Retread University

Don't confuse bad hires with "fresh".

Good or bad, they were fresh to the University of Tennessee. It’s time to try some old retread VFL’s.
If it doesn’t work, they can go back to hiring fresh bad hires. Nothing could be any worse than the Sh!tshow that was 2017.
Les Miles is no Richt.

That's debatable. Regardless.. retreads show up all over college football. Just because someone is a retread, doesn't mean they aren't a good coach.. especially when they get fired with a winning record (ie Miles, Richt)

Problem we have right now is the program is in shambles due to 9 years of poor decisions..

- Kiffin and the crappy buyout Hamilton negotiated
- Dooley
- Jones

Then we have the Currie debacle and all the information/misinformation.

The best thing could be to bring in someone like a Miles to try and stabilize everything (ie Rick Barnes) and then try to find the next rockstar type coach after things stabilize and move in the right direction.
It is Retread U. These old people just can't let go.

Hell, if we are going after a retread like Les Miles, may as well make a run at Spurrier.

I'm speaking as a Vol fan from the Millennial generation. My generation is tired of old white retreads making all of the decisions regarding coaching hires, coaching firings, financial decisions etc. We need a youth movement in all areas of our athletic administration from the BOT down to the waterboy on the team. We are a generation that is used to expressing our valuable opinions on social media and effecting change with those opinions. We do not like or appreciate top down, authoritative decision making from out of touch old white men when it has a huge effect on the world we live in. We as a generation understand the times better than those over age 45 and it is high time that we are given our due in the decision making on the Hill. Not only here but across this country in all areas of social, political, financial and religious areas of society. We are the future and we are a special generation who has arrived at just the right time to move this country and the world in a better direction based on our vision for the future.

I posted this in another thread. It's time to let the younger generation take the lead in this. We are Retread U with Fulmer and now possibly Miles. We need both an under forty coach and AD and administration for that matter. The future is now for the Millennial generation and we should be given the reins for the good of the school and athletic department.
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I have no issue with having a coach fill that spot. But not the coach that got fired and was the cause of the program going off the rails from the get go.

Fulmer broke it and then is expected to fix it.

I have a hard time saying Fulmer broke it..

The damage to the program his successors did is far worse than anything he did..

Fulmer, old? Absolutely. Stale? Not for a minute.

Dunno if you watched the press conference Friday, but the aura of command about Phil was palpable. He is a unifying force, a reassuring presence, and a catalyst toward championships.

His character has always been noted for selflessness. That should continue. Your fears of a "power run" are baseless.

It is true that he hasn't been directly involved in leading a football program in a decade. That is hardly pertinent, since he is not being asked to lead one now. He is the AD, not the coach.

I certainly hope Les Miles is not the best we can do in this search (no dig on Les, he's a very good coach, I just have my sights set a bit higher). But I trust Phil implicitly to do what's best for Tennessee. He will find us the best coach current circumstances will allow.

Fulmer will have a coach with staff that will be exponentially better than we were looking at this time last Sunday. In fact I suspect one that when look at asst coaches we go "holy crap" we are back. Whether will work or not is another story. Is starting to feel (to me) that Tee will be the straw that stirs the excitement whether he is HC or high paid OC.
I'd be glad to see again what happened in the nineties. If Phil can make that happen all for being retread.
I have no issue with having a coach fill that spot. But not the coach that got fired and was the cause of the program going off the rails from the get go.

Fulmer broke it and then is expected to fix it.

Eh I'd argue that the program went off the rails when Lane left.

Lane showed we had the talent to win, took the same team Fulmer had built and won 7 games with them, beat UGA and SC both at a time when they were on a roll, came thisclose to beating both FL and Bama.

This showed with the right coach we could win, Dooley showed that he couldn't take a team and win a pee wee league game, so that hurt recruiting and the program as a whole.

Then Hart decided he wanted a "winner" his problem was no one wanted to lead this crap team and went with Butch.

Butch did some good, got the academic side of the football ball team improved even got some talent but his inability to change and he was a true micromanager was his downfall.

Fulmer knows what it takes to win, I'd dare say there are probably some coaches out there who might be willing to listen to Fulmer even thougt they didn't listen to Currie
I'm speaking as a Vol fan from the Millennial generation. My generation is tired of old white retreads making all of the decisions regarding coaching hires, coaching firings, financial decisions etc. We need a youth movement in all areas of our athletic administration from the BOT down to the waterboy on the team. We are a generation that is used to expressing our valuable opinions on social media and effecting change with those opinions. We do not like or appreciate top down, authoritative decision making from out of touch old white men when it has a huge effect on the world we live in. We as a generation understand the times better than those over age 45 and it is high time that we are given our due in the decision making on the Hill. Not only here but across this country in all areas of social, political, financial and religious areas of society. We are the future and we are a special generation who has arrived at just the right time to move this country and the world in a better direction based on our vision for the future.

