in Florida and so want to fly my "T" flags on my truck after a win next Saturday ... cause they gonna be flying no matter the result!!

I feel your pain. I live right outside Gainesville and would love a big win this weekend.
Read one thread about how they gators only needed to double team J. Hunter and they'd be fine... :shhh: We should probably let them keep thinking that. :zeitung_lesen:
Went on a Florida board today just to see what the common opinion was. Almost all totally dismissed us as an easy win. But one guy post their db's will very easily contain our wr's. Then like 5 different posters copied and agreed. Soo rediculose. You'd think even an optimistic fan would say those wr's scare me a little but I still think we win. I never said a few years ago tebow won't be effective scrambling on third and short. They're just delusional!!

It's their house, they can say what they want. And until the game is played, there's nothing to prove either they or you is right or wrong.
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