Burn it down...



Blue collar skoller
Jan 7, 2012
Charlotte NC...a city that I live 5 miles outside of...passed a local ordinance yesterday saying that LGBT weirdos can use public restrooms of the sex that they choose to identify as at that particular moment. It is discrimination to prevent them from doing so, and now against the law..

So now if we go into the city and my wife or daughter needs to use the bathroom, some cross dressing weirdo with a penis can legally be in the bathroom with my girls potentially exposing them to a member of the opposite sex. Of course, if this were ever to happen there would be serious consequences and repercussions that I will dole out as I see fit. Screw that law when it comes to my girls. Or a bull dyke. Making my son uncomfortable as he attempts to use a public restroom for that matter.

This liberal sespool, long known to be gau friendly like Atlanta, has finally jumped the shark. I hope that God burns it to the ground like Sodom and Gomorrah. Today. I am in the city for work, but my wife and kids are in the neighboring county where we live. So please God, light it up. Hellfire.Brimstone. let's see the real definition of fireworks and set an example for the nation.

I am a tolerant person. Live and let live. 2hat people choose to do in their bedrooms is their business, not mine. Honestly don't care if they can legally get "married". God knows what marriage is..he invented it ..and that account will be settled later on just like my own sinful account. This is different. This is not a private personal matter. This is letting the wolves into the pasture with my sheep, and other sheep just like mine. It is ridiculous...and a slap to God's face from local leaders. I hope that the judgment is swift and unmistakably His doing so that there is no question as to what happened and why. Make me SICK.
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There are gay folks that post here in the politics forum. One in particular is a good sport and I enjoy his posts. I want you to know, I have no hate or disrespect for you at all. I respect you, and the way you choose to live your life is your business.

Any man that attempts to go in a restroom with my wife and kids will be beaten. By me. Period. This is a different matter. Despite the very sizable gay population in charlotte, I recognize that the odds of this occurring are slim. The point is that they should be zero. Zero perc3nt chance, and the law should side WITH ME and not against me. It is shameful and ridiculous that this passed .
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LGBT weirdos

cross dressing weirdo

Or a bull dyke.

This liberal sespool, long known to be gay friendly like Atlanta, has finally jumped the shark. I hope that God burns it to the ground like Sodom and Gomorrah. Today. I am in the city for work, but my wife and kids are in the neighboring county where we live. So please God, light it up. Hellfire. Brimstone. Let's see the real definition of fireworks and set an example for the nation.

I am a tolerant person.

The last part 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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God***n right, son! I hope Jesus comes back today and sends 'em sum b*****s straight to hell! Can I get an amen?

Nobody that starts a sentence like that wants to meet Jesus today. Whether they think they do or not.I guarantee you that.

Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Whether or not you choose to believe in Him now has absolutely no bearing on the fact that you will stand before Him and be judged. Every man is appointed once to die, and then the judgment. Hell will be packed.
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Never seen unisex bathrooms before?

Yes u have seen single stall unisex bathroom doors where 1 person at a time goes in, locks the door, the the next can go..

Thus is not that. This is saying that Eddie Johnson from down the street can put on a dress, walk into a normal woman's restroom, remain there as long as he sees fit while real women with all the correct parts come and go and are in various stages of undress.

If you can't see the difference, or don't think that something is wrong with that, then you are just as confused as Eddie and the morons that run the city of charlotte.
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Yes u have seen single stall unisex bathroom doors where 1 person at a time goes in, locks the door, the the next can go..

Thus is not that. This is saying that Eddie Johnson from down the street can put on a dress, walk into a normal woman's restroom, remain there as long as he sees fit while real women with all the correct parts come and go and are in various stages of undress.

If you can't see the difference, or don't think that something is wrong with that, then you are just as confused as Eddie and the morons that run the city of charlotte.

Marcus, while I understand how you feel I do think you are over reacting just a bit. Most women's restrooms have stalls with doors so I think your girls would be safe from seeing something. Now if an "it" was just swinging it's wang dang around outside a stall I think a call to the police would be in order.
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Nobody that starts a sentence like that wants to meet Jesus today. Whether they think they do or not.I guarantee you that.

Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Whether or not you choose to believe in Him now has absolutely no bearing on the fact that you will stand before Him and be judged. Every man is appointed once to die, and then the judgment. Hell will be packed.

Lol okay. I'll see you there.
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Marcus, while I understand how you feel I do think you are over reacting just a bit. Most women's restrooms have stalls with doors so I think your girls would be safe from seeing something. Now if an "it" was just swinging it's wang dang around outside a stall I think a call to the police would be in order.

You don't think there are some pedophiles or teenage boys who will eventually take advantage of this?
Yes u have seen single stall unisex bathroom doors where 1 person at a time goes in, locks the door, the the next can go..

Thus is not that. This is saying that Eddie Johnson from down the street can put on a dress, walk into a normal woman's restroom, remain there as long as he sees fit while real women with all the correct parts come and go and are in various stages of undress.

If you can't see the difference, or don't think that something is wrong with that, then you are just as confused as Eddie and the morons that run the city of charlotte.

Do these restrooms have stalls?
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It really pisses me off that now even a restroom is not a safe place. My daughter, at 7, will not be allowed to go to a restroom at Applebee's by herself. My wife will have to go with her, to check for weirdos. That's what it has come to. The law is once again on the wrong side of morality. And girls pee about every 10 minutes. So now every time my daughter had to go, my wife will go, and when they return there will be a moment of nonverbal communication betweeny wife and I where I will look at her and she will confirm that everything was normal on there. What the heck is wrong with people? There is no descrimination here. There are gay festivals, chuches, bars clubs etc....gays are not oppressed in charlotte. They are accepted. Which doesn't bother me. What they do is their business. Bit when you put them up close and personal with my girls, we got business. Period. This city has elected Democrat mayors, Obama etc...it is very liberal and probably half Yankee. 2 out of the 3 largest banks on this continent have towers downtown. I get that. This law is different. Shameful. And I know that there areany liberals on this board that will diSagres with me . I don't care. They are wrong.
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what are we supposed to be burning down?

Charlotte today but we already screwed up because according to the op Atlanta is still around and way worse. Unless Sherman's burning counted. I don't think it does hopefully the OP will weigh in.
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It really pisses me off that now even a restroom is not a safe place. My daughter, at 7, will not be allowed to go to a restroom at Applebee's by herself. My wife will have to go with her, to check for weirdos. That's what it has come to. The law is once again on the wrong side of morality. And girls pee about every 10 minutes. So now every time my daughter had to go, my wife will go, and when they return there will be a moment of nonverbal communication betweeny wife and I where I will look at her and she will confirm that everything was normal on there. What the heck is wrong with people? There is no descrimination here. There are gay festivals, chuches, bars clubs etc....gays are not oppressed in charlotte. They are accepted. Which doesn't bother me. What they do is their business. Bit when you put them up close and personal with my girls, we got business. Period. This city has elected Democrat mayors, Obama etc...it is very liberal and probably half Yankee. 2 out of the 3 largest banks on this continent have towers downtown. I get that. This law is different. Shameful. And I know that there areany liberals on this board that will diSagres with me . I don't care. They are wrong.

Not a liberal. You are way over reacting. For the record transgendered people have been using the ladies room bathroom at Applebee's for a while now. I know you won't believe me because you haven't had to fight anyone yet.
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Marcus, while I understand how you feel I do think you are over reacting just a bit. Most women's restrooms have stalls with doors so I think your girls would be safe from seeing something. Now if an "it" was just swinging it's wang dang around outside a stall I think a call to the police would be in order.

I agree, I've been in a lot of public bathrooms and even ones with trough style urinals where your shoulder to shoulder, I'd argue that even in that environment - if you see a dick, you're trying to see a dick.

Aside from in Tuscaloosa, I'm fairly certain that all female restrooms have stalls instead of stand up urinals.

Anyway, I think this much ado about nothing.
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Not a liberal. You are way over reacting. For the record transgendered people have been using the ladies room bathroom at Applebee's for a while now. I know you won't believe me because you haven't had to fight anyone yet.

Lol Applebees.

Are they still around?

VN Store
