Butch Jones 10 Years as HC

Nope. Just applying old wisdom to a new "pot".

Funny how you never actually get around to discussing anything of merit. You just waste time and bandwidth attacking those who do.

I leave the unilateral ONE WAY no debate path to yourself. I discuss with other mortals like myself. There should be a soulless tax guy at every party explaining how fun extravaganzas destroy your retirement portfolio. Soulless scientist at every Star Wars viewing party explaining how the Force is impossible. And one of you on every FAN message board explaining how there is only ONE interpretation of success and that you have it earmarked in increments that look suspiciously like Saban and Meyer's resumes. :thud:

Or we could go to the batting cage and aim the damn thing at our nuts and get the same benefit!
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Talk Freak into making the "find posts" option go back farther than 100 posts and I'll link them for you.

Till then, you can go back to pretty much any thread during the 2016 season where there is a post that its critical of CBJ, and you'll find Behr (and several others) defending CBJ in spite of the reality that we've seen in the last 4 seasons.

I have seen a team steadily improve and become competitive.

Would you rather the team have been 5-7, 4-8, 3-9, and 2-10? My bet is that you REALLY REALLY wanted to see that.
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I have seen a team steadily improve and become competitive.

Would you rather the team have been 5-7, 4-8, 3-9, and 2-10? My bet is that you REALLY REALLY wanted to see that.

At some point, the fan base as a whole, has to get past Derek Dooley. I understand he set the bar so very low, that any improvement, is good to some people, but just being better than Derek Dooley is not the standard to judge all future football coaches at the University of Tennessee.
At some point, the fan base as a whole, has to get past Derek Dooley. I understand he set the bar so very low, that any improvement, is good to some people, but just being better than Derek Dooley is not the standard to judge all future football coaches at the University of Tennessee.

By the same token it is not fair to judge all coaches based on the performance of Alabama. It is fair to look at Tennessee historically - and historically 9-4 actually fits.
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I have seen a team steadily improve and become competitive.

Would you rather the team have been 5-7, 4-8, 3-9, and 2-10? My bet is that you REALLY REALLY wanted to see that.

Why do you think any Vols fan would want to see that? My guess its your attmept to make CBJ out to be a better coach than what he is.
By the same token it is not fair to judge all coaches based on the performance of Alabama. It is fair to look at Tennessee historically - and historically 9-4 actually fits.

So let me get this straight, expecting in the 4th season under CBJ, to have a better conference record than 4-4, is setting the bar at "Alabama levels" which Butch Jones should not be expected to achieve? That's what you are going with?
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Because I KNOW I have not contradicted myself, I took it apon myself to do the work for whoever is so hell bent on being right.

This was my first exchange with BV. If this is not satisfactory, then he can spend HIS time searching for something that doesn't exist.

I only know how to multi-quote 4 at one time. These were the FIRST four between me and him. Interesting, to me, the 4th was conveniently overlooked. The exchange was not picked by up between the two of us until post #50. If you are interested, read posts 50, 53, 54 and 55. Should be enough.

With the "quotes" I have provided, it should make it easier to search further.

Your welcome.

The team has come out in every game this year, looking unprepared in the first half. Let that sink in for a moment, every game, regardless of our opponent.

Whether you love or hate Jones, that sloppiness is on him as the head coach. We knew that if we came out and gave a good team free points in the first half, eventually someone was going to make us pay. A&M did just that, and so will Alabama next week.

I think we should fire him, Today.


Because that's exactly what I said in my post right?

You want to give Butch all the credit in the world for the good things that this team has done, but God forbid he be held accountable for the endemic first half sloppiness displayed by the team in all six games this year.

Okay, I hold him accountable. Now what?
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Where did I give Butch "all the credit in the world"?

How would you characterize your insinuation that any criticism of Butch Jones' coaching ability is tantamount to suggesting he be fired immediately?

That's fair.

I see post after post after post complaining about "it's all Butch's fault." Everything seems to be his fault. Go see Wylo's post, pick a thread. He gets talked about like he has no clue whatsoever. He's a gutless coward.
I don't love Butch, but He deserves some credit and more respect than what he gets from some. He has not had an easy road to get us where we are. He needs to fix some things badly and I don't know if he can. BUT, it could be worse, he fixed something from last year because we finish games this year and are 5-1, injuries are not his fault, etc. blah blah blah, you've heard the rest.

So, too late for long story short.....It is his responsibility, but how do I hold him accountable?

I think Butch is a good recruiter. I think Butch is a good game planner. I think Butch has a really good eye for talent that can be coached up.

I also think Butch does not enjoy game-day coaching. His sideline presence, clenched jaw, red face, arms crossed, he just looks like he'd rather be anywhere else than on an SEC sideline. The team comes out and plays just like he looks until they literally beat the anxiety out of themselves in the first 30 minutes of the game.

I know fumbles and dropped passes are part of the game, and they are going to happen, but when we see them week in and week out, from the first game regardless of the team we are playing, there's a problem with how the team is being coached in practice.

It's the same with all of the PI calls that the DBs are drawing because Martinez coaches them to never look back at the ball. At some point Butch as the head coach has to evaluate how those position coaches are coaching their sections.

So let me get this straight, expecting in the 4th season under CBJ, to have a better conference record than 4-4, is setting the bar at "Alabama levels" which Butch Jones should not be expected to achieve? That's what you are going with?

Its the flawed idea that you re guaranteed 9 wins with Jones and whoever else sends you back to football he!!.

I've always found the Saban comparisons to Jones funny. In this case if you see Jones short you re comparing him to one of the best of all time after he dropped games to Eastern doormats that cost him a poor division.
Miles lost his job simply because he could not beat Saban. But Butch can't beat a coach 1/10 as good as Saban and he gets a pass by some.

Let me put it another way so some of you will understand, maybe? You totally missed my point. Using your logic, I guess Peyton Manning will go down in history as a terrible quarterback because he never beat Florida? Point is Muschamp has absolutely nothing to do with Jones' success or failure. He is judged by much more than this, you must look at the totality of his work!
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With a bare team full of spare parts he managed to beat jones best team arguably coming off a BYE week.

Why can't folks understand that?

I don't know of anyone who doesn't understand that the team played horrible that game. The coaches were bad that game. Where do we take this from here or are you just bringing up past games to remind everyone we lost?
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I'm done reading these stupid Butch Jones threads!!! We'll know by the end of next year what his future holds and I'm done wasting my time reading the same ole crap just worded differently!
I agree.

I'm not a Butch "worshipper". I think he's average to good. I hope he's more, but doubt it. He's what I've got leading "my" team. While he is that leader, I will wish him the best and not talk crap about him. I may be critical at times, but I refuse to "hate " on him.

But, the effort required to prove he is a good coach is only "required" because so much effort is put forth to prove he's not. I don't think it's always trying to prove he's a good coach as much as just trying to prove he ain't as bad as some try to " prove" he is.

Sometimes, everybody from both sides, the "extremist" especially, needs to just stfu.

Jmo, as best as I could convey it.

I give this post an amen!
I'll vouch that he doesn't believe that and that he is probably the most Eben tempered poster on the board.

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Honest question, what have you seen in the last four seasons that makes you think that will be the case?

Continued improvement of talent, wins, enthusiasm about the team and bowl wins. Up until 2016 which was a disappointing outcome relative to where the hype had us. I choose to be optimistic about team 121 until proven wrong.
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