I posted this in another thread. It's time to let the younger generation take the lead in this. We are Retread U with Fulmer and now possibly Miles. We need both an under forty coach and AD and administration for that matter. The future is now for the Millennial generation and we should be given the reins for the good of the school and athletic department.

Fighting a losing battle right now.
I'm speaking as a Vol fan from the Millennial generation. My generation is tired of old white retreads making all of the decisions regarding coaching hires, coaching firings, financial decisions etc. We need a youth movement in all areas of our athletic administration from the BOT down to the waterboy on the team. We are a generation that is used to expressing our valuable opinions on social media and effecting change with those opinions. We do not like or appreciate top down, authoritative decision making from out of touch old white men when it has a huge effect on the world we live in. We as a generation understand the times better than those over age 45 and it is high time that we are given our due in the decision making on the Hill. Not only here but across this country in all areas of social, political, financial and religious areas of society. We are the future and we are a special generation who has arrived at just the right time to move this country and the world in a better direction based on our vision for the future.

I posted this in another thread. It's time to let the younger generation take the lead in this. We are Retread U with Fulmer and now possibly Miles. We need both an under forty coach and AD and administration for that matter. The future is now for the Millennial generation and we should be given the reins for the good of the school and athletic department.

Young folks always think they know better.
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Ok so this will rub people the wrong way but I’m looking for some decent feedback. First, Fulmer doesn’t excite me at all - in fact, it’s the opposite. It feels old and stale. In addition, what little “insider” info I have on him isn’t good (this was from when he was fired). He’s power hungry and always has been in my opinion (which means Gruden is out for all the Grudenites). Regardless, he hasn’t been involved in college football in a decade, no one hired him after he was fired, and now he’s rumored to be looking at Les Miles - who also went unhired after being fired (and LSU seems to be doing fine without him).

So what I’m asking is - why does hiring retreads that didn’t get hired by anyone else feel exciting? Because Fulmer bleeds orange? I bleed orange and I have no business near an AD office or football field.

I fear Fulmer is on a power run to get back everyone that “wronged” him when he was fired. That’s the wrong motivation. He has no attachment to younger coaches or fan bases. In the end, he doesn’t excite me and neither does Les Miles.

It feels like Retread University.

You may bleed orange, but have spent over 50 years of your life playing/coaching the game of football, around 30 of that at UT. This is what makes him qualified. I get tired of people just wanting administrators in the role of AD, maybe we actually need someone who knows a freakin sport, and at TN they need to know FOOTBALL!
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AD Fulmer is what is needed at this particular time...believe it...or not, and he will try his best to hire a coach for us, at this particular time...we'll just have to wait and see who shakes out...feel better now than I did last week...believe it...or not...:):)

PS. he will not rush into this lightly...:)

GO AD FULMER AND GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Young folks always think they know better.

I liked your first post, this one was surprisingly weak. The same argument could be made in reverse:

Old folks think the same old is all that works.

Before you Make assumptions, I’m not a millennial and older than most on this board. I watched faithfully during the Fulmer era. I also was aware of a bit more behind the scenes at that time so maybe that’s tainted me and who knows if it’s true or not. I understand why some people like Fulmer but maybe I value fresh and exciting over the same old UT cycle.

As for the Gruden comments — who said I thought Gruden was coming?
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Yeah, and look at what all had to happen in order to get to ATL. I guess we can overlook that.

Winning? That’s terrible. 6-2 in Conference. God forbid.

Let’s also overlook 10 wins. Because we all know what had to happen to get those....
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Eh I'd argue that the program went off the rails when Lane left.

Lane showed we had the talent to win, took the same team Fulmer had built and won 7 games with them, beat UGA and SC both at a time when they were on a roll, came thisclose to beating both FL and Bama.

This showed with the right coach we could win, Dooley showed that he couldn't take a team and win a pee wee league game, so that hurt recruiting and the program as a whole.

Then Hart decided he wanted a "winner" his problem was no one wanted to lead this crap team and went with Butch.

Butch did some good, got the academic side of the football ball team improved even got some talent but his inability to change and he was a true micromanager was his downfall.

Fulmer knows what it takes to win, I'd dare say there are probably some coaches out there who might be willing to listen to Fulmer even thougt they didn't listen to Currie

Program ran off the rails when Hamilton was handed the reigns
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I'd be glad to see again what happened in the nineties. If Phil can make that happen all for being retread.

Yep when all the rest of the world is down on UT and we are a pariah, then VFL family is best bet to get everyone passionately pulling in same direction. Don't need someone from outside not 100% vested who is here because of a big paycheck. The over pouring of former Vols to jump in and bring us back would be immense if Tee on board.

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