Why is Volnation Football Forum so Quiet?



Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2012
I been reading/posting on Volnation for many years, but I’ve never seen the football forum so quite, only 3 weeks from the season opener?
Probably can’t blame it on Covid or politics,
But it’s more likely that many Vols fans are still in shock over what’s happened over the past 9 months.
I’m trying to get excited, but it’s difficult, especially after the Pruitt cheating debacle and Tennessee awaiting NCAA penalties.
Go Vols
I been reading/posting on Volnation for many years, but I’ve never seen the football forum so quite, only 3 weeks from the season opener?
Probably can’t blame it on Covid or politics,
But it’s more likely that many Vols fans are still in shock over what’s happened over the past 9 months.
I’m trying to get excited, but it’s difficult, especially after the Pruitt cheating debacle and Tennessee awaiting NCAA penalties.
Go Vols
I used to read five times as much content here as I do now, and would comment easily 10x as much.

The state of the program wears you down, sure, and that's gotta be part of it. But the much larger part, for me, is the negativity of big parts of this community. The inexcusably large number of trolls and denigrators of our program. They've pushed me back from the place to an extent. I even take week- or month-long breaks now, which I never did in the first few years on board.

And that's a pity, because there are some great folks here. I miss hearing from a lot of them, so I know they're doing the same.

Go Vols!
I used to read five times as much content here as I do now, and would comment easily 10x as much.

The state of the program wears you down, sure, and that's gotta be part of it. But the much larger part, for me, is the negativity of big parts of this community. The inexcusably large number of trolls and denigrators of our program. They've pushed me back from the place to an extent. I even take week- or month-long breaks now, which I never did in the first few years on board.

And that's a pity, because there are some great folks here. I miss hearing from a lot of them, so I know they're doing the same.

Go Vols!

Pretty much Spot On VFL
make me wander if florida gators or geoergia bulldogs are posting in here with negativy and making us post less?
I been reading/posting on Volnation for many years, but I’ve never seen the football forum so quite, only 3 weeks from the season opener?
Probably can’t blame it on Covid or politics,
But it’s more likely that many Vols fans are still in shock over what’s happened over the past 9 months.
I’m trying to get excited, but it’s difficult, especially after the Pruitt cheating debacle and Tennessee awaiting NCAA penalties.
Go Vols
It’s quiet possible that it is for all of the reasons you posted.
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Webster defines it well - ATROPHY: A wasting away or progressive decline

Our program and fan base are in a state of atrophy and until we are all fed a good sized helping of the nourishment that is winning, it's likely to remain as such.
We've been through all of these discussions so many times in the last decade+, it gets kind of tiresome. I think most folks are just waiting for some evidence of actual change before they engage in football discussions again. Until then, what's left to say?
I been reading/posting on Volnation for many years, but I’ve never seen the football forum so quite, only 3 weeks from the season opener?
Probably can’t blame it on Covid or politics,
But it’s more likely that many Vols fans are still in shock over what’s happened over the past 9 months.
I’m trying to get excited, but it’s difficult, especially after the Pruitt cheating debacle and Tennessee awaiting NCAA penalties.
Go Vols
We've all played this game before. We know the song and dance. Culture has changed under new Head Coach__________________. SOOO much better than old HC ________________. Look at new HC __________________ performance in this area. Everybody is tired of fake hype. Change because it is different is no longer going to create enthusiasm. UT fans want wins, not hype. Prove it or move along.
I used to read five times as much content here as I do now, and would comment easily 10x as much.

The state of the program wears you down, sure, and that's gotta be part of it. But the much larger part, for me, is the negativity of big parts of this community. The inexcusably large number of trolls and denigrators of our program. They've pushed me back from the place to an extent. I even take week- or month-long breaks now, which I never did in the first few years on board.

And that's a pity, because there are some great folks here. I miss hearing from a lot of them, so I know they're doing the same.

Go Vols!

I wish I could like this 100 times. The negativity and vitriol has made a lot of posts unreadable for me. Personal attacks between members makes it feel like we are arguing with our Rivals fans instead of fellow Vols. Obviously we have different views and that is what these forums are about. The way people go after each other so often is just childish and a microcosm of our broader society.

You'd honestly think we are cheering for different teams half the time.....

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