Israel vs Palestinians

You know the French aren’t providing air conditioning for the Paris Olympics this summer because of “climate change” and “carbon footprint”. Europe’s oldest and most ostensibly enlightened nations are actually choosing to go backwards in time. Oh and the German Green Party is Talking about Germans only being allowed one serving of meat per month and not being allowed to drive their fossil fueled cars on weekends.
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Yeah we have several friends in different European countries .( German , UK, Greece, ) it’s interesting to hear their views on things . The window screens blows my mind though , it’s like they never thought about it before but all like the idea lol
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I'd like to see him do the same analysis but for Christianity.
Except for inter religious squabbles like the Irish Troubles (which is about a whole lot more than simply Protestant vs Catholic), large Christian Armies invading neighboring countries to force religious conversion hasn’t really been a thing since the Middle Ages. Even the British colonial wars of the 19th Century were more about economic exploitation than Christianity. The difference is that the Christian world underwent a Reformation, a Counter-reformation and an Enlightenment that has not been replicated in the Islamic World.
And you definitely don’t see a bunch of Norwegian Lutheran grandmothers strapping on suicide vests and walking into shopping malls to terrorize peaceful Muslims. Do you ever wonder why? Maybe it’s because we have been able to move past the seventh century.
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Yeah we have several friends in different European countries .( German , UK, Greece, ) it’s interesting to hear their views on things . The window screens blows my mind though , it’s like they never thought about it before but all like the idea lol
My experience with Europe is that I love the trains, the compact old town centers, and the absolute excellence of the breweries. But bemusement at the inability to some basic amenities we enjoy in America such as non cramped toilets, iced beverages, or decent serving sizes of meat. (Although one German pub/cafe near the Bodensee did give me the largest and most delicious plate of schnitzel i have ever had 🤤
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Did you see our own US Ambassador to the UN actually used the phrase “Final Solution” in regards to Israel back in February. I am not claiming she meant it in the same way that the Nazis did. But for someone educated and trained to be a diplomat; the choice of those particular words is inexcusable
You appear to be taking issue with his statement, hence your response. Point out what you disagreed with or what you know is not true. No one is preventing you from doing one on Christianity if you see fit (maybe he will take you up on your suggestion).
You should let him answer for himself if he wishes.
Except for inter religious squabbles like the Irish Troubles (which is about a whole lot more than simply Protestant vs Catholic), large Christian Armies invading neighboring countries to force religious conversion hasn’t really been a thing since the Middle Ages. Even the British colonial wars of the 19th Century were more about economic exploitation than Christianity. The difference is that the Christian world underwent a Reformation, a Counter-reformation and an Enlightenment that has not been replicated in the Islamic World.
And you definitely don’t see a bunch of Norwegian Lutheran grandmothers strapping on suicide vests and walking into shopping malls to terrorize peaceful Muslims. Do you ever wonder why? Maybe it’s because we have been able to move past the seventh century.
Christians haven't invaded and forcibly converted peoples since the Middle Ages? You're not serious.
Yeah definitely couldn’t be the tens of thousands of dead civilians and constant lying about it, it’s about “humanity rejecting Christ”
"Dead civilians"
Except for inter religious squabbles like the Irish Troubles (which is about a whole lot more than simply Protestant vs Catholic), large Christian Armies invading neighboring countries to force religious conversion hasn’t really been a thing since the Middle Ages. Even the British colonial wars of the 19th Century were more about economic exploitation than Christianity. The difference is that the Christian world underwent a Reformation, a Counter-reformation and an Enlightenment that has not been replicated in the Islamic World.
And you definitely don’t see a bunch of Norwegian Lutheran grandmothers strapping on suicide vests and walking into shopping malls to terrorize peaceful Muslims. Do you ever wonder why? Maybe it’s because we have been able to move past the seventh century.

Why would Islam change? They are winning. Christianity is dying thinks to the leftist media and governments in there nation while Muslims are breeding and spreading all over the globe. Look at these protests as an example.

All the anti-Western Self-Loathing by Academic and the Media that I have pretty much heard all my life is a greater threat to the future of America than Climate Change, China, Russia, or any other entity.
Two and a half billion Christians in the world but “Christianity is dying.” Same vein as Nick Fury’s thread about how white people are systemically oppressed
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Why would Islam change? They are winning. Christianity is dying thinks to the leftist media and governments in there nation while Muslims are breeding and spreading all over the globe. Look at these protests as an example.

