Denying medical treatment



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2006
So some idiotic parents are denying medical treatment to their 13 year old brainwashed son. The boy has cancer.

So where do you stand on this?

As rotten as this is, I seem to be falling on the side of letting people choose to live their lives as they please.

free choice, someone refuses to listen to logic and is so entrinched in their belief system. it is not the governments place to say hey you have to take this treatment its not an infant or very young child ... as wrong as this may sound, natural selection
Being stupid isn't against the law necessarily. It still sucks for the kid though, he isn't even getting a chance here.
free choice, someone refuses to listen to logic and is so entrinched in their belief system. it is not the governments place to say hey you have to take this treatment its not an infant or very young child ... as wrong as this may sound, natural selection

It's still a child. Those parents ought to be slapped in the face.
The court ordered them to give him medical treatment. The mom and son have since disappeared. They believe they are headed to Mexican.

I think it is absolutely crazy. What parent wants to sit there and watch their child suffer?!
The court ordered them to give him medical treatment. The mom and son have since disappeared. They believe they are headed to Mexican.

I think it is absolutely crazy. What parent wants to sit there and watch their child suffer?!

the question is, does the court have the right to order that?

plus if its their religious beliefs to only use natural methods, is that court order not violating their first ammendment rights?
I'm not sure what kind of cancer this is or the long term prognosis for recover and relapse. I will say that having seen what chemotherapy does to a person, I watched a family member who was most likely going to die eventually from their cancer go through horrible pain and discomfort. It actually lowered her quality of life during the time she had left and she regretted the decision in the end, she said she would rather had let the cancer run it's course and died with more dignity.

It's a tough question and like I said, I don't know the specifics here so I can't comment on this particular case, but I can see and understand both sides. From what I do gather this seems to be a pretty bright kid and by the accounts of the family and friends he is opposed to having this treatment. Now maybe he was brain washed and maybe he wasn't, but I would give the family the benefit of the doubt with what little I know about this case.
I'm not sure what kind of cancer this is or the long term prognosis for recover and relapse. I will say that having seen what chemotherapy does to a person, I watched a family member who was most likely going to die eventually from their cancer go through horrible pain and discomfort. It actually lowered her quality of life during the time she had left and she regretted the decision in the end, she said she would rather had let the cancer run it's course and died with more dignity.

It's a tough question and like I said, I don't know the specifics here so I can't comment on this particular case, but I can see and understand both sides. From what I do gather this seems to be a pretty bright kid and by the accounts of the family and friends he is opposed to having this treatment. Now maybe he was brain washed and maybe he wasn't, but I would give the family the benefit of the doubt with what little I know about this case.

thats one of the hardest things ive ever had to do or see brother.
thats one of the hardest things ive ever had to do or see brother.

Same here, the only reason she agreed to have the treatment was because she had a child who was 8 months old, she wanted to have every shot at watching him grow. Sad thing is the treatment probably hastened her death as it weakened her system. She didn't even live to see his 10th month.
Same here, the only reason she agreed to have the treatment was because she had a child who was 8 months old, she wanted to have every shot at watching him grow. Sad thing is the treatment probably hastened her death as it weakened her system. She didn't even live to see his 10th month.

thats rough man. i had a relative i was pretty close with who had lymphoma and sarcoma, they took her arm and she went through pure hell so she could be there with her son. the sad thing on this end was that when she was in her teens she had hodgkins and the radiation treatment from that is what cause the lymphoma and sarcoma,
Give him Chemo and let him smoke some wacky weed. He gets treatment and quality of life gets fun.
There is a thought for some people that life here on earth is temporary, and real life (eternal life) begins when this one is finished. Death isn't necessarily something to try to avoid forever.

It isn't always an easy decision to go along with what doctor's tell you to do. But from what I understand this boy's prognosis would be good if he completed the treatment doctor's recommended.
There is a thought for some people that life here on earth is temporary, and real life (eternal life) begins when this one is finished. Death isn't necessarily something to try to avoid forever.

It isn't always an easy decision to go along with what doctor's tell you to do. But from what I understand this boy's prognosis would be good if he completed the treatment doctor's recommended.

that part makes no sense to me why they are runnin like they are
that part makes no sense to me why they are runnin like they are

Me either. As much as I think God will chose my time to go, there's that old joke.

A man is on his roof, watching the flood waters rise. "God please save me!" he screams as a row boat drifts by. "Jump in" the stranger says. And the man replies, "No thanks, God will save me."

A day passes, water continues to rise, and a Coast Guard rescue boat comes by. "Get in!" they scream from the boat. "No thanks, God will save me." he repeats.

The third day as he waves a helicopter away, refusing to get in the lowered basket, and knowing the waters are about to sweep him away he says "God! Why won't you save me??"

Thunder strikes and God says "Dude, I sent two boats and a helicopter.... what do you want from me??"
I still have a hard time with the fact that these so-called parents don't want their child to receive treatment and putting his welfare in the hands of divine intervention.
And this "eternal life" thing that volleygirl brought up still baffles me.Who knows where we go after we die?Have some of you had a taste of the afterlife or is it based upon scripture written by men thousands of years ago.I believe we go somewhere when we die,but where is beyond me.
I agree with the court order. If the parents aren't smart enough to make the decision then yes the court should step in.

see with this though, exactly how far over the line would that be stepping. ITs not exactly a child endangerment case. Plus, since their beliefs are to only use natural cures, how far would court orders over step the bounds established by the first ammendment?
Thirteen-year-old Daniel Hauser and his mom are probably headed to Mexico if they aren't already there. That's the word from police in Minnesota who are searching for the pair.

Daniel was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in January, writes the Minnesota Star-Tribune. He underwent one round of chemotherapy for the treatable cancer before he and his parents decided to end his treatments. Instead, they turned to alternative medicine to treat Daniel's cancer.

In court, Daniel told a judge that he does not want to undergo more chemotherapy and radiation. X-rays show that the cancer is still eating away at Daniel's body, prompting the court to order the Hausers to resume chemotherapy.

In issuing the order, Judge John Rodenberg wrote: "Daniel Hauser is an extremely polite and pleasant young man. While he is 13 years of age, Daniel is unable to read. ... He lacks the ability to give informed consent to medical procedures."

And so, the mom and boy hunt is on. Yesterday, the FBI joined the search. Should the Hausers be found, Daniel will be placed in foster care and be forced to resume chemotherapy and radiation. And he'll have a good chance at living. If he's not found, he'll likely die from cancer.
I still have a hard time with the fact that these so-called parents don't want their child to receive treatment and putting his welfare in the hands of divine intervention.
And this "eternal life" thing that volleygirl brought up still baffles me.Who knows where we go after we die?Have some of you had a taste of the afterlife or is it based upon scripture written by men thousands of years ago.I believe we go somewhere when we die,but where is beyond me.

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