Current Players View of Dooley

Every one has an opinion and thats ok, but when some one posts the same thing over and over and over I feel like they are trying to force It on me. If they say what they think and move on thats ok. Does this make sense?

Just like the Doolaid drinkers are trying to force things? That goes both ways.
Bash who you want. The last time I checked, these 18 to 22 year old MEN are accountable for their actions also. If you don't get up for a game (from a personal standpoint), then no matter what the coach does or says doesn't matter. Sure Dooley has made mistakes, but so have the players.
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All of these reports and rumors of "Dooley has lost the locker room" or "the players hate Dooley" couldn't be further from the truth and honestly shows how awful and ignorant some of our fan base truly has become.

I am best friends with several members of this team, one a starter. I talk to him every week and he assures me that they players respect and like Dooley. Sure during a sub par year with a lot of adversity there are going to be rifts on every team, that's to be expected when everyone cares about something and you come up short. And yes, there are always going to be a few when times get tough that start pointing the finger (Rodgers) He tells me what this team lacked and desperately needed was leadership among the players, which never came.

Maybe if our so called fans quit bashing the absolute crap out of 18-22 year old kids and actually cheered for and not against our team and our coach, it would help these boys relax. Derek Dooley stepped into a job that NOBODY wanted. It's that simple... I'm not saying he's the next Nick Saban, but the man deserves our respect and support for AT LEAST another year before our fan base starts to show this level of ignorance and insanity toward him and our program.

I am not sitting here saying he has done everything right, but the guy has represented us with class and has worked his butt off to try to bring in the best talent he can recruiting wise, which will help us get better the quickest b/c we have VERY LITTLE talent on our roster. As I've mentioned before, you cannot expect to win games especially in this conference with two or three good players. Then, when two of the three go down with injuries you have to accept that that's football and play with what you have and not be shocked when Dooley cannot pull out a miracle.

Give this man a chance. Next year if we don't see signs of improvement (that's doesn't mean winning the SEC championship) then all of you so called fans can begin to question Dooley and whether or not he is the guy for the job... These are hard times on Rocky Top and this past season did not go as the fans had hoped, but quit acting like a bunch of crazed ignorant fools and either get on board and accept this past year for what it was, or leave and go torment someone else's program.

b/c we have VERY LITTLE talent on our roster

wtf are u talkin about
I don't think what the jim bob's that call in to vol calls think means anything period regardless of the job the coach is doing. That is why he is jim bob calling from greenville. Wait for it ..........Wait for it.........I hear the phone ringing now and caller ID tells guessed it........Jim Bob

Hey, I have a cousin named Jim Bob (James Robert) over in GreenEville. I'll have to ask him to knock off tying up the phone lines at VolCalls again.
All of these reports and rumors of "Dooley has lost the locker room" or "the players hate Dooley" couldn't be further from the truth and honestly shows how awful and ignorant some of our fan base truly has become.

I am best friends with several members of this team, one a starter. I talk to him every week and he assures me that they players respect and like Dooley. Sure during a sub par year with a lot of adversity there are going to be rifts on every team, that's to be expected when everyone cares about something and you come up short. And yes, there are always going to be a few when times get tough that start pointing the finger (Rodgers) He tells me what this team lacked and desperately needed was leadership among the players, which never came.

Maybe if our so called fans quit bashing the absolute crap out of 18-22 year old kids and actually cheered for and not against our team and our coach, it would help these boys relax. Derek Dooley stepped into a job that NOBODY wanted. It's that simple... I'm not saying he's the next Nick Saban, but the man deserves our respect and support for AT LEAST another year before our fan base starts to show this level of ignorance and insanity toward him and our program.

I am not sitting here saying he has done everything right, but the guy has represented us with class and has worked his butt off to try to bring in the best talent he can recruiting wise, which will help us get better the quickest b/c we have VERY LITTLE talent on our roster. As I've mentioned before, you cannot expect to win games especially in this conference with two or three good players. Then, when two of the three go down with injuries you have to accept that that's football and play with what you have and not be shocked when Dooley cannot pull out a miracle.

Give this man a chance. Next year if we don't see signs of improvement (that's doesn't mean winning the SEC championship) then all of you so called fans can begin to question Dooley and whether or not he is the guy for the job... These are hard times on Rocky Top and this past season did not go as the fans had hoped, but quit acting like a bunch of crazed ignorant fools and either get on board and accept this past year for what it was, or leave and go torment someone else's program.

Well said!
The implications, based on your post history I'm sure you don't grasp that though.

I could have said perma vol from the Appalachias and I dont think it would have mattered. I didnt imply anything. Try again.

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I concur with the initial post. I think CDD is the real deal, and we must remember he did come into a mess. He held together a top 10 class, with only a few weeks on the job. He brought in Wilcox(great hire) and has now stabilized a once undisciplined bunch and cut away potential rift raff. He is a Vol4life. Whether he can bing us National Titles & many SEC Championships is still to be seen. But, we need to grow up as fans and support the leadership(coaches), and these young men. Rome wasn't built in a day & this is day 2. I truly believe next season will be a tramendous measuring stick for where we are going. The offense being healthy & more seasoned(Bray, Marlin Lane, Hunter, Da'Rick, Clear, Young, Arnett, Dallas) and Wilcox's D-fense with more depth & experienced players will represent well. Next season 9-3 is very possible. And a great Bowl game. Go Vols!!!
If people on here think losing to KY was the bottom, fire DD right now and see how bad things can be. I'll wait for the person to say " It can't be any worse." Remember how the East use to be the BIG DOG in the SEC? Now look at the West. Everything will come back around, the problem is everybody wants things NOW and don't have the patience to see things work their way through.
DD himself stated that they have hit rock bottom.
Wow a voice of reason and rational thought, thanks OP, there is hope for this board after all.
What has he said to "belittle" players in public? Quotes please. Everything he says about players in the public is something correctable that the player can work on. If he thinks the player can't get it done, then he usually says "we're not getting the production we want out of the position."

