So sad

Tennessee wins early season tournament, its regular season Rick and we are getting bounced early in March.

Tennessee loses two close games to title contenders, we are getting bounced early in March.

I’m not sure why the team even went to Maui. Would be the same narrative for some.
Tennessee wins early season tournament, its regular season Rick and we are getting bounced early in March.

Tennessee loses two close games to title contenders, we are getting bounced early in March.

I’m not sure why the team even went to Maui. Would be the same narrative for some.

Yeah, but if they didn't play the games, we wouldn't know why they're not going to make it past the first weekend.
I would say doomed rather than destined.
Even with the recently-added shooters, Rick can't seem to get the team up to speed offensively.
It is only November and this team is still learning each other! So many Debbie Downers coming out of the shadows!! This team is very likely to excel during and after the season!
Yep. Like clockwork. The idiots who we never hear from come out in droves to complain about losses. They’re nothing if not predictable. And miserable.
I get the OP's frustration. Tennessee lost their 2 games in this tourney because of the same thing that seems to plague them every year. Bad offense. It mirrors what we've been experiencing every year we are bounced from the NCAA tournament. Hopefully this won't be the case this year and the offensive consistency improves, but if we only go off of this Maui tournament, things still look the same.
I don’t understand why everyone is attacking the OP. He’s only going by what he’s seen year in and year out with a Barnes coached team. Maybe this is the year we break through and make it to the Final Four. Maybe our offense will turn it on. But everyone is attacking the OP for stating what has been the norm for years. He’s just accessing what he’s seen and made a prediction on the facts. I hope he’s wrong but until we make it to a Final Four under Barnes, it is not a statement without merit.
This is likely the Most talented basketball team we have Ever had...and it appears that we are again destined to a first or second round exit from NCAA tournament.

Probably the most pessimistic negative post ever. How do you get through life with that attitude? We lose early to the number 1 and 2 ranked teams so we may as well cancel the season.

Good Lord.
Probably the most pessimistic negative post ever. How do you get through life with that attitude? We lose early to the number 1 and 2 ranked teams so we may as well cancel the season.

Good Lord.

Most of our fanbase enjoys being miserable. It is their identity. I’ve just come to accept that. Wins or less enjoyable for them than losses, and all these people really want is attention because they aren’t getting it at home.
This is likely the Most talented basketball team we have Ever had...and it appears that we are again destined to a first or second round exit from NCAA tournament.
Season just started and now your already throwing in the towel...My god go play golf or something...Ridiculous post, You have no idea how the season and tournament will pan out.
Most of our fanbase enjoys being miserable. It is their identity. I’ve just come to accept that. Wins or less enjoyable for them than losses, and all these people really want is attention because they aren’t getting it at home.
I don't think it's "most". Certainly some, and frankly, aren't too bright
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I mean, there’s a better chance of an early exit than a deep run based on history and the last two days have been carbon copies of TNs recent tournament losses. On the other hand, it is very early and this team shows a promising upside.

There’s a better chance of an early exit than deep run for pretty much everybody. However, this team has a great chance at a deep run. This week was a great week to see what we need to work on and for the new guys from the transfer portal to find out what big boy basketball is all about.

Barnes is a good coach. I fully expect the issues like rebounding to improve. Now shooting… All I want for Christmas is for us to start making shots.
This is likely the Most talented basketball team we have Ever had...and it appears that we are again destined to a first or second round exit from NCAA tournament.
Two of our best players are portal transfers. Let's hope this team gels as the season progresses. Also, the NCAA tournament format will not have us playing back-to-back games on consecutive days. Maybe we are not as conditioned as some of the other teams and that was a factor... who knows?

I saw us in both of those games versus #1 and #2. I never felt we did not belong. Play those two teams again and you never know we might win.

I have a feeling that by the time the tournament rolls around you are going to see Knecht take over games late to keep this team winning. He is just getting started with a new team--
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This is likely the Most talented basketball team we have Ever had...and it appears that we are again destined to a first or second round exit from NCAA tournament.
This is not the most talented we've ever had, IMO. Who is our elite scorer? Dont give me DK. He COMPLETELY disappeared against the big boys. We dont have one. This team is lacking offensive power and a great PG that can create. ZZZ aint ready and Vesco is limited as a PG. Gainey is ok, but hes not a facilitator. Sweet 16 again at best. May not even get there. We wont see offense until we get an offensive minded coach.
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This is likely the Most talented basketball team we have Ever had...and it appears that we are again destined to a first or second round exit from NCAA tournament.
Did you see that little number besides Purdues and Kansas name? Just in case you didn’t, those numbers are #1 and #2, which means top 2 teams in the country in arguably in the top 2 basketball conferences this year.

Last year the Vols beat Kansas 64-50 and we made the Sweet 16. I’m not sure if you are new to basketball, but games in November have no bearing on games in February and March. The Vols battled and competed with the top 2 teams in the country. We had our chance to win and we have a lot to look forward to.

Some of you people would have been miserable even if we would have won. If we would have swept the entire tournament, you and others would have talked about peaking too early, or how Barnes struggles during tournaments, or said “games now doesn’t matter”.

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