Candace Parker left off team USA for Rio olympics

Perhaps the USA committee should consider a requirement that a player HAVE ACTUALLY PLAYED REAL, PRO BALL before being considered.

Or, on the other hand, limit the team to ONLY those who have begun playing pro ball since the last Olympics. That would give many more a chance.
Don't want to "know" should keep your insults concerning Candace Parker over on the boneyard where they might give a damn

How did I "insult" her. Did I say anything remotely like the nasty and personal comment you made about me?
Swish appeal has a nice discussion of this omission and why the standard, non-Geno explanations make no sense.

The fact is that of 9 or 10 players from the last Olympic team are on the 2016 roster. Of those players, Parker is the one you leave out? I guess I am okay with Uconners coming on to offer alternative BS explanations but when they include disparaging the character of the player who has been wronged, well that sucks and such posters suck big time.

I agree totally. There had to have been something else. Many LV fans seem to have decided that it was Geno who was somehow "getting even with her for 8 or 9 years ago" or else wanted Stewart on the team instead of her. I'll accept those as long as they are only speculations. In return I'll speculate that Parker did something to alienate USA basketball. Maybe she gave them an ultimatum that she had to start and they called her on it. I know that a demand like that would have Geno seeing red. So that's also a legitimate speculation. Four years ago being on the team wasn't enough for LV fans, they were saying that Geno started Catchings over her out of spite. Maybe she felt the same way. Large egos bang heads sometimes. Larry Bird walked out of Indiana due to his dislike of Bob Knight. Great coach, great player. Bad mix.
I agree totally. There had to have been something else. Many LV fans seem to have decided that it was Geno who was somehow "getting even with her for 8 or 9 years ago" or else wanted Stewart on the team instead of her. I'll accept those as long as they are only speculations. In return I'll speculate that Parker did something to alienate USA basketball. Maybe she gave them an ultimatum that she had to start and they called her on it. I know that a demand like that would have Geno seeing red. So that's also a legitimate speculation. Four years ago being on the team wasn't enough for LV fans, they were saying that Geno started Catchings over her out of spite. Maybe she felt the same way. Large egos bang heads sometimes. Larry Bird walked out of Indiana due to his dislike of Bob Knight. Great coach, great player. Bad mix.

And I will speculate that you have been paid by Geno to flood message boards with disparaging comments about CP3 so as to distract attention from his manipulation of the selection process. See, there is no end to escalating trolling.

Here is the difference you Uconned brain can't seem to comprehend. Numerous outside observers in the media from Voepel to Swish appeal are totally baffled by this decision and all acknowledge that Geno favoritism is one of the possible explanations. Now, had CP3 given ultimatums, you can rest assured that the media would be all over that and probably USA Basketball would have made some reference to it as part of their explanation.

So, in keeping with the important distinction of critiquing the posts and not the poster-- your post sucks in the worst possible way. Why don't you trot back to the boneyard?
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The line between confidence and cockiness is infinitely small. I walk this same line. I never, myself, feel I am being arrogant, yet am taken that way...I often explain to my girls that the difference between aggressive and anger is, with "aggression" you want to control your opponent, with "anger" you want to hurt them.

The same can be said about Geno. If his intention was to hurt Pat and her program, he is being a bully and an arrogant bunghole. If his intention is personal and professionally to be the greatest coach ever, he is deserving of respect... The argument for the former is his cruelty in beating the hell out of an opponent instead just "convincingly" beating them. When you lap someone,then lap them again just to embarrass them, it is poor sportsmanship.

i know in AAU when we get 20 point leads, as long as we are in that position,I shackle my girls by : making them play no-hands defense.( they may not bring their hands past the shoulders for any reason. If they do, I sub them immediately. This forces them to move their feet to defend, thus, using a gained advantage to further teach)) or by not letting them take shots inside the arc, or by putting the PG in the paint and the C and PF at the elbows on the dreaded zone.

I don't do these things to embarrass the competition, i do these things to hand-cuff my girls so they have to perform with a handicap.
This is division 1 basketball. He's supposed to play his starters 12-15 minutes a game? I think it would be more embarrassing to div 1 college opponents if our girls started tying their hands behind their backs, or blindfolded- don't you? They don't fast break as much when they get ahead by 25-30. They run long sets and half court offense. But they never take a possession off- ever. There are a million reasons to hate Geno. Tenn needs an actual coach. 3 teams made the final 4 w/ 3 All Americans between them. I think you guys had more All Americans than we did this past season, and I'm sure this season. There are 15-20 teams w much less talent that play consistently better basketball than your recent teams. Holly is probably a great person, but she's way over her head. All the Geno hating is not gonna bring your program back. And I'm not preaching from on high- because we're going to be in the same boat soon enough- but I'm hopeful we'll make a better coaching choice than Tenn did. And if we don't, I hope we don't wait to long to correct it. There was nothing quite like the intensity of the old days though- :)
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linkster, why are you here?

