Why does he always look like a REAL President?



Danneskjöld's love child.
Oct 2, 2010
Have you in your memory ever seen an Ex President continue to look so presidential? How is it this ex President looks much much more presidential then the current administration? He seems to always have the prestige, the command, crowds of people cheering him. Huge motorcades. Surrounded by capable Secret Service with the suits and glasses and briefcase like one would expect to see with the current President? Do we ever see Obama like that these days? Or W? For that matter when was the last time Biden looked Presidential in public and didn't just draw hecklers and protestors? Some here would have you believe that Trump is in "Hot Water" over the lawfare Soviet worthy indictments. Yet he draws cheering crowds all over the U.S. and always has local law enforcement wanting to get pictures with him. Is there anywhere local law enforcement would be caught dead in a Biden photo op? It Raises the Question. Why does this X President look so much more Like a Current President then an Ex President? Thoughts?

cult of personality. he has you guys hook, line, and sinker. he looks the part so he doesn't have to actually play the part and do his job.

he is narcissistic and feeds off of the attention. he even talks about it in his book, any press is good press for him. Heck LG and evil are probably his favorite audience members here. suckers who can't keep Trump's name out of their mouths/posts.

he does and will continue to do whatever it takes to stay in the news. like more narcissists he needs the attention to keep his ego inflated to avoid dealing with his actual lack of self confidence. he needs approval and attention from others to justify his incredibly shallow lifestyle and choices.

He is a carnival side show, doing whatever he can to stay in the lime light, because he knows the longer he does the more he gets fed. If he provided anything of value he wouldn't need to chase attention like he does.
Man that is a really well manned and SECURE "Carnival Sideshow." I mean wow that motorcade with a Beast, a decoy Beast, multiple armored vehicles, an armored Sat truck, 2 ambulances etc.? That is deffinately the show I want to see. It's amazing he can afford all that given they bankrupted him. Sure looks like attention chases him, not the otherway around.
Are you referring to the man with dentures that are always come loose when he's giving another one of his rambling, clown
talks to his redneck audience, which is why funny, unintelligible sounds come out of his mouth when he's trying to pronounce words like "origin"; the man with the spray-on tan who wears diapers? The gangster is the least presidential of any
president this country as ever had. He's far more a wrestling villain/carnival barker than an ex-president. There is nothing--zero--presidential
about him. Indeed, any civilized, halfway intelligent person knows well that he was a complete and utter embarrassment when president--the type of person who we're used to seeing in what we used to call "third-world" (now "developing") countries. Notice how America's real ex-presidents--both Republicans and Democrats--have nothing to do with him. A vile, corrupt, sinister con man. Thanks for the try.
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Man that is a really well manned and SECURE "Carnival Sideshow." I mean wow that motorcade with a Beast, a decoy Beast, multiple armored vehicles, an armored Sat truck, 2 ambulances etc.? That is deffinately the show I want to see. It's amazing he can afford all that given they bankrupted him. Sure looks like attention chases him, not the otherway around.
I don't think Trump pays for any of that. I remember Obama getting his own motorcade when Trump was in office.

as I said, you buy it all up. No questions, no critical thinking. you would rather be entertained than admit your side isn't perfect.
Are you referring to the man with dentures that are always come loose when he's giving another one of his rambling, clown
talks to his redneck audience, which is why funny, unintelligible sounds come out of his mouth when he's trying to pronounce words like "origin"; the man with the spray-on tan who wears diapers? The gangster is the least presidential of any
president this country as ever had. He's far more a wrestling villain/carnival barker than an ex-president. There is nothing--zero--presidential
about him. Indeed, any civilized, halfway intelligent person knows well that he was a complete and utter embarrassment when president--the type of person who we're used to seeing in what we used to call "third-world" (now "developing") countries. Notice how America's real ex-presidents--both Republicans and Democrats--have nothing to do with him. A vile, corrupt, sinister con man. Thanks for the try.
You must have some really harsh words for Joe. Please share your thoughts.
Have you in your memory ever seen an Ex President continue to look so presidential? How is it this ex President looks much much more presidential then the current administration? He seems to always have the prestige, the command, crowds of people cheering him. Huge motorcades. Surrounded by capable Secret Service with the suits and glasses and briefcase like one would expect to see with the current President? Do we ever see Obama like that these days? Or W? For that matter when was the last time Biden looked Presidential in public and didn't just draw hecklers and protestors? Some here would have you believe that Trump is in "Hot Water" over the lawfare Soviet worthy indictments. Yet he draws cheering crowds all over the U.S. and always has local law enforcement wanting to get pictures with him. Is there anywhere local law enforcement would be caught dead in a Biden photo op? It Raises the Question. Why does this X President look so much more Like a Current President then an Ex President? Thoughts?

