Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

It's a question of credibility.
Is it always "what-about-ism" when it points out hypocrisy?
I mean, that's not really directed at you in particular, but this trying to discuss one event in a vacuum and then chirping "what-about-ism" is BS.

Actually BB has an interesting history when it comes to whataboutism. He spent an entire summer (2017 or 2018 I believe) calling everyone out on whataboutism. I think Maddow made a big thing of it in her summer so of course so did BB.

Only to backtrack in 2020 and talk about how whataboutism is as important. Watching how BB approached this over the years was laughably absurd. Just search his name and whataboutism.
Bro, you were all in on the TrumPutin stuff. I just dug out some of your gems from the archives about two weeks ago. And there is plenty more where that came from because you were a prolific TrumPutin hoaxer.

The whataboutism is important. You peacock around in this thread telling people how ridiculous and dumb they are, yet you did the same thing. Get some self awareness 🤣
My primary focus on the June 9, 2016 meeting. That doesn't mean it was the only thing discussed ... and it did take place. Get a clue.
It's a question of credibility.
Is it always "what-about-ism" when it points out hypocrisy?
I mean, that's not really directed at you in particular, but this trying to discuss one event in a vacuum and then chirping "what-about-ism" is BS.
Whose hypocrisy are you talking about?

Hypocrites such as @hog88 and @DC_Vol who whined about how long the Mueller probe went on without supporting evidence ..... but now defend three years worth of unsupported 2020 Presidential Election fraud theories?

Or me?
It's a question of credibility.
Is it always "what-about-ism" when it points out hypocrisy?
I mean, that's not really directed at you in particular, but this trying to discuss one event in a vacuum and then chirping "what-about-ism" is BS.
.... and the way "what-about-isms" are typically used on this forum has less to do with exposing hypocrisy than it does with a poster simply trying to change the subject away from something which can't be defended, towards something which the poster in question would rather talk about.

"What-about-ery" doesn't serve as a defense, and is primarily used as a tool of deflection. Some topics should indeed be discussed in a vacuum, if there is a genuine interest in reaching a mutually agreed upon conclusion concerning the topic at hand - rather than just engaging in a match of pointless bickering, predicated only on who gets the last word in.
My primary focus on the June 9, 2016 meeting. That doesn't mean it was the only thing discussed ... and it did take place. Get a clue.
So your allowed to focus on 1 aspect on a lie meant to take power away from a sitting president (a true insurrection) which was the basis for a lie...but other are not allowed to focus on Facts being proven in court to verify thier belief of fraud???? Dont you find it funny the SOS is now being investigated for covering up fraud....FOI are showing a TN based company using false registrations in MI, the FBI has credible sources and ignored them. Barr wanted nothing to do with fraud in an election year...Also consider how.many cases are now in court that dont have Trumps name attached but are actually being heard. Basically no court wanted to touch a election fraud case with Trumps name. I know it tough for you but get off the democratic plantation and think critically for yourself for once and let Maddow worry about dinner.
So your allowed to focus on 1 aspect on a lie meant to take power away from a sitting president (a true insurrection) which was the basis for a lie...but other are not allowed to focus on Facts being proven in court to verify thier belief of fraud????
That is a joke.

There has not been any proof presented in a court of law that systemic fraud occurred during the 2020 Presidential Election. Lawyers for the Trump Campaign had ample opportunities to present such findings in December of 2020, but declined to do so.

The only thing which has been proven in court, which you are only selectively discussing, is that the election systems used could have results manipulated IF unfettered access was granted to a bad actor (but it wasn't.) That is nothing new. There isn't an election system in existence which can't be exploited if physical access to the equipment is allowed, and that would also include a system of just paper ballots, as well.

You continue to ignore the "compensating controls" portion of the report submitted by the CISA .... as well as the fact that it was acknowledged that no votes from any election where Dominion Voting Systems were used, have ever been shown to have been changed.

As far as lies being told during the Mueller probe are concerned, there was a significant lie told by both Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. concerning the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower. They both lied about the meeting's objective, as well as who was in attendance. Both of the Trumps tried to say that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the resumption of adoptions by American families of Russian children, but that was proven to have been a lie by the e-mail exchange between Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone, who arranged the meeting. Most notably, Trump Jr.'s, "If it's what you say it is I love it," message makes it clear that the real purpose of the meeting from the standpoint of the Trump Campaign was to receive dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Why did they lie, if they weren't doing anything wrong? Those lies reveal a consciousness of wrongdoing, at the very least. You also should look up the meaning of the word "insurrection." An insurrection involves "a violent uprising." Nowhere did you explain how the Mueller probe involved violence. You are profoundly uneducated and ignorant. It's embarrassing to read.
One more time for those of you who are slow and stupid ..... which is pretty much all of you in the right-wing echo chamber.

