2024 Presidential Race

she's only being honest if she says bad things about Trump?

sounds like how Dems treated Michael Cohen - terrible, horrible liar unless it was bad about Trump then it was gospel

You be your own judge but based on her demeanor, especially of late, she seems like she can hardly stand the man and it has often felt to me like she struggles to maintain even a thin veneer of support for him.

Maybe he will offer her enough cash in the promised divorce settlement to keep her quiet. But he knows if he props her up on stage its just a matter of time...
Such things have occurred before and his base is attracted by that so its hard to imagine what he could say now that was so awful it would cause that base to abandon him. They like his not-so-subtle racist remarks, and his conduct and language about women I just can't see how it could be worse than it has been to date.
We actually agree here. I like racist that are just flat out racist. You know people that may say something like “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." Or someone that directly states you must vote for him or you can no longer be classified as black.

Those racist are the best. Am I right?
Nope. I think that if the election were held today Trump would be favored to win the EC, popular vote too but not by a huge margin. But the election is not today. Things which could swing it more in either direction, in no particular order of import:

1) Major Biden gaffe that reinforces age issues.
2) Inflation.
3) Trump gets convicted of a felony and looks bad in doing so.
4) We learn at least of the level of what was in the Mar-a-lago documents and there is reason to believe that his innocent explanation is false.
5) Melania does indeed turn on him and tells us her honest perspective of things.
6) Mid-East War between Iran and Israel, with a few neighbors tossed into the mix.
7) Russian propaganda exposed as funneled to Trump or members of Congress.
So you’re indeed waiting/hoping for Melania to “start telling the truth”…

And win the popular? I find that hard to believe.
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We actually agree here. I like racist that are just flat out racist. You know people that may say something like “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." Or someone that directly states you must vote for him or you can no longer be classified as black.

Those racist are the best. Am I right?

Good people, both sides.
So you’re indeed waiting/hoping for Melania to “start telling the truth”…

And win the popular? I find that hard to believe.

I think Trump could right now, yes. It would be close. His base is far more motivated to turn out at the moment than is Biden's.
Such things have occurred before and his base is attracted by that so its hard to imagine what he could say now that was so awful it would cause that base to abandon him. They like his not-so-subtle racist remarks, and his conduct and language about women I just can't see how it could be worse than it has been to date.

I'm thinking it would take a full blown racist remark and not a dog whistle. I don't think either Trump or Biden could survive if there is something with a N word leaked...

I dont think the base would leave him if a N word audio came out but he'd be unelectable in the general..
There's enough smoke from prior dog whistles, subtle comments from both Biden and Trump that a N word audio could be out there.

If it's Trump, the Rs lose in 2024. No reasonable pivot exists and AA turnout would make EC map almost impossible.

If it's Biden, the Ds could pivot to M.Obama or K. Harris and probably have at least a puncher's chance of winning..
Can never vote for Trump. But I live in Florida so my vote won't matter and, if I get annoyed enough, I may not vote in that contest. Its what I did in DeSantis' last election. The Democrat was so abhorrent to me (that re-tread, Charlie Crist) that in my own silent protest at how incompetent the Dem party has been down here I skipped that line on the ballot.
Did you vote for Bill Clinton or Hillary?
Such things have occurred before and his base is attracted by that so its hard to imagine what he could say now that was so awful it would cause that base to abandon him. They like his not-so-subtle racist remarks, and his conduct and language about women I just can't see how it could be worse than it has been to date.
😂 🤡
Nope. I think that if the election were held today Trump would be favored to win the EC, popular vote too but not by a huge margin. But the election is not today. Things which could swing it more in either direction, in no particular order of import:

1) Major Biden gaffe that reinforces age issues.
Happening... gonna happen more frequently as his mental problems get worse.

2) Inflation.
Not gonna go away that easily.

3) Trump gets convicted of a felony and looks bad in doing so.
Not seeing this one as a viable option. Or if so, likely it being overturned at a higher level.

4) We learn at least of the level of what was in the Mar-a-lago documents and there is reason to believe that his innocent explanation is false.
I'm pretty sure this one is going to get thrown out too...

5) Melania does indeed turn on him and tells us her honest perspective of things.

6) Mid-East War between Iran and Israel, with a few neighbors tossed into the mix.
Which shouldn't affect US elections unless they really really really wanted it to affect the elections.

7) Russian propaganda exposed as funneled to Trump or members of Congress.
Didn't they try this lie already?
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Yes, that's exactly what Satan would have you call it.

While we are it, let's confuse genders, celebrate sexual depravity, mutilate genital organs, and sterilize children, calling that "bodily autonomy" and cheering on the LGBTQ+ agenda.

I'm happy to continue.... but that's for another thread.
You be your own judge but based on her demeanor, especially of late, she seems like she can hardly stand the man and it has often felt to me like she struggles to maintain even a thin veneer of support for him.

Maybe he will offer her enough cash in the promised divorce settlement to keep her quiet. But he knows if he props her up on stage its just a matter of time...

I rarely see her or Trump

Just funny how you discern honesty based on whether someone says things you believe or want to believe
Yes, that's exactly what Satan would have you call it.

While we are it, let's confuse genders, celebrate sexual depravity, mutilate genital organs, and sterilize children, calling that "bodily autonomy" and cheering on the LGBTQ+ agenda.

I'm happy to continue.... but that's for another thread.

So what..I see offense to free speech and not any offense to the digusting filth.

Probably a good time to share this quote:
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” Barry Goldwater
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Probably a good time to share this quote:
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” Barry Goldwater
Reminds me of the Democrats during Covid.

Unrelenting and uncompromising persecution, they knew in their hearts they were right.

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