Elon Musk is either brave or stupid


It's the ADL's fault that Musk is totally toxic. Sure, man. When advertisers started quiet-quitting for very obvious reasons that have nothing to do with the ADL, he literally threatened to get the Musk fanboy mob after them. Imagine trolling non-stop for months and months, and then putting out an explicit threat against advertisers, and then blaming the ADL for a 60% drop in advertising revenue.

A month ago, “free speech absolutist” Elon Musk sued the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) in an obvious SLAPP suit. As we said at the time, CCDH is, generally speaking, not a great organization. Their methodology is awful, and their reports are often silly. But they have a free speech right to be that awful. Notably, while Musk’s lawyer originally threatened them with a defamation lawsuit, the actual lawsuit avoided any defamation claims.

The ADL is kinda similar to CCDH, just much larger and more well-respected. While I appreciate its purpose and mission of fighting anti-Semitism, the organization has a long history of being overly aggressive and coming down on the wrong side of pushing for laws that would be damaging to free speech online, including stupidly attacking Section 230 (even though, without Section 230).

Musk egged on a silly, idiot-driven campaign to #BanTheADL, which he can do if he wants, but kinda puts the exclamation point on how Musk’s conception of “free speech” on exTwitter is entirely driven by his own personal views, not any kind of principled stance.
There’s nothing defamatory about saying that the ADL believes there is too much hate on the platform. That’s a statement of opinion that Musk and his minions are free to try to disprove.

Threatening them with a defamation claim is not the way to do it. It’s abusing the power of the state to try to stifle speech over an opinion. Again, no matter what you think of the ADL, it has every right to state its opinion. That’s free speech.

He claimed that the ADL “would potentially be on the hook for destroying half the value of the company, so roughly $22 billion.” And then backs down a bit and claims that (lol) “giving them the maximum benefit of the doubt, I don’t see any scenario where they’re responsible for less than 10% of the value destruction, so ~$4 billion.”

And then he does the dumb thing he does all the time where he gets excited for discovery, even though discovery does not work the way he thinks it does.

So, first of all, math genius, if $4 billion is 10% of the “value destruction,” that means Elon is actually saying that $40 billion in value has been destroyed since he purchased the company, which would place the current value at $4 billion. But… I’m guessing he’s just confused and means 10% of the overall value of the company. Or that he’s just not that smart.

But, either way that’s not how any of this works. At all. If the ADL is convincing advertisers not to advertise on exTwitter, that’s their free speech in the marketplace of ideas. And if that speech caused advertisers to bail, that means that Elon is losing in the marketplace of ideas. If you actually believe in free speech, you don’t go sue over that. You respond with your own speech and do your best.

Second, if businesses choose not to do business with you, that’s their free association rights as well. You don’t get to just sue some random 3rd party for calling out your ********. Imagine what kind of world we’d live in if convincing companies not to do business with some other company was legally actionable? That would be ridiculous. In that world, Zuckerberg could sue Musk for making fun of Threads and potentially driving away traffic. Or Substack could sue Musk for lying about Substack and trying to drive users away from that site.

But that’s not how any of this works.

Unless there’s some secret hidden defamatory statement from the ADL about Twitter, which I highly doubt, the only thing that Musk and exTwitter can claim is that they disagree with the ADL’s opinion that exTwitter has become a haven for hate and anti-semitism. But… that’s a difference of opinion, and that’s not defamatory. Furthermore, substantial truth is a defense to defamation as well, and the ADL can easily show tons of anti-semitic tweets on the platform.

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The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) are nongovernmental organizations, their leaders say. When they demand more censorship of online hate speech, as they are currently doing of X, formerly Twitter, those NGOs are doing it as free citizens and not, say, as government agents.

But the fact of the matter is that the US and other Western governments fund ISD, the UK government indirectly funds CCDH, and, for at least 40 years, ADL spied on its enemies and shared intelligence with the US, Israel and other governments. The reason all of this matters is that ADL’s advertiser boycott against X may be an effort by governments to regain the ability to censor users on X that they had under Twitter before Musk’s takeover last November.
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The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) are nongovernmental organizations, their leaders say. When they demand more censorship of online hate speech, as they are currently doing of X, formerly Twitter, those NGOs are doing it as free citizens and not, say, as government agents.

But the fact of the matter is that the US and other Western governments fund ISD, the UK government indirectly funds CCDH, and, for at least 40 years, ADL spied on its enemies and shared intelligence with the US, Israel and other governments. The reason all of this matters is that ADL’s advertiser boycott against X may be an effort by governments to regain the ability to censor users on X that they had under Twitter before Musk’s takeover last November.

Which governments? Certainly not Turkey or India. It's open season for those guys.

Twitter’s acquiescence to autocratic or non-liberal regimes is not an exaggeration by critics of the social network. The data, which the public audit receives automatically, speaks for itself. Since Musk’s takeover, the company has received 971 requests from governments (compared to only 338 in the six-month period from October 2021 to April 2022), fully acceding to 808 of them and partially acceding to 154. In the year prior to Musk taking control, Twitter agreed to 50% of such requests, in line with the compliance rate indicated in the company’s last transparency report (none have been published since October 2022). Following the change of ownership, that figure has risen to 83%, according to the analysis of the data by the technology information portal Rest of World.

Elon could have so much more well liked and respected if he had just stayed in his lane. Just couldn't help himself.
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It's the ADL's fault that Musk is totally toxic. Sure, man. When advertisers started quiet-quitting for very obvious reasons that have nothing to do with the ADL, he literally threatened to get the Musk fanboy mob after them. Imagine trolling non-stop for months and months, and then putting out an explicit threat against advertisers, and then blaming the ADL for a 60% drop in advertising revenue.

Nobody saw you running to this thread. 🤣😂
Your obsession with elon and trannies makes me think you need psychiatric help to change.
You post far more about both of those things than I do lmao, go back to being confused about how per capita measurements work
You post far more about both of those things than I do lmao, go back to being confused about how per capita measurements work

You mean the flawed measurement looney libs use to make the s***holes they created seem less sh****y? 🤣😂
You mean the flawed measurement looney libs use to make the s***holes they created seem less sh****y? 🤣😂
“Flawed” and yet crickets 🥱
Let's say a violent criminal breaks into a house with 3 people in it, so there's 1 violent criminal out of 4 people total. Elsewhere in the state, there's a city of 1 million people with 2 violent criminals in it. If you think with a straight face that the city is "more dangerous" then NY Post has turned your brain to mush
Elon lies just to hear his head rattle sometimes. Hard to know what he'll actually follow through with

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