Official Jon Gruden Thread XLV

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Hey, I got a reply!!
Dear ,

Thank you for your recent email. You are an important member of the UT family and your feedback is appreciated. UT enjoys a rich history and we are fortunate to have such loyal and dedicated alumni and friends who care so deeply about the university. As we receive comments from alumni and friends, this information is routinely shared with key members of the UT administration. This process ensures your voice is heard. Our office will remain focused on working with you to advance UT and enrich the lives of our students and alumni.


Leland (Lee) D. Patouillet, Ph.D. (MS ’76)
Associate Vice Chancellor of Alumni Affairs
Got two of those. Same wording too.
Gonna nerd out for a sec.

Stranger Things 2.

Mindflayer = Haslam
The Breach = Currie
Eleven = VolNation

If we close the Breach, the Mindflayer loses power here. Still alive, but cut off from influence here.

Close the Breach. Fire Currie.

Now I'm going to go watch the entire season 2. If it has its plot similarities, then it will have quite a few less dead periods of riddled anxiety than watching message boards. Maybe by the time I'm finished some s*** would have happened 😂😂😂 (y)

Don't get distracted by this coach, that coach or the other coach. Focus on FIRE CURRIE.

As soon as Currie is fired, we need to IMMEDIATELY call for Blackburn. In full force.

Then, THEN, we call for the very best coach for Tennessee, who HAS NOT SAID NO.
Way to keep us focused Exile. Currie's decisions are so maddening and idiotic you can't help but fixate on the lunacy. Gotta keep our eyes on the prize. 🏆
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True. This is part of the leverage to get John out. He has been neutered in the coaching ranks.

Are they really pursuing Sumlin? Unfortunately I think the majority of fans will get behind him and be satisfied. The outrage comes when they toss out Doeren and Clawson because they aren’t worthy of the position. Sumlin is a good choice but not under this leadership.
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Do you really believe he will go that quietly just because his guy is fired and Blackburn (or anyone else) is brought in? You have another thing coming if you do. He has to be completey removed or this will not change. Don't for one second think he won't attempt to sabotage the hiring of an AD, and by proxy, sabotaging any new coaching hires.

By no means no. But, for now, first order of business and the first step to removing power is dealing with the hire at hand. You beat him here. The first battle, not the war.

It's going to take time and money and resources to beat him long term, and eventually it will work or won't. But, for now, the meaning and reason behind negating him on this hire is all that matters, as it is the most pressing and forefront issue.

Don't get distracted by this coach, that coach or the other coach. Focus on FIRE CURRIE.

As soon as Currie is fired, we need to IMMEDIATELY call for Blackburn. In full force.

Then, THEN, we call for the very best coach for Tennessee, who HAS NOT SAID NO.

I think if they were going to fire Currie it would have already happened
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Gonna nerd out for a sec.

Stranger Things 2.

Mindflayer = Haslam
The Breach = Currie
Eleven = VolNation

If we close the Breach, the Mindflayer loses power here. Still alive, but cut off from influence here.

Close the Breach. Fire Currie.

Ha! My thoughts as well except I pictured the entire University in the "Upside Down"
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If this is true there are only two courses of action

1. Do te sensible thing and make sure this happens by any means necessary

2. Impeach the governor, nuke Neyland and boycott Pilot

I don't buy this at all. One, what difference does seven days make. What coach isn't allowed to hire coaches on whatever time line it takes to get coaches hired. Arbitrary demand that sounds false.

Second, total control? Control of what? A college football coach already controls personnel through recruiting. The AD has no input into recruiting or the roster at any school. And in the NFL that's typically what is referred to when the term control is thrown around. The coach wants control over the roster instead of the GM. What control would Gruden want more than is already inherently provided at the collegiate level? I'm calling BS on this tweet. It makes absolutely no sense.
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Gonna nerd out for a sec.

Stranger Things 2.

Mindflayer = Haslam
The Breach = Currie
Eleven = VolNation

If we close the Breach, the Mindflayer loses power here. Still alive, but cut off from influence here.

Close the Breach. Fire Currie.

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Are they really pursuing Sumlin? Unfortunately I think the majority of fans will get behind him and be satisfied. The outrage comes when they toss our Doeren and Clawson because they aren’t worthy of the position. Sumlin is a good choice but not under this leadership.

I thought I read somewhere that Florida State had interest in Sumlin. Something about a coach swap.
By no means no. But, for now, first order of business and the first step to removing power is dealing with the hire at hand. You beat him here. The first battle, not the war.

It's going to take time and money and resources to beat him long term, and eventually it will work or won't. But, for now, the meaning and reason behind negating him on this hire is all that matters, as it is the most pressing and forefront issue.

Agree. Currie has to be first, but a contemporaneous removal of Haslam and his influence would be all the sweeter.
to get a gauge on how sumlin may do at UT, look at his record vs the east and bama.

overall, while at a&m, he was 9-3 against the east (played uf, ut, mz, sc, vandy) and 1-5 vs bama.

that's 10-8 and 56%.

bout the same as mullin was vs the east and bama.

not sure he'd be worth what we'd have to pay him.
not sure how i feel about this truthfully.

EDIT: 3-3 vs Mullen

Interesting research. He is not the top of my list, but he is certainly better than the jokers that have been offered the last 2 days.
I am still hopeful we can see a pause with a change in leadership before anything happens, but I am not optimistic.
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I don't know that he is, I'm not the one that said he was. I'm just saying if they offer, I feel he will accept.

yes I do also...
he was so emotional in his presser...he really wants to succeed..first time being fired may of woke his a$$ up...

NOT who I want but after all that has been paraded around..he may be the best so far
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