Recruiting Football Talk VII

I’m going an Elite Eight of: beers in the fridge vs lawn stripes, jet flyover vs gaming moments, muscle cars vs xtreme tricks, and action movie vs finding money.

Final four of: lawn stripes vs jet flyover and muscle cars vs finding money.

Championship of jet flyover vs muscle cars

Winner: jet flyover every time.

is this happening in Alabama?
There are Africanized honeybees in Alabama, yes, but their genetics will eventually diluted by the the local gene pool. It isn't like they are going to take over or anything. They are mostly a nuisance.
The are not really suited to live anywhere that experiences winter or has extended periods where the temperature doesn't get above 50F. Their metabolism is very high and they burn through food in the cold. If honey is being taken off their hive in an apiary it is likely that they will starve and not make it to spring.
They can survive and can have an advantage over local bees in states that have no winter like Florida, Texas, and California as they are prolific and reproduce faster than Europeans do. Because of the close proximity Africanized bees do get shipped to other states, my BIL had a hive of them in northern PA ( he ordered a package of bees from FL I think). It would be similar to gators, they could do well here about six to eight months a year.
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Reactions: DD4ME's by committee this year and it's good enough to get it done in Omaha especially with best power lineup in baseball. Causey, Beam, Russell, Combs, Sechrist, Snead, Connell and Phillips is coming along as well. The hate has been a head scratcher to say the least
There are Africanized honeybees in Alabama, yes, but their genetics will eventually diluted by the the local gene pool. It isn't like they are going to take over or anything. They are mostly a nuisance.
The are not really suited to live anywhere that experiences winter or has extended periods where the temperature doesn't get above 50F. Their metabolism is very high and they burn through food in the cold. If honey is being taken off their hive in an apiary it is likely that they will starve and not make it to spring.
They can survive and can have an advantage over local bees in states that have no winter like Florida, Texas, and California as they are prolific and reproduce faster than Europeans do. Because of the close proximity Africanized bees do get shipped to other states, my BIL had a hive of them in northern PA ( he ordered a package of bees from FL I think). It would be similar to gators, they could do well here about six to eight months a year.
I meant the inbreeding.

I’m going an Elite Eight of: beers in the fridge vs lawn stripes, jet flyover vs gaming moments, muscle cars vs xtreme tricks, and action movie vs finding money.

Final four of: lawn stripes vs jet flyover and muscle cars vs finding money.

Championship of jet flyover vs muscle cars

Winner: jet flyover every time.

I'm going with Cold Beer vs. Old Guys in Muscle Cars in the Championship Game. Cold Beer wins a close one, unless I'm the old guy in the muscle car.
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Reactions: Brillovol
There are Africanized honeybees in Alabama, yes, but their genetics will eventually diluted by the the local gene pool. It isn't like they are going to take over or anything. They are mostly a nuisance.
The are not really suited to live anywhere that experiences winter or has extended periods where the temperature doesn't get above 50F. Their metabolism is very high and they burn through food in the cold. If honey is being taken off their hive in an apiary it is likely that they will starve and not make it to spring.
They can survive and can have an advantage over local bees in states that have no winter like Florida, Texas, and California as they are prolific and reproduce faster than Europeans do. Because of the close proximity Africanized bees do get shipped to other states, my BIL had a hive of them in northern PA ( he ordered a package of bees from FL I think). It would be similar to gators, they could do well here about six to eight months a year.
A package of bees made me laugh..I am gonna Fedx a buddy a package of bees

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