There is not a scenario or a set of conditions or circumstances in which Donald Trump would ever admit that he lost a fair election. Donald Trump's track record reveals a narcissist, desperate to protect his ego, who will always attribute any election defeat to some sort of fraud or to his opponent having cheated.

Donald Trump even signaled his intentions to blame fraud for potential defeats prior to both the 2016 and the 2020 Presidential Elections. However, that has not stopped his cult following from swallowing up every lie that he has told concerning the election being rigged.

You are a sad and wretched lot of gullible sheep, who after 3 years of this, really should consider getting yourselves a life.
One more time for those of you who are slow and stupid ..... which is pretty much all of you in the right-wing echo chamber.

There is not a scenario or a set of conditions or circumstances in which Donald Trump would ever admit that he lost a fair election. Donald Trump's track record reveals a narcissist, desperate to protect his ego, who will always attribute any election defeat to some sort of fraud or to his opponent having cheated.

Donald Trump even signaled his intentions to blame fraud for potential defeats prior to both the 2016 and the 2020 Presidential Elections. However, that has not stopped his cult following from swallowing up every lie that he has told concerning the election being rigged.

You are a sad and wretched lot of gullible sheep, who after 3 years of this, really should consider getting yourselves a life.

You are still ranting and insulting people over politics at 4:30am on a Saturday. Then have the gaul to tell us that we need to get a life?
How does that prove that election fraud was committed? How does that prove that the alleged incident wasn't investigated? You complain about bias, but then post things like this from John Solomon's "Leading Report," as if it should be accepted as being legitimate at face value. Solomon clearly has a political agenda, which involves a very aggressive effort to discredit the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election. Do you really think that after 3 years of this, that someone like him is going to be the one to finally come away with the smoking gun?

Your desperate need to cling to this fantasy after this much time does reveal a very boring person, with a very boring life. You are naive, ignorant, cultish and gullible.
your fantasy is Biden got 81 million legitimate votes.

There is not a scenario or a set of conditions or circumstances in which you would ever admit there were proven irregularties in 2020 election.

do you have the results of audits, forensic audits of computers that prove all of Biden's vote were legit?

As far as lies being told during the Mueller probe are concerned, there was a significant lie told by both Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. concerning the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower. They both lied about the meeting's objective, as well as who was in attendance. Both of the Trumps tried to say that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the resumption of adoptions by American families of Russian children, but that was proven to have been a lie by the e-mail exchange between Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone, who arranged the meeting. Most notably, Trump Jr.'s, "If it's what you say it is I love it," message makes it clear that the real purpose of the meeting from the standpoint of the Trump Campaign was to receive dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Why did they lie, if they weren't doing anything wrong? Those lies reveal a consciousness of wrongdoing, at the very least. You also should look up the meaning of the word "insurrection." An insurrection involves "a violent uprising." Nowhere did you explain how the Mueller probe involved violence. You are profoundly uneducated and ignorant. It's embarrassing to read.

What did Mueller do with the Goldstone info?
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That is a joke.

There has not been any proof presented in a court of law that systemic fraud occurred during the 2020 Presidential Election. Lawyers for the Trump Campaign had ample opportunities to present such findings in December of 2020, but declined to do so.

The only thing which has been proven in court, which you are only selectively discussing, is that the election systems used could have results manipulated IF unfettered access was granted to a bad actor (but it wasn't.) That is nothing new. There isn't an election system in existence which can't be exploited if physical access to the equipment is allowed, and that would also include a system of just paper ballots, as well.

