Randy Shannon - Rumor (pretty reliable)

I was told that had already been notified. That could very well prove to be false, but from all indications Randy Shannon will be our next DC.

I would normally be very skeptical, especially if we only heard one source mention Shannon..But how many sources and how many days has this been going..My point is that there is too much talk for something not to be going on..I'm trying to stay cautiously optimistic..Know what I mean?:hi:

But seriously, this stuff is driving me crazy.:crazy:
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Let's assume Randy Shannon is the guy and let's also assume he gets a 5 year deal. To me, that indicates Hart is basically bringing Dooley's replacement on board. At $1M a year, it should send a clear message. If Dooley wins, Dooley stays. If not, we have a solid option currently employed. Nice play by Hart, IMO.

For the record, I'm not saying I'd pick Shannon as our eventual HC, but I didn't find this take in prior threads.

What do you think?
I think you better hire someone other than Shannon if that is the case. Unfortunately, I think a lot of guaranteed money is the only way we get anyone...hopefully not an indication that he will be TNHFCATUTK.
Let's assume Randy Shannon is the guy and let's also assume he gets a 5 year deal. To me, that indicates Hart is basically bringing Dooley's replacement on board. At $1M a year, it should send a clear message. If Dooley wins, Dooley stays. If not, we have a solid option currently employed. Nice play by Hart, IMO.

For the record, I'm not saying I'd pick Shannon as our eventual HC, but I didn't find this take in prior threads.

What do you think?

Shannon will very likely never be a head coach again anywhere.................
I don't like the whole idea of head coach in waiting idea. But if our defense improves a lot more than our offense then it could happen. I don't have sources like so many on here claim so I have no idea what Hart and Dooley are doing. Who really makes the final decision anyway? Is Hart the kind of AD that wants total rule? Maybe someone on here with credibility can answer that for me.
Let's assume Randy Shannon is the guy and let's also assume he gets a 5 year deal. To me, that indicates Hart is basically bringing Dooley's replacement on board. At $1M a year, it should send a clear message. If Dooley wins, Dooley stays. If not, we have a solid option currently employed. Nice play by Hart, IMO.

For the record, I'm not saying I'd pick Shannon as our eventual HC, but I didn't find this take in prior threads.

What do you think?

It will probably be more like 3 years IMO. We'll end up eating that too when we hire a new coach. Just part of the jam we are currently faced with. Thanks to Mike H.
Neil is holding this up. It is all in the details. The biggest details have been hammered out.
Nobody here can see into the future. If I had to venture a guess, Hart and only Hart knows what he is thinking. He might want Dooley here 5 years, 3 years or 1 year. Nobody knows, only speculates. So why not offer the man a good enough contract to get him here.
I truly believe the deal is already done....more than likely....we will hear either tonight or tomorrow. There is some show biz going on here and I would think it is scripted.....If all the things stated to players and to recruits is true then Shannon accepted the position....

I seriously believe he is the DC, why else would it be leaked out that the offer was sent to him if he didn't already accept the position.....We really look bad if it does not happen...I can't wait to see the contract....More interested in that than the hire itself...I think it will be telling about direction and the time table for Dooley.....With this hire if it happens I would suspect that Dooley gets 3 more years at least....It really makes half of the threads about the 1 year and gone the win loss records meaningless......

Shannon is the right fit and if there is any opportunity to get him here then the hire will be made with unusual terms as to what will happen....We are desperate once again but not as desperate as we were when Leisure Suit Lane Kiffin left.....

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