The Once and Future QB

Bleh...I am tired of all the Coleman whining...I just want to forget about it. But nicely written Knox.
A little verbose and off the mark. We all know that the reason B.J. was not named the starter was recruiting; ‘nuff said.
Well, you know it now.

Nope, I still don't know it. That's speculation on your part. I never saw any reason to believe he was clearly the best QB. Sure, I thought he was doing as well as Crompton, but that is why a starter hadn't been named yet. I just don't believe in many conspiracy theories.
Very good writing. I am disappointed he left but that he left is very confusing to me. I thought he bled Orange through and through. Apparently not. Him being a Sophomore should have let him know that his time was upon us.

On the other side, the recruiting point is very enticing. I cannot wait to see what Kiff and Co. pull out of their hats this year.
Like it or not he left on his own accord, kiffin didn't ask him to and BJ thought it was best for him. So whats all the uproar about? Don't agree with the article but still nicely written.
Everyone that witnessed practices the entire spring said that Crompton was clearly the best QB.

We are now in a slightly better position to get recruits - sure, but we were in a good position anyway. This had nothing to do with CLK wanting to make a more desirable situation for a QB recruit and every bit to do with one QB clearly outplaying the other one.

This is the last thing CLK wanted to happen to this team. BJ quit on his own. And he almost did it prior to the end of the season last year. I guess that had to do with recruiting too somehow.
Everything I have read to this point says that no one had been named the starting QB. CLK had said he was not going to name a starter at this time and it seems BJ wanted an answer now. If BJ had just been patient I think he would have gotten plenty of playing time and could have possibly won the starting job if practice grading leaned his way instead of JC or NS come September.
Everything I have read to this point says that no one had been named the starting QB. CLK had said he was not going to name a starter at this time and it seems BJ wanted an answer now. If BJ had just been patient I think he would have gotten plenty of playing time and could have possibly won the starting job if practice grading leaned his way instead of JC or NS come September.

That' what I gathered, too.
I'm not sure that B.J. had a spring any different than last year. If you are going to impress someone on a first meeting, (as with the new coaches) you had better put forth you best effort. Maybe he BJ did that and it was not enough to get anything from the coaches to notice. This is too big a operation to let one person think that he is the next coming of Johnny Unitas. It is sad that someone who speaks so highly of a football program feels that he cannot contribute in some manner and matter of factly if not the top dog (QB) no dog at all. I hope BJ finds success at his next stop, I can tell him this, don't think that running from adversity makes you stronger, in reality it makes you weaker.
Very good writing. I am disappointed he left but that he left is very confusing to me. I thought he bled Orange through and through. Apparently not. Him being a Sophomore should have let him know that his time was upon us.

On the other side, the recruiting point is very enticing. I cannot wait to see what Kiff and Co. pull out of their asses this year.
I like that ending better. Is there any confirmation that Coleman told the qb coach he didn't want to talk to him during games?
I the legal profession this article would be considered churning. As far as I am concerned it is mostly speculation. CLK is here to win football games. That is what he is getting paid for and rest assured he is doing what he feels is best to win football games and get the best talent on the field. To little has been accomplished thus far for any judgment to be made particularly by KM.
BJ quit. If every underclassman quit becuase he didn't have the fortitude to stick it out and compete there would be a lot fewer players out there.
BJ quit. If every underclassman quit becuase he didn't have the fortitude to stick it out and compete there would be a lot fewer players out there.
Rudy would be out there by himself.... :eek:lol:

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