All the anti-Western Self-Loathing by Academic and the Media that I have pretty much heard all my life is a greater threat to the future of America than Climate Change, China, Russia, or any other entity.
Christianity is definitely suffering declines in the West but it growing by leaps and bounds in Africa and in China, despite the terrible persecution. We in the west have had ample opportunity to hear the message and respond and many will either not listen or have fallen away from the faith (as Paul predicted). Now the Spirit is moving on to the areas still having ears to hear.
It is no coincidence that it is the African Church increasingly standing firm on church teaching while both the Papacy and liberal Protestant church’s keep watering down the faith in a misguided and useless attempt to win over a “more modern generation”.
People HUNGER for a Faith that changes lives; not some milquetoast drivel that merely tries to tell them that they are basically okay just as they are and that makes no demand for change or real following of a Savior that calls on us to take up our cross daily.
The western church has basically became a country club where people come for shallow pop psychology and self affirmation. That isn’t what Christ gave His life for. We are worth so much more to God than for him to allow that
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That number is incorrect. I am not sure where you get your facts. Then again, based on your past posts, I am not surprised.
Pew Research Center estimated 2.38 billion in 2020 and the Center for the Study of Global Christianity estimated 2.6 billion in 2023. Imagine talking about “bAsEd On YoUr PaSt PoStS” when you’re wrong as hell
Pew Research Center estimated 2.38 billion in 2020 and the Center for the Study of Global Christianity estimated 2.6 billion in 2023. Imagine talking about “bAsEd On YoUr PaSt PoStS” when you’re wrong as hell

No way there is that many. They probably consider people who live in Europe or United States to be Christians for the sole reason they live there. Tons of videos out there about massive decline in Church attendance over last 10 years.

Frankly, when it comes to actual real practitioners that follow the Word, the numbers are extremely low.
No way there is that many. They probably consider people who live in Europe or United States to be Christians for the sole reason they live there. Tons of videos out there about massive decline in Church attendance over last 10 years.

Frankly, when it comes to actual real practitioners that follow the Word, the numbers are extremely low.
Wait, you said the number is wrong when you don’t even have a number beyond the random speculation above? Based on “videos” from unspecified sources? Alright
We’re doing great

This is the kind of thing people juxtapose without a lot of thinking.
The protesters shouting There Will Be Blood have a constitutional right to say Despicable things as long as they aren't making a direct threat to specific people. Furthermore, they have the right to bear arms in public (I assume bc I don't know the state rules) as long as they are not threatening.

I haven't seen video of college kids being beaten by the police but if they are doing things that are against their school policy, the school has a right to police those people. They have freedom of speech to say Despicable things. they just may not be able to do that at the college or at the particular place at the college they chose to protest .
If they are being beaten and/or
Denied a constitutional right to express themselves in a place where it is allowed then that is wrong and they have a good lawsuit on their hands.
This is the kind of thing people juxtapose without a lot of thinking.
The protesters shouting There Will Be Blood have a constitutional right to say Despicable things as long as they aren't making a direct threat to specific people. Furthermore, they have the right to bear arms in public (I assume bc I don't know the state rules) as long as they are not threatening.

I haven't seen video of college kids being beaten by the police but if they are doing things that are against their school policy, the school has a right to police those people. They have freedom of speech to say Despicable things. they just may not be able to do that at the college or at the particular place at the college they chose to protest .
If they are being beaten and/or
Denied a constitutional right to express themselves in a place where it is allowed then that is wrong and they have a good lawsuit on their hands.
Not that I am a proponent, but these protesters are engaged in hate crimes.
I would argue France is our greatest and most historical ally. They helped us get Independence, gave us the Statute of Liberty, and have been on the same side as us in most wars.

Sure, they shoot us down a lot but sometimes that is in our best interest.

UK is definitely up there to. Frankly, I see more of an Anglo-world arising with UK, Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand all forming a pact someday (South Africa was once a part of it but seems to be a mix bag today. I think they could join it).

You are right that a lot of nations come off more as dependents including pretty much all of NATO, South Korea, Kuwait, Israel, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Costa Rica, Mexico, Colombia, Liberia, etc.
France is our oldest ally. We are twin sisters of the same Revolution.

UK is without question or closest and most consequential ally.

Japan needs to be our new super best friend. We should be doing more there.
They are? Please explain.
Making a terrorist threat against a religion

A person is guilty of making a terroristic threat when with intent to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a unit of government by intimidation or coercion, or affect the conduct of a unit of government by murder, assassination or kidnapping, he or she threatens to commit or cause to be ...

  • Threatens violence: The threat must threaten violence, such as threatening to kill, injure, kidnap, or commit arson or another violent felony. Threats of non-violent acts generally do not qualify.

New Jersey Man Sentenced to 15 Months in Prison for Threatening to Attack Synagogue

A New Jersey man has been sentenced to 15 months in prison after he posted a manifesto online threatening to attack a synagogue and Jewish people.
According to evidence, on November 1, 2022, the defendant used social media to share a document he wrote titled, “When Swords Collide.” In the document, he admitted to targeting a synagogue, providing that “It’s in the context of an attack on Jews.” He used the document to threaten at least five people on social media.
Sentencing: Middlesex County Man Sentenced To 15 Months In Prison For Communicating Threats To Attack Synagogue
Guilty Plea: Middlesex County Man Admits Communicating Threats to Attack Synagogue

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