Recruiting Football Talk VII

They looked fast last night. Remind me of Auburn. Good guard play with bigs that can run and shoot. Went cold last night. Multiple opportunities to put ball back in after missed shots, ball just didnt go in.

Anyway, PAC2 ball doesnt move the needle so...moved on to a show called 'The Gentleman', which is a Guy Ritchie miniseries.
Really well done! Started it yesterday, myself. Wife loves British stuff, so I have company on this one. Knew it was good when I recognized the actor who plays Freddie.
So, I worked from home Friday because contractors were going to be doing some demo in one of my employer's bathrooms and it was going to be loud. Real, real, loud. Welp, those dudes did not make it on Friday and they are there today, jackhammering away. FML. And, they will also be here tomorrow. And, can confirm that it is loud. Real loud. Real, real LOUD.
Outside of my procedure area at our hospital, workers were using a concrete saw. Horrible racket.
Some first time injection patients were so nervous because it sounded like it was coming from my procedure room 😂
Still sittin as pretty as yesterday morn

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If my math is correct, that means 10/103 brackets have us as a 2-seed and 93/103 a 1-eed. 93 brackets have Zona as a 2-seed and 10 as a 1-seed.

So what we are playing with is convincing ~52 voters to keep us as a 1 and not change their vote lol.
Who are Niagara College and Marist college most well known NBA players ever?

One was picked by San Diego Rockets in 2 ND round
The other was the number 2 pick overall by the Indiana Pacers.
I've not understood why we have not used Vescovi in the way the Bulls used to always have one of those deadeye open set-up shooters that made everybody pay when they came off to double Jordan if Pippen.

He has not shot well this year, but I think that is because he isn't used in the flow of the game more.
Yeah….. he rarely has that wide open set shot…. that needs to be his new role.
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Mac Jones being traded to Jacksonville Jaguars for a sixth round pick.

Chris Jones signs a 5 year 160 million dollar contract with Chiefs.
95 million guaranteed..
Mac Jones being traded to Jacksonville Jaguars for a sixth round pick.

Chris Jones signs a $85 million dollar contract with Chiefs.
Speculation that Jerry’s “All-in” comment references a heavier hand in decisions…which had been more and more Stephen involved. Scary if true. Stephen trusts football people more than Jerry and that roster is pretty impressive under his watch.
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Speculation that Jerry’s “All-in” comment references a heavier hand in decisions…which had been more and more been Stephen involved. Scary if true. Stephen trusts football people more than Jerry and that roster is pretty impressive under his watch.
Read where Pollard would take less to come back to Dallas..
USC not going away quietly. Line was suspicious at only AZ -7.5.

I expect them to lose tonight and UNC get the fourth 1 seed
Only if we lose game #1 and UNC runs through the ACC saddles blazing imo

By bracket matrix they're behind by a fair bit. But no doubt @Duke win as the last game of reg season will leave an impression. But rn our big 3 win stretch has left a much larger impression according to the folks that live and breathe this stuff.

Just play defense now.
Houston handed Kansas their @$$ on a platter yesterday and UCONN toyed with Providence.

Odds on favorites to win National Championship. Tennessee should be 3rd favorite.
March 10, 2024: When nothing around you seems stable, come to Me. Remember that your stability originates spiritually and filters down to your sense of well-being naturally. You must press into the place of peace that only comes from My presence, says the Lord. Refuse to allow your feelings of instability to dictate your responses. Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Your, because he trusts in You.
Speculation that Jerry’s “All-in” comment references a heavier hand in decisions…which had been more and more been Stephen involved. Scary if true. Stephen trusts football people more than Jerry and that roster is pretty impressive under his watch.
Jerry's going to his grave with no additional Super Bowl rings.
UConn is probably the only team that can beat us when we are at our best. Maaaaybe Houston too because of their defense.

Bodes well that UK had to play their absolute A game to barely win. If a team is just making every shot they take against you and you lose then that's just basketball.
Hope someone upsets Houston. Kind of team that worries me. Lengthy, great defense. The kind that killed us last night until we decided to let DK take over from deep.

But driving inside was a nightmare the first half. Houston will pressure you and force you to be uncomfortable. Similar to our style, but lengthier this year.

Honestly, gimme Purdue out of the big 3. We're better at 4/5 positions.
I'm youngish (30 now 🤮) but during covid I watched a million old YouTube clips and learned everything about Vol history and I now truly understand how I must hate Bama in everything more than anyone. Heck my pawpaw laced them up against the bammers in the 60's so, my DNA has gone to battle in the third saturday in October.

They are our most important rival in football. Football is most important. Thus, they must be hated in everything above all else.

Our university's athletic programs would not be who they are without what our rivalry with Alabama has meant to our existence.

My Bama feelings have always bled into the other sports, since I was a kid. Of course, whenever I was a teenager in the '90s, I loathed Florida...then there was Bama. In basketball, yes, I hate Kentucky with everything that I am...then there's Bama. In baseball, yes, I hate LSU...then there's Bama. It has always trumped hatred of everywhere else 10 fold.

There's the feeling that has the word 'hate' to describe it...then there's Bama...there's the feeling toward them; but, no word has ever been written nor uttered to describe that feeling. Best I can do is to say, they make me f-ing sick. They have cheated in everything they do, my entire life. Bear Bryant and Nick Saban are the two biggest pieces of sh!t cheaters that have ever walked, and they can go blow each other for all I care.

I have said, up until the start of the 21st Century, our rivalry, our focus of hate on Bama, made us a Top 8 program in the country for almost 100 years. These last 25 years, that focus shifted; we've hated Florida more, we've hated UGA more, we've hated whoever more...and, look where it got us.

I don't give a sh!t if it's ping-pong or badminton, Bama hatred/abhorrence/loathing/whatever you want to call it, will ALWAYS trump everyone else; and, that includes communists, terrorists, Nazis, China, Romans, hostile aliens, demons, etc.
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But if she had missed it (being wide open), that result doesn’t mean she saves her job. If a contested shot had been made, there would be complaining too, especially about missed FT’s and the foul strategy. Strictly making a decision on 1.1 seconds isn’t something an AD cares about. It’s about the body of work.

Personally, I think it’s going to be hard firing a coach who’s made two straight Sweet 16’s and making another NCAAT. But another side of me also understands that it’s LV basketball, which is a blue blood and should strive for titles.
Let's see how the season plays out.

We've stressed (and should've beaten USCjr) twice recently. Which no one does.

Maybe we're on the uptick(?) Maybe not. Better make a SS or I'm thinking she gone. EE might just save her job 1 more year.

Won't be mad either way, but ofc I side with us...winning the whole damn thing somehow.

I still remember one particular year we started #1 under Pat. ESPN set out on a long-year documentary of that team...we ended up with an unimaginable 10 losses heading into the tourney...only to win the whole thing. Kellie ain't P. Certainly not Pa, and nowhere in the universe of Pat. But crazier things have happened.
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