He's here for one reason only - to sew discord. That's his track record.

I harbor no illusions that he'll leave if ignored (as was suggested by another poster) - he's been posting on LV boards for years - but VolNation posters needs to recognize him for what he is. Honest dialog is not possible with him. Engage him at your own risk.
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This is division 1 basketball. He's supposed to play his starters 12-15 minutes a game? I think it would be more embarrassing to div 1 college opponents if our girls started tying their hands behind their backs, or blindfolded- don't you? They don't fast break as much when they get ahead by 25-30. They run long sets and half court offense. But they never take a possession off- ever. There are a million reasons to hate Geno. Tenn needs an actual coach. 3 teams made the final 4 w/ 3 All Americans between them. I think you guys had more All Americans than we did this past season, and I'm sure this season. There are 15-20 teams w much less talent that play consistently better basketball than your recent teams. Holly is probably a great person, but she's way over her head. All the Geno hating is not gonna bring your program back. And I'm not preaching from on high- because we're going to be in the same boat soon enough- but I'm hopeful we'll make a better coaching choice than Tenn did. And if we don't, I hope we don't wait to long to correct it. There was nothing quite like the intensity of the old days though- :)

And voila! As if by magic another geno-apologist appears.
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He's here for one reason only - to sew discord. That's his track record.

I harbor no illusions that he'll leave if ignored (as was suggested by another poster) - he's been posting on LV boards for years - but VolNation posters needs to recognize him for what he is. Honest dialog is not possible with him. Engage him at your own risk.

I come here mostly to read. I follow the sport beyond simply my team. And there are a lot of knowledgeable posters here. But then there are the others. Mostly I ignore them. This past season they have been too busy bashing their own coach to have much time for UConn.

I am not here to "sew discord". This season you folks have done that pretty well without my input and I don't kick someone when their down. I think I've had some fair give and take with several LV fans. But when someone starts with the "Geno is Satan" posts I can't stay quiet.

But if you read my posts you will see that while I may disagree, I never stoop to insults or to personal attacks.

I learned a long time ago that allowing distortions, innuendos and rumors to stand unchallenged results in them being accepted as fact. So when I read that Geno forced the committee to keep Parker off the team with nothing more than an 8 year old dunk being offered as evidence I post a reply. I certainly believe there is friction between the 2. Usually in these cases both parties contributed. If suggesting that Parker contributed to her not being on the team is sowing discord then I am guilty.
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I come here mostly to read. I follow the sport beyond simply my team. And there are a lot of knowledgeable posters here. But then there are the others. Mostly I ignore them. This past season they have been too busy bashing their own coach to have much time for UConn.

I am not here to "sew discord". This season you folks have done that pretty well without my input and I don't kick someone when their down. I think I've had some fair give and take with several LV fans. But when someone starts with the "Geno is Satan" posts I can't stay quiet.

But if you read my posts you will see that while I may disagree, I never stoop to insults or to personal attacks.

I learned a long time ago that allowing distortions, innuendos and rumors to stand unchallenged results in them being accepted as fact. So when I read that Geno forced the committee to keep Parker off the team with nothing more than an 8 year old dunk being offered as evidence I post a reply. I certainly believe there is friction between the 2. Usually in these cases both parties contributed. If suggesting that Parker contributed to her not being on the team is sowing discord then I am guilty.

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If Candace is off because of attitude then so should have been Angel. If Candace is off because of some "flaw" in her game then so should have been Augustus. If Candace is off because of her sponsor affiliation then so should have been ?. It comes down to this. If Geno would have preferred Candace to any one of the 12 selected, Candace would be on the team. It seems like 3 of 5 committee members values just happen to coincide with Geno's.

Is Geno a basketball genius? I'll give him his due. But like other geniuses Geno may have insecurities that could cast a negative shadow over otherwise brilliant accomplishments. He has a history of making negative comments exposing his insecurities. Graduating Duke players waitress at higher class restaurants for example. UConn fans defend that as his "Philly roots" Muffet McGraw has those same roots and Dawn Staley has strong Philly ties too. Neither of them make flippant insulting jabs.

