Official Jon Gruden Thread 50

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if somebody has to google Jeremy Pruitt they obviously don't follow college football. Not my first pick, but somebody would have to have just crawled out from under a rock to claim to be a knowlegeable CFB fan and need to google Pruitt.

Thanks coach who are you again?
I worried about CPF letting his emotions affect his judgment, but this is outrageous.
I am here to face the music.We all wanted and worked hard for Gruden but didn’t get it done. If you need to yell or insult me then get it out now. As I said, I will still honor the golf and party next year.

Appreciate all you brought Beaver. You are good in my book.
Beav i think u did what u needed to do and gave us hope at times when we had none. I am glad i sort of met you. If you ever need a guest to play at the honors....i would be honored
Havent seen the place scince 1998

Come to the golf tournament next year. Hopefully we all will be in better moods.
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I am here to face the music.We all wanted and worked hard for Gruden but didn’t get it done. If you need to yell or insult me then get it out now. As I said, I will still honor the golf and party next year.

Some people will come in here and bash you for what you said. They are missing the bigger picture. Your goal first and foremost was start the conversation and get a movement started. You accomplished that goal, while our school has not been rid of the cancer that is the Haslam family the eyes of volnation have been opened to what was going on and for that I say thank you! To whoever you work for I say thank you! Pruitt isn't the whale you discussed and talked about but he is a hire that the school can build around. Hopefully most can see that this wasn't so much about a coaching hire as it was righting the ship. People have to have a leader to start a movement and I for one feel that you were that leader. We still have many problems in our Athletic department but we are in a better place than we were two weeks ago. I don't know who you are but the first couple of rounds are on me if you ever make it to Arkansas. Now let's go have fun winning championships!
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I am here to face the music.We all wanted and worked hard for Gruden but didn’t get it done. If you need to yell or insult me then get it out now. As I said, I will still honor the golf and party next year.

Thanks, but I was holding out for Doyle's party. I think that is in jeopardy now though :(
UTSuave’;14861060 said:
Where the **** is Sara Clark when you need here the females are being attacked

I'm a female, a veteran female at that. Women are very capable to fend for ourselves. (But it's nice when men take up for us also).
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Hey guys can we all just step back a second. I wanted Gruden as bad as anybody and we didn't get him for whatever reason. We got exactly what we have done in our past, we got a guy the is and DC and is pretty damn good at it. In the past we have ALWAYS got a.) coordinator i.e. Neyland, Wyatt, Dicky, Fulmer now Pruitt or b) an up and comer Battle, Kiffin, Doley, Jones. We have only hired ONE big name coach in our history.....Majors.

I know this is not the sexy slam dunk but if you add our past win loses togeather we seem to do better with the coordinators. Granted we only have one big name (Majors) to judge it by but check his record out and see if he would have lasted 3 or 4 years in todays climate.

Let's just see how this works. Remember Saban was not their forst choice at Bama and if the coac they hired had not used the Universities credit card at a strip club where would they be. Time will tell.

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I am here to face the music.We all wanted and worked hard for Gruden but didn’t get it done. If you need to yell or insult me then get it out now. As I said, I will still honor the golf and party next year.

Pull up a seat sir.

Bartender Jack!
I am here to face the music.We all wanted and worked hard for Gruden but didn’t get it done. If you need to yell or insult me then get it out now. As I said, I will still honor the golf and party next year.

Shame on you sir. From the bottom of my orange blood pumping heart. Shame on you. Go Scotch yourself.
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Phillip Fulmer is laughing his fat a$$ off right now. Welcome to Bill Battle 2.0.

Old Phil is back in power. It wouldn’t surprise me if Currie was a pawn who got manipulated into bad decisions by Fulmer (and a few others) for this express purpose. Fulmer’s greasy, fat little fingers are contaminating everything again. Judas Brutus.

The good old boy system is alive and well in Knoxville, and we were all duped - not by Beaver or Bubba or other posters on this anonymous message board, but by the deranged power structure within UT itself.
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I had been unemployed for 5 months when Thread 17 got started. I had not interviewed or had a phone call about a job for 2 months and I had started suffering from depression. Threads 17-22 (and GOD) helped get me through those dark days. I'm working now, making good money, and I'm happy with my life. I really appreciate the ones that came in here and kept in lite and fun. I've not added much to the conversations, but I felt like I belonged in here. I also tried to keep the trolls out because I believe there are other posters that came in here to focus on something other than whatever is wrong in their life. There are a lot of special folks in here and I've had a great time with all of you.

***Last thing, I really hate bama and I'm having a hard time believing this crap. I hope there is plenty of Orange on the coaching staff because there's not any left in the AD's office. Hang in there Vol Nation.


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I'm a VFL in every sense of the phrase. I desperately wanted Gruden but I will back coach Pruitt and our players as I always do. I'm hoping for Dabo or Smart v2.0. I believe in this school and the football program.

On a side note, I love love love all the Vol ladies in the forum now. Y'all add a much needed shot of estrogen and intelligence to this group. Well done ladies. :hi:

Some pretty fine innuendo and titillation as well.
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