Heupel's Monday Presser

That's a pissed off coach doing everything he can not to say, "This was a sh***y effort by my team and these little ********* are going to hate practice this week."

What I didn't hear was, "I believe this team can do better." What I did hear was "We need to do better on both sides of the ball."

Instead of "We're a united group who understands that each individual needs to improve," it was much more of a "we've got to get this team to come together and work together."

I am not encouraged to think Josh Heupel believes this team wants it like they did last year.

I cannot understand how any player who makes it to this level can have motivation and effort issues.

But, I was never going to have that ability, so I guess I’ll never know.
I’ll wager any amount of money that a loss to Alabama this season will not cost CJH his job. Or any other loss for that matter.

And nor should it.
I never said it should or would cost him his job. I said it’s a must win
If he isn't blind he is bothered to see this thing slipping away, and if that happens this year, He has ONE MORE.
I'm a Heupel fan...I like him a lot and hope he's successful for seasons to come. The only thing that bothered me when he was hired was at UCF he was good with the previous coach players the first 2 years and in year 3 he regressed then he was hired here. Hope he rights the ship.
I'm a Heupel fan...I like him a lot and hope he's successful for seasons to come. The only thing that bothered me when he was hired was at UCF he was good with the previous coach players the first 2 years and in year 3 he regressed then he was hired here. Hope he rights the ship.

That's exactly what I said when JH was hired. He was on the wane at Ucf, and it appears that Golesh was the driving force last year, along with Hooker, of course.
We could go 6-6 this year and still not have Heupel on the hot seat. We have had a massive drop off in QB and O-line capability which is directly responsible for ~90% of our offensive woes. The defense, despite their awful 1st half showing against the Gators, has shown some improvement this year. Staffing adjustments need to be made (Martinez) before next year and our DB concerns need to be dealt with in recruiting (not just the portal). Overall, the program is still heading in the right direction.

Based on these last 2 games, they are NOT headed in the right direction. "Sunbelt Billy" proved that.
Something is amiss with this team, and if Fixable, better get fixed soon. Otherwise, it will as bad as some think. When a player says they don't believe; you got trouble. Major trouble.
Nobody talks about the rest of Bru’s article to where this game was a big wake up call for him and he expects the team to rally together. GBO
He doesn’t seem happy but, is it in his DNA to really get on a players a$$? I don’t think I have seen him light anyone up (but the refs).;)

Edit to add, I support CJH

I don't think JH has the DNA to be a tough guy. In CFB, you better have that. Not enthusiastic about the future. I don't sugar coat what I see.
Nobody talks about the rest of Bru’s article to where this game was a big wake up call for him and he expects the team to rally together. GBO

I certainly hope you are right my Friend. I'll be more than happy to backtrack on my comments. I am, most of all a Tennessee Fan.
I enjoyed the presser. Feeling good about a rebound this week. I love that coach and Bru's comments all insinuate that the issues are at a team level and are correctable...mainly execution/efficiency issues and have little to do with being centered on Joe. It baffles me how so many pin point Joe as the problem and Nico is the solution lol. I think the players and coaches know better than us fans.
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He knows the honeymoon just came to an end in Knoxville. For the first time since he's been here, I think the pressure of what this fan base expects has hit him square in the mouth. It will be interesting to see how he deals with it.
I truly feel his very upset because this does not meet HIS expectations. The way he called the timeout Saturday night was aimed more at our team than Florida. He was extremely angry that the team left the field before the clock hit 00. I do believe this will be a very unpleasant week of practice.
I’ll wager any amount of money that a loss to Alabama this season will not cost CJH his job. Or any other loss for that matter.

And nor should it.

How about 5-7? Or heaven forbid, worse? Then JH has next year to rally or he will be out. (Should be anyway) Without major staff changes, OC, DC, DB, It ain't happening --IMO. Look at bama, lost their OC, DC, and are struggling. Hype is nothing but the CEO.
How about 5-7? Or heaven forbid, worse? Then JH has next year to rally or he will be out. (Should be anyway) Without major staff changes, OC, DC, DB, It ain't happening --IMO. Look at bama, lost their OC, DC, and are struggling. Hype is nothing but the CEO.