This is just human nature at work. Flawed human nature. Is there another kind?
The argument for the former is his cruelty in beating the hell out of an opponent instead just "convincingly" beating them. When you lap someone,then lap them again just to embarrass them, it is poor sportsmanship.

i know in AAU when we get 20 point leads, as long as we are in that position,I shackle my girls by : making them play no-hands defense.( they may not bring their hands past the shoulders for any reason. If they do, I sub them immediately. This forces them to move their feet to defend, thus, using a gained advantage to further teach)) or by not letting them take shots inside the arc, or by putting the PG in the paint and the C and PF at the elbows on the dreaded zone.

That sounds great for your program. As Geno has stated many times, it is not sensible to practice your team hard for 2 hours a day at full speed and then go into the game and tell them to back off. They know one speed and unfortunately a lot of their opponents can't follow. He does stop the full court presss, starts substituting in the second quarter and then goes into a zone. His starters only average about 22-24 minutes per game. The scores may not look like it, but he does seem to pull in the reins in the second half of most games by making these adjustments and substitutions.
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But if you read my posts you will see that while I may disagree, I never stoop to insults or to personal attacks.

I learned a long time ago that allowing distortions, innuendos and rumors to stand unchallenged results in them being accepted as fact.

Except you did attack and make innuendos of your own, questioning Parker's character and pulling "facts" out of your a** about her medical issues that you have no clue about.

Here's a fact: Geno is a far more polarizing figure in women's basketball than Parker, and not just with Lady Vol nation....
This is division 1 basketball. He's supposed to play his starters 12-15 minutes a game? I think it would be more embarrassing to div 1 college opponents if our girls started tying their hands behind their backs, or blindfolded- don't you? They don't fast break as much when they get ahead by 25-30. They run long sets and half court offense. But they never take a possession off- ever. There are a million reasons to hate Geno. Tenn needs an actual coach. 3 teams made the final 4 w/ 3 All Americans between them. I think you guys had more All Americans than we did this past season, and I'm sure this season. There are 15-20 teams w much less talent that play consistently better basketball than your recent teams. Holly is probably a great person, but she's way over her head. All the Geno hating is not gonna bring your program back. And I'm not preaching from on high- because we're going to be in the same boat soon enough- but I'm hopeful we'll make a better coaching choice than Tenn did. And if we don't, I hope we don't wait to long to correct it. There was nothing quite like the intensity of the old days though- :)

What does this have to do with Candace being offed from the team?
Isn't VN so blessed to have the likes of linkster on our site......his illogical delusions of self worth are the highlight of my day.....
To argue that Genno has no say in the selection of the Olympic WBB team is totally stupidity. Of course he has a say and works with the committee on choosing players. It really does not matter who is responsible, not choosing CP is ignorant and a disgrace. Both Genno and the committee should be shame of the way they treated one of the best WBB players now and in the history of the game.
Perhaps the USA committee should consider a requirement that a player HAVE ACTUALLY PLAYED REAL, PRO BALL before being considered.

Or, on the other hand, limit the team to ONLY those who have begun playing pro ball since the last Olympics. That would give many more a chance.

Are you aware that, through most of its history, the Olympics welcomed almost anyone except those who played professionally?

And now you want to require that they play professionally?
Except you did attack and make innuendos of your own, questioning Parker's character and pulling "facts" out of your a** about her medical issues that you have no clue about.

Here's a fact: Geno is a far more polarizing figure in women's basketball than Parker, and not just with Lady Vol nation....

All I did was suggest that maybe Parker herself contributed to her not being on the team. There's nothing insulting about that. She's a human being like the rest of us, and failable. I also suggested that Geno may have contributed. In following his coaching career I've known him to be very blunt with players but he always judges them based on what he expects on the floor. Players who don't give 100% on every play at both ends of the court earn his wrath.

As far as why the committee left her off the team I have no facts, and neither does anyone else but Parker and the committee so I'll answer like Pat did when asked about cancelling the UConn series. Go ask Parker ... she knows.
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All I did was suggest that maybe Parker herself contributed to her not being on the team. There's nothing insulting about that. She's a human being like the rest of us, and failable. I also suggested that Geno may have contributed. In following his coaching career I've known him to be very blunt with players but he always judges them based on what he expects on the floor. Players who don't give 100% on every play at both ends of the court earn his wrath.

As far as why the committee left her off the team I have no facts, and neither does anyone else but Parker and the committee so I'll answer like Pat did when asked about cancelling the UConn series. Go ask Parker ... she knows.

Pat's actual quote would be more appropriate. Go ask Geno,he knows.
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