Recruiting Football Talk VII

Nah - just Coach Kim C - when you say “pretty Holly” or “pretty Kellie”, it’s implied that she coaches the same way as the person named following “pretty”…

I was beginning to feel like I was the only person on this board who understood this. Even the questionably cerebral @InVOLuntary who coined the phrase "Pretty Holly" could not seem to figure out. There is hope for humanity after all.
Teachers teach to the ACT curriculum, same as to the State boards. Student success is school's success. Merit increases are directly correlated to these figures. Same for a schools budget.

Not every child learns in this capacity. I argue IQ is an abstract construct. The trades man is differently intelligent than the classical musician, than is the Landscape designer.
What are you talking about? In public education there is no such thing as a merit increases and school performance has nothing to do with the school's budget. Raises are based on time served (step increases) or are district wide percentage raises. School budgets are based on number and type of students and location of the school. No wonder people put up with education, seems like nobody knows how it works except the people who live under the tyranny of the Jeniuses in charge of it.
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For my part, as I said prevously, I am thanking him for his devotion and efforts and wishing him well in his future endeavors. I was simply answering @jave36's question.
Yeah I know, I was worried about how my comment came off. Just was adding to it that I think it’s best he’s going a different direction
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So MJ wasn’t good at baseball because he wasn’t smart enough to understand the game???
You are missing my point. It is true that Jordan was ignorant about a lot of the things of baseball beyond the sandlot, but I have no doubt he was intelligent. My whole point was that there are a whole lot of people in today's society that are ignorant about the game of baseball and a lot of other things, not that you had to be a genius to understand it. I stated earlier a lot of great players who were not educated but were knew baseball inside and out.
As a whole our society is much more ignorant than in the past and that is not good for baseball. It is much easier to understand basketball than baseball, and that is a major reason basketball is more popular.

I was beginning to feel like I was the only person on this board who understood this. Even the questionably cerebral @InVOLuntary who coined the phrase "Pretty Holly" could not seem to figure out. There is hope for humanity after all.
That's why I haven't nicknamed her yet. If she's as bad as Kellie I'll lean toward prettier Kellie. Hope like the dickens I don't have to go down that route. I'm hoping for "Exciting Kimie"
You putting words in my mouth. I never said people were not as intelligent now, just less educated, dumber. Intelligent does not equal smart. I said as whole society is not smart enough to get into baseball. I never mentioned intelligence.
The difference between intelligence and wisdom (smarts) is about 20 years of hard work and experience. The difference between intelligence and ignorance is twenty foolish wasted years.
And as far as education that is not the same as going to school. In the world of "education" I have met some of the dumbest people, just because you work at school doesn't mean your smart.. And as far as compulsory public education not coming til the 1920's, in my opinion that is where the problem started.
I see we are working with two different levels of education, "smarts", and intelligence in this discussion. In fact, it's pretty obvious. And sadly, I fear you're defeating my fact-based argument with your existence.

You can't just make up your own definition of things.

Let's start from the top:
"I didn't say people were not as intelligent now, just less educated, dumber".
Where does that sentence make any sense? 1st of all, humans are more educated AND more intelligent today than 100 years ago. So, you're wrong. Education level, by definition, is the amount of systematic instruction a person or population has achieved. Humans today have a higher level of education than 100 years ago. And through the Flynn's Effect I pointed out earlier, they are more intelligent. Also, the definition of "Dumb" is "Stupid." The definition of "Stupid" is "having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense." So, you could rewrite what you said as, "I didn't say people were not intelligent I said they were not intelligent," if you used the actual definitions of these words and not what you think they mean.

It's nearly impossible to have this discussion when one party doesn't participate in an established set of rules (like actual definitions of words) and makes up their own. Like playing chess with a pigeon - the pigeon knocks over all the pieces, sh*ts all over the board, and struts around like it won.

At the end of the day- You said baseball is declining in popularity because people today are too dumb to understand it. That's scientifically wrong, factually wrong, and implies you think baseball is a complex game to understand. I believe you if you think baseball is complex.
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I wasn’t even thinking of those younger than I when I said we are lacking in common sense as a society these days. Lack of common sense isn’t age discriminant imo
That is also very true😂

I was at the DMV today where a 50-60 yr old man was HOT because the DMV wouldn't issue him a new driver's license despite him not owning a home in the state. "But I'm moving here in 60 days! What do you expect me to do? Come back after I move here?!" Um, yes.
The worst thing about baseball is guys like bruh thinking they are intellectual giants looking down on their superiors by means of liking a game. Can you even the imagine considering watching baseball to be a top intellectual exercise?

