Recruiting Football Talk VII

Happy Thursday fam

April 18, 2024: Quiet your soul for a moment and be grateful for the blessings in your life. This is important because there is so much evil in the world that it can be overwhelming to consider. I have not left nor forsaken you, says the Lord. Be reminded of the gift of the Holy Spirit given to you and proceed with a thankful heart. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
I’m smart enough to not care what all is going on in a boring game without much action. And there’s nothing average about my fandom for the Tennessee Volunteers especially football.
My wife watches baking shows (she is also a rabid and aggressive UT fan) and they are boring as he!! to me, but I don't have her knowledge or appreciation for baking (except eating it). I feel that is what is happening with most people and baseball today. Today people are addicted to action, look at the movies, action used to be a genre but now it is every is comic book action movie. People have no appreciation for history or tradition anymore. Most people can't appreciate the nuances of baseball or good old movies anymore. So they have wrecked the professional baseball to appeal to this numb and dumbed down audience.

Most people won't tolerate real football anymore either. I hate what they have done to football in order to appeal to this new audience. The NFL to me is unwatchable. It is a glorified 7on7 league. To accommodate short attention spans and tv they have wrecked the pro game and are on the way to do the same for college.
The phones get smarter and the people get dumber.
The EPL says hi right back.

The EPL is the unquestioned top league in the world's most popular sport, and revenue for the elite clubs is on par with the top NFL clubs. The Big Six EPL teams averaged $684 million in revenue versus $586 million for the typical NFL team.
I'll be honest, I don't even know what the he!! the EPL is. I if it is some American soccer league I must be really losing it to never of even heard of it.
I'll be honest, I don't even know what the he!! the EPL is. I if it is some American soccer league I must be really losing it to never of even heard of it.

English Premier League. Teams like Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Tottenshire Hothams, etc. If you’re east coast the games come on TV Saturday mornings.
Yes, Michigan didn't get slapped at all!

The NCAA protected and stalled for Michigan on multiple known violations over multiple years with the deliberate intention of permitting and enabling Michigan to cheat with impunity and to give their pet Michigan multiple illicit attempts at a championship.

And the NCAA continued to stall until they could issue "non-punishement" punishments to the staff after they had left for the NFL.

The NCAA also deliberately separated the two charges in this "punishment" from three major violations -- in order to cheat on behalf of Michigan by ignoring the obvious lack of institutional control situation.

The three unaddressed violations have been deliberately delayed, covered over, and perhaps exonerated in a back-room deal by the crooked and extremely biased NCAA. Otherwise, the three remaining violations -- having occurred after the two punished with the recent wrist slap -- are clear NCAA probation violations. I mean (a) the illegal use of university computers (big enough that the FBI was involved), (b) illegal signal stealing of Michigan opponents (no NCAA action) to protect their pet, and (c) illegal signal stealing of teams that Michigan considered possible playoff opponents, which corrupted the playoffs and cannot be said to have been addressed by the Big 10 coaches.

The NCAA -- on a long-standing basis -- rigs up fake "investigations" when one of their pets is involved. That is, in the few cases where the NCAA doesn't ignore their pets' illegal actions together.
The NCAA is like the doting mother who never disciplined her brat and now that they are seventeen she is trying to reel them back in. The NCAA is going hard after soft targets to look tough ( backfired like a mother with Tennessee) and using kid gloves on the problem children.

Coach Gene Stallings may have been the best human being to ever be the head coach at bama. He truly was a good man.
He had a son with Downs Syndrome and they went everywhere together.
Hated bama just a little less while he coached there. But as soon as he left, back to our regularly scheduled program. 😎
English Premier League. Teams like Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Tottenshire Hothams, etc. If you’re east coast the games come on TV Saturday mornings.
Oh, it's a European league, that's futbol. I was talking about soccer. I agree that soccer is popular around the world but it is an afterthought, if even that, in the U.S.
My family is Italian so many of them are into it. I personally have seen two games. My uncle dragged me to a game to a to see Pele play in the NASL. The second was the world cup finals with Italy vs somebody. Neither soccer or women's basketball is going to be big in the U.S. Although the flood of immigrants may help soccer, if they ever get their hands on any money.
I would say the same for golf. both are subtle games that require something more than a person addicted to action and tiktok.
Baseball, Soccer, Golf, Tennis & Nascar

These sports all have the same level of boredom but cater to a different demographic. Their shared trait is they have some of the best finishes of all sports, but you have to stay awake to catch them.
The grammar police (English majors) are just mad because they can't do smart stuff like Math and Physics. They have to prove their superiority by telling everyone how to speak and write gooderer.
I like to remember that some renowned poets break english norms for the sake of their craft. Maybe we's just creatine art and they ain't seen it yet.


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