Well, let’s just go ahead and make it 2-10 while we’re at it and burn down the stadium….

I see no circumstances where he is fired this year or next.
This fanbase so desperately needs Heup to be the answer and I do believe the first two years showed that he can be. Buttt, the South Carolina game last year (which I still don't understand) and then a lackluster start this year certainly raises questions. And yes, not going to be surprised to see Haden benched.
I cannot understand how any player who makes it to this level can have motivation and effort issues.

But, I was never going to have that ability, so I guess I’ll never know.
If this is a team building issue where the culture is "meh, we're working hard enough for this coach" that's a big change from last year and I'm really confused how that happened after we ended on high note with the Orange Bowl.

I'm going to hope Cooper gets back, gathers up the O Lines guys and makes it personal to hold each other to a standard of execution and a work ethic that doesn't tolerate distraction. It's college and you don't have to be in bed by 9pm, but you'd better be 100% ready when you lace the cleats or you're going to hear about it from the guys you let down.

It's going to take some self leadership to fix this. Someone in each group needs to step up, get their guys in a room and see what they're made of. As you say, most of us don't have the talent and gifts to be there and me talking to these kids would be silly, but they need leaders with their skills, their peers, to stand up and say, "WTF? I don't practice and work this hard to be part of a unit that's looks like crap on game day. I'm looking at you, Kamal."

We need leaders to step up. Now. Right now.
If this is a team building issue where the culture is "meh, we're working hard enough for this coach" that's a big change from last year and I'm really confused how that happened after we ended on high note with the Orange Bowl.

I'm going to hope Cooper gets back, gathers up the O Lines guys and makes it personal to hold each other to a standard of execution and a work ethic that doesn't tolerate distraction. It's college and you don't have to be in bed by 9pm, but you'd better be 100% ready when you lace the cleats or you're going to hear about it from the guys you let down.

It's going to take some self leadership to fix this. Someone in each group needs to step up, get their guys in a room and see what they're made of. As you say, most of us don't have the talent and gifts to be there and me talking to these kids would be silly, but they need leaders with their skills, their peers, to stand up and say, "WTF? I don't practice and work this hard to be part of a unit that's looks like crap on game day. I'm looking at you, Kamal."

We need leaders to step up. Now. Right now.

A coach’s only tool is to take away playing time, and this is where it really sucks when you are rebuilding a roster. You just don’t have the necessary replacements.

It is different when a team is loaded. Like at Alabama. Or Tennessee in the late 90s. If a player half-asses it, the coach has three other rabid dogs fighting to take his place.

Whether our backups are as good as the starter or not, CJH needs to start benching guys who don’t give 100% to send a message.

And I agree with you. Teammates need to start enforcing some accountability, too. We need fist fights at practice more than after embarrassing losses.

It’s one thing to make a mistake or bad play. But it’s inexcusable to not give it 100%.
coach was "snippy" on the Mincey playing time question.

Edit: He knows that as bad as we played against FL we have games coming up vs GA and Bama that are absolutely going to hammer this team. Bama owes us for last year and GA is far more talented. If we give no better effort than we did in the first half against FL we will be down way more than this past game.
Hard for me to believe that Mincey wasn’t motivated to be ready to play against his former team in his home state. Very sad.
This fanbase so desperately needs Heup to be the answer and I do believe the first two years showed that he can be. Buttt, the South Carolina game last year (which I still don't understand) and then a lackluster start this year certainly raises questions. And yes, not going to be surprised to see Haden benched.
I was giving him a chance to prove himself this year. I thought he had some good moments in the first two games. Now, I'm thinking it will be a matter of time before he is benched for good. At least, I hope so.

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