One of the best things about baseball is the VN ignore button. It's a grand slam. I know from direct experience here and in the baseball forum many people who know huge amounts about baseball. One of their common characteristics is spreading their knowledge as if by accident by how they discuss games. Another characteristic is not acting haughty and pretentious about baseball.
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I've really wanted to read Churchills WW1 series ever since hearing Dan Carlin quote them so much in his Blueprint for Armageddon series....sadly I have so much trouble focusing now thanks to adult onset ADD that it makes reading anything a chore.

It came out of nowhere 3-4 years ago....books I used to read in 3-4 days take me months now.

I highly recommend Barbara Tuchmans Guns of is not a history of the whole war, but it is an excellent look at the buildup and especially the first month or two of WW.

It will take you a few days at most but took me two
That's terrible, maybe try books on tape. I told my wife if I ever go blind or something that is what I would have to do.
Thanks for the recommendations.
The worst thing about baseball is guys like bruh thinking they are intellectual giants looking down on their superiors by means of liking a game. Can you even the imagine considering watching baseball an extreme intellectual exercise? The best thing about baseball in the VN ignore button. It's a grand slam.
They don't think there intellectual giants, their smarts giants. It's about wisdoms not having ignorance. Your mean. Baseball IS hard to understand!
What are you talking about? In public education there is no such thing as a merit increases and school performance has nothing to do with the school's budget. Raises are based on time served (step increases) or are district wide percentage raises. School budgets are based on number and type of students and location of the school. No wonder people put up with education, seems like nobody knows how it works except the people who live under the tyranny of the Jeniuses in charge of it.
'no such thing' 🤫 nothing is performance based, got it🤐😉 I see nuzzing, I say nuzzing.

Blue Ribbon Schools, TCAPs, AR performance, 🤘🏻👈🏻
The worst thing about baseball is guys like bruh thinking they are intellectual giants looking down on their superiors by means of liking a game. Can you even the imagine considering watching baseball to be a top intellectual exercise?

One of the best things about baseball is the VN ignore button. It's a grand slam. I know from direct experience here and in the baseball forum many people who know huge amounts about baseball. One of their common characteristics is spreading their knowledge as if by accident by how they discuss games. Another characteristic is not acting haughty and pretentious about baseball.
I love TN baseball. But that is attributed to their product. Watching my Braves play is like, well it is a nap in progress.
They don't think there intellectual giants, their smarts giants. It's about wisdoms not having ignorance. Your mean. Baseball IS hard to understand!
sO sMaRter-est sHoULd bE pReSsInG tHeYs iNteLLeCt tO tHeYs aBsoLuTe LiMiT bY aNaLyZiNg oUr uPcOmInG sErIeS wItH kEnTuCk iN ThEyS LiBraRy
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Your original statement was that society is too dumb now to understand baseball. My assessment is that people either like it or they don’t. Doesn’t have anything to do with the dumbing down of society. Now if you want to argue that people aren’t interested in learning about baseball, we could probably agree on that. You can’t convince me that there aren’t plenty of people today who are perfectly capable of understanding baseball if they have a desire to.
I have a unique position in that I deal with young people all day long. It would surprise a lot of people if they knew that a large segment of today's young "fans" hardly ever watch a game in any sport. The get updates on there phone and watch highlights. In baseball watching a highlight of a homerun gives you no insight into how it happened. You won't know that it was because he worked a favorable count or fought of several tough two strike pitches and the pitcher finally makes a mistake.
Today's young fans know stats (they are easy to google), players, and final scores. The know very little about the actual sport. There used to be a saying in the sixties, "never trust anyone over thirty." Today it is, "never trust a sport fan under thirty."
You are missing my point. It is true that Jordan was ignorant about a lot of the things of baseball beyond the sandlot, but I have no doubt he was intelligent. My whole point was that there are a whole lot of people in today's society that are ignorant about the game of baseball and a lot of other things, not that you had to be a genius to understand it. I stated earlier a lot of great players who were not educated but were knew baseball inside and out.
As a whole our society is much more ignorant than in the past and that is not good for baseball. It is much easier to understand basketball than baseball, and that is a major reason basketball is more popular.
No, I get your point, I just disagree with it. I AGREE that society is crumbling, I just do not agree that baseball ignorance (lack of understanding), has any correlation to society in general. And I disagree that understanding of the game is why basketball is more popular.
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