They don't know how to take a shower or sometimes you get what you deserve (after the UK loss) or just because your a starter doesn't mean you're any good.

That's some.
But if you don't support the head coach, who's doing a terrible job, then you're not a UT fan......

What knowledge do you have to say anyone is doing a terrible job? Are you strickly going by wins and losses? Boy that would be easy. Or do you have some expertise in coaching college football, do you watch practice, are you on the inside of the program? How in the hell do you know what kind of job Dooley or any other coach in America is doing?
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All of these reports and rumors of "Dooley has lost the locker room" or "the players hate Dooley" couldn't be further from the truth and honestly shows how awful and ignorant some of our fan base truly has become.

I am best friends with several members of this team, one a starter. I talk to him every week and he assures me that they players respect and like Dooley. Sure during a sub par year with a lot of adversity there are going to be rifts on every team, that's to be expected when everyone cares about something and you come up short. And yes, there are always going to be a few when times get tough that start pointing the finger (Rodgers) He tells me what this team lacked and desperately needed was leadership among the players, which never came.

Maybe if our so called fans quit bashing the absolute crap out of 18-22 year old kids and actually cheered for and not against our team and our coach, it would help these boys relax. Derek Dooley stepped into a job that NOBODY wanted. It's that simple... I'm not saying he's the next Nick Saban, but the man deserves our respect and support for AT LEAST another year before our fan base starts to show this level of ignorance and insanity toward him and our program.

I am not sitting here saying he has done everything right, but the guy has represented us with class and has worked his butt off to try to bring in the best talent he can recruiting wise, which will help us get better the quickest b/c we have VERY LITTLE talent on our roster. As I've mentioned before, you cannot expect to win games especially in this conference with two or three good players. Then, when two of the three go down with injuries you have to accept that that's football and play with what you have and not be shocked when Dooley cannot pull out a miracle.

Give this man a chance. Next year if we don't see signs of improvement (that's doesn't mean winning the SEC championship) then all of you so called fans can begin to question Dooley and whether or not he is the guy for the job... These are hard times on Rocky Top and this past season did not go as the fans had hoped, but quit acting like a bunch of crazed ignorant fools and either get on board and accept this past year for what it was, or leave and go torment someone else's program.

The most likes I have ever seen on a post, and the most deserved.
the voice from Bucksnort hath spoken! any coaching insider news since you broke the Chuck Sith news from last year?
Please. Saban faced all the same criticisms and look what he did. What jim bob in greenville, tn thinks doesn't mean **** if the coach does his job correctly.

What???? Saban stepped into a much better situation and Saban also had a much better resume and history which bought him more credibility.
awesome OP and btw, anyone can sign up for an account on VN, including 14 year olds and the enemy posing in coon skin.. VN does not always reflect the true opinions of the real Volunteer.

What???? Saban stepped into a much better situation and Saban also had a much better resume and history which bought him more credibility.

People were calling for his head after the 6-6 season, his first season. And it didnt hurt his coaching

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All of these reports and rumors of "Dooley has lost the locker room" or "the players hate Dooley" couldn't be further from the truth and honestly shows how awful and ignorant some of our fan base truly has become.

I am best friends with several members of this team, one a starter. I talk to him every week and he assures me that they players respect and like Dooley. Sure during a sub par year with a lot of adversity there are going to be rifts on every team, that's to be expected when everyone cares about something and you come up short. And yes, there are always going to be a few when times get tough that start pointing the finger (Rodgers) He tells me what this team lacked and desperately needed was leadership among the players, which never came.

Maybe if our so called fans quit bashing the absolute crap out of 18-22 year old kids and actually cheered for and not against our team and our coach, it would help these boys relax. Derek Dooley stepped into a job that NOBODY wanted. It's that simple... I'm not saying he's the next Nick Saban, but the man deserves our respect and support for AT LEAST another year before our fan base starts to show this level of ignorance and insanity toward him and our program.

I am not sitting here saying he has done everything right, but the guy has represented us with class and has worked his butt off to try to bring in the best talent he can recruiting wise, which will help us get better the quickest b/c we have VERY LITTLE talent on our roster. As I've mentioned before, you cannot expect to win games especially in this conference with two or three good players. Then, when two of the three go down with injuries you have to accept that that's football and play with what you have and not be shocked when Dooley cannot pull out a miracle.

Give this man a chance. Next year if we don't see signs of improvement (that's doesn't mean winning the SEC championship) then all of you so called fans can begin to question Dooley and whether or not he is the guy for the job... These are hard times on Rocky Top and this past season did not go as the fans had hoped, but quit acting like a bunch of crazed ignorant fools and either get on board and accept this past year for what it was, or leave and go torment someone else's program.

Interesting post...Now what really amazes me is the fact that you are best friends with all these players YET you still live in bucksnort...This might be one of those inspirational speeches however the results are what they are....You have a lot of nerve calling fans "Those so called fans".....The TRUE fans are mad ,upset and honestly sick and tired of the state of UT football....Who the hell are you to judge what people think or their opinions on the state of this program that We love so much?....Nobody gives a crap what you think or what I think or what anybody thinks outside of the program..We can state our opinions on how things are and if that bothers some of you then don't read it, go away and STFU...It's that damn simple
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Great post and thanks for sharing.
I am still a fan of Dooley and believe if he is given the time he will get the players we need to put us back on the map.

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