You continue to ignore the "compensating controls" portion of the report submitted by the CISA .... as well as the fact that it was acknowledged that no votes from any election where Dominion Voting Systems were used, have ever been shown to have been changed.
So that is not true there were several instances on votes changed but were chalked up to human error. As for the compensating controls, yes they are in place....cardboard over the windows and sending people home...control whonhas unfettered access to the voting machines. Funny in 2016 voting machine weren't to be trusted per the DNC
..hell they even made a movie showing how easy they could be hacked. As for paper ballots they can be traced and verified...the ballot audits only viewed the scanned ballots not the actual ballots because in some place. ATL they were jot handled properly and cant not be found.
As far as lies being told during the Mueller probe are concerned, there was a significant lie told by both Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. concerning the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower. They both lied about the meeting's objective, as well as who was in attendance. Both of the Trumps tried to say that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the resumption of adoptions by American families of Russian children, but that was proven to have been a lie by the e-mail exchange between Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone, who arranged the meeting. Most notably, Trump Jr.'s, "If it's what you say it is I love it," message makes it clear that the real purpose of the meeting from the standpoint of the Trump Campaign was to receive dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Why did they lie, if they weren't doing anything wrong? Those lies reveal a consciousness of wrongdoing, at the very least. You also should look up the meaning of the word "insurrection." An insurrection involves "a violent uprising." Nowhere did you explain how the Mueller probe involved violence. You are profoundly uneducated and ignorant. It's embarrassing to read.
As for the Trump Russia...I should have said a COUP not insurrection...bottom line it was all faked by the DNC to steal an election 2016 and then unlawfully seize power from the sitting POTUS based on illegal actions and lies.

Let me know what Maddow says next...or maybe I'll just email her and get your reply
So that is not true there were several instances on votes changed but were chalked up to human error.
That has not been proven .... and is just more of your completely biased speculation. It was explicitly stated in court that there is no evidence of any votes having been changed on a Dominion Voting System during an election. That is a an indisputable fact. You are as pathetic as it gets.

As for the compensating controls, yes they are in place....cardboard over the windows and sending people home...control whonhas unfettered access to the voting machines.
This is an outright lie from Detroit which I have de-bunked countless times on here. You repeat the same allegations, including the pipe burst, which I have already covered. This has gotten so old.

You are an ignorant and uneducated cultist, who desperately needs some semblance of a life.
your fantasy is Biden got 81 million legitimate votes.
That is what the record says. Your fantasy is that Trump truly won the election.

There is not a scenario or a set of conditions or circumstances in which you would ever admit there were proven irregularties in 2020 election.

That is a misrepresentation of what I have said. There was the same amount of lone wolf incidents of fraud which are seen in every Presidential Election. They did not favor one side over the other, however, and there was not systemic fraud significant enough in nature to have altered the outcome of any one state ... let alone, 3 swing states which would have been needed to alter the outcome of the entire 2020 Presidential Election.

You are also pointing towards what some biased and dishonest sites from the right have cited as anomalies, and are trying to present them as proof of fraud. Even taken at face value, an anomaly is not proof of fraud. It is ignorant to suggest otherwise.
do you have the results of audits, forensic audits of computers that prove all of Biden's vote were legit?
All of Biden's votes weren't legit, just as all of Trump's votes weren't legit. There is no proof that systemic fraud altered the outcome of the entire election, however. Once again, even if you flip both of the two most heavily contested states, Georgia and Arizona, over to Trump's win column, Biden still has the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the 2020 Presidential Election.

The 2020 Presidential Election has been the most thoroughly scrutinized election in United States history. Not because it was close - it wasn't close at all. It's because of how the losing side has childishly handled their defeat. Contrary to what you want to believe, there were forensic audits conducted in Fulton County, Georgia ... and even a partisan manual audit in Maricopa County, Arizona which took 6 months in 2021 - and yielded a gain in votes for Joe Biden! That is a fact, even though the firm who conducted the Maricopa County audit, the Cyber Ninjas, were run by a Trump donor named Doug Logan - and were hand-picked by the 2020 Trump Campaign to make a determination favorable to Trump's desired conclusion of a rigged election.
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I don't see how anyone can read the posts in this thread, and not conclude that Republicans are now a Cult of Personality, who will believe ANYTHING that Donald Trump says. You losers not only believe everything Trump says ... you seem to have a deep-rooted need to believe that he was cheated. There is no other way to describe it than pathetic.
Yes .... you are a pathetic Trump flunky and need to get a life.

I was sound asleep at 4:30 this morning, woke up early, spent the morning with 2 of my grandkids, cleaned out out one side of my attic, cleaned the pool and tonight going to have a few pops and watch the Vols kick some KY azz. My life ain’t bad.
I don't see how anyone can read the posts in this thread, and not conclude that Republicans are now a Cult of Personality, who will believe ANYTHING that Donald Trump says. You losers not only believe everything Trump says ... you seem to have a deep-rooted need to believe that he was cheated. There is no other way to describe it than pathetic.

There’s one poster in this thread that’s staked their entire being on Trump and it ain’t any of the Trump supporters.

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