Have you in your memory ever seen an Ex President continue to look so presidential? How is it this ex President looks much much more presidential then the current administration? He seems to always have the prestige, the command, crowds of people cheering him. Huge motorcades. Surrounded by capable Secret Service with the suits and glasses and briefcase like one would expect to see with the current President? Do we ever see Obama like that these days? Or W? For that matter when was the last time Biden looked Presidential in public and didn't just draw hecklers and protestors? Some here would have you believe that Trump is in "Hot Water" over the lawfare Soviet worthy indictments. Yet he draws cheering crowds all over the U.S. and always has local law enforcement wanting to get pictures with him. Is there anywhere local law enforcement would be caught dead in a Biden photo op? It Raises the Question. Why does this X President look so much more Like a Current President then an Ex President? Thoughts?

Trump is a POTUS of the people. He is hated in the same way as JFK.
Man that is a really well manned and SECURE "Carnival Sideshow." I mean wow that motorcade with a Beast, a decoy Beast, multiple armored vehicles, an armored Sat truck, 2 ambulances etc.? That is deffinately the show I want to see. It's amazing he can afford all that given they bankrupted him. Sure looks like attention chases him, not the otherway around.

Trump is a former POTUS and a major presidential candidate per 18 U.S.C.' 3056(a)(7), so he is entitled to a taxpayer-funded full security detail...

The size of the detail is based on DHS risk assessment. Trump is a high-risk candidate hence the detail.
Are you referring to the man with dentures that are always come loose when he's giving another one of his rambling, clown
talks to his redneck audience, which is why funny, unintelligible sounds come out of his mouth when he's trying to pronounce words like "origin"; the man with the spray-on tan who wears diapers? The gangster is the least presidential of any
president this country as ever had. He's far more a wrestling villain/carnival barker than an ex-president. There is nothing--zero--presidential
about him. Indeed, any civilized, halfway intelligent person knows well that he was a complete and utter embarrassment when president--the type of person who we're used to seeing in what we used to call "third-world" (now "developing") countries. Notice how America's real ex-presidents--both Republicans and Democrats--have nothing to do with him. A vile, corrupt, sinister con man. Thanks for the try.
What state do you live in?
Have you in your memory ever seen an Ex President continue to look so presidential? How is it this ex President looks much much more presidential then the current administration? He seems to always have the prestige, the command, crowds of people cheering him. Huge motorcades. Surrounded by capable Secret Service with the suits and glasses and briefcase like one would expect to see with the current President? Do we ever see Obama like that these days? Or W? For that matter when was the last time Biden looked Presidential in public and didn't just draw hecklers and protestors? Some here would have you believe that Trump is in "Hot Water" over the lawfare Soviet worthy indictments. Yet he draws cheering crowds all over the U.S. and always has local law enforcement wanting to get pictures with him. Is there anywhere local law enforcement would be caught dead in a Biden photo op? It Raises the Question. Why does this X President look so much more Like a Current President then an Ex President? Thoughts?

Oh cool, cosmetic politics...absolutely most important kind of politics.
Naw. Keep posting gif of you practicing your NY technique..maybe your only fans wills get some hits
Yes it's definitely me fellating someone and not Nick's idiot self, there you go having the logic of a 7-year-old again. Run along now, come back when you can write a full sentence without 5 errors in it

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