Progress on Neyland Stadium construction?



Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2007
Last off-season, it seemed like we got reports immediately following the last home game about what was being done on the Neyland Stadium project. Have not heard anything this off-season.

Are they doing work? What is being done in this phase that will be completed before the 2024 season?

Any insight @DeerPark12?
Last off-season, it seemed like we got reports immediately following the last home game about what was being done on the Neyland Stadium project. Have not heard anything this off-season.

Are they doing work? What is being done in this phase that will be completed before the 2024 season?

Any insight @DeerPark12?

Nah, haven’t you been keeping up? The NCAA is about to shut the program down.

This image shows the ongoing vomitory work, updating to match the unified campus style.
Where will the new west side Founders Suites be located? Down on field level? Somewhere in the upper deck? Will any existing seats have to be removed?
Thank Goodness they are renovating all the luxury suites and creating more luxury seating....I know those folks were having to endure horrid conditions !!!
Thank Goodness they are renovating all the luxury suites and creating more luxury seating....I know those folks were having to endure horrid conditions !!!
I just hope they upgrade TBA to accommodate more blue hairs from the assisted living homes. There's still too much riff-raff that want to stand and make it a hostile environment.

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