New Research Shows Liberals Are Not More Open-Minded or Complex



What's it gonna cost?
Mar 11, 2009
It is almost a truism among psychological researchers that conservatives are simple-minded and dogmatic. Liberals, meanwhile, are supposed to be more complex and open-minded thinkers. But a new paper is calling those conclusions into question.

...It turns out that liberals and conservatives are both simple-minded, depending on the topic under discussion.

...So for their first study, Conway and his colleagues modified the Rokeach dogmatism scale by including items reflecting alternatively environmentalist and religious views.

Sure enough, the standard dogmatism test found conservatives to be more dogmatic than liberals. Once again, conservatives are simpleminded ideologues. Or are they?

Comparing the religion-dogmatism scale with the regular Rokeach scale, the researchers found essentially no differences in conservative dogmatism on either scale. This strongly bolsters the claim that Rokeach dogmatism scale is biased toward finding conservatives dogmatic.

The more interesting and telling results were found when comparing the liberal and conservative results derived from the environmentalism and religion dogmatism scales. The researchers report, "Conservatives are indeed more dogmatic on the religious domain; but liberals are more dogmatic on the environmental domain. "In fact, they note that "the highest score for simplicity was for liberals".

Liberals Are Simple-Minded -
The only truly open-minded mass group of people are the radical moderates, who, unfortunately, have no political party, because we all know that dogmatism is what sells.

You can't sell a politics of "rational analysis" to the masses, who require explanations in 140 characters or less.

One of my greatest fears is that we will see our society continue a polarization route, wherein liberals and conservatives are further divided, with very little common ground. I blame this on the media at large, but "populist" social media in particular, which reduces vastly complicated social and natural phenomena to buzzwords and slogans - and any dumbass with an Internet connection is allowed to participate, only dumbing down the dialogue and creating further social fractures among the populace in the process.
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The only truly open-minded mass group of people are the radical moderates, who, unfortunately, have no political party, because we all know that dogmatism is what sells.

You can't sell a politics of "rational analysis" to the masses, who require explanations in 140 characters or less.

One of my greatest fears is that we will see our society continue a polarization route, wherein liberals and conservatives are further divided, with very little common ground. I blame this on the media at large, but "populist" social media in particular, which reduces vastly complicated social and natural phenomena to buzzwords and slogans - and any dumbass with an Internet connection is allowed to participate, only dumbing down the dialogue and creating further social fractures among the populace in the process.

A lot of people, myself included, aren't necessarily for one party as much as they're against a party.
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The only truly open-minded mass group of people are the radical moderates, who, unfortunately, have no political party, because we all know that dogmatism is what sells.

You can't sell a politics of "rational analysis" to the masses, who require explanations in 140 characters or less.

One of my greatest fears is that we will see our society continue a polarization route, wherein liberals and conservatives are further divided, with very little common ground. I blame this on the media at large, but "populist" social media in particular, which reduces vastly complicated social and natural phenomena to buzzwords and slogans - and any dumbass with an Internet connection is allowed to participate, only dumbing down the dialogue and creating further social fractures among the populace in the process.

Well said.
The only truly open-minded mass group of people are the radical moderates, who, unfortunately, have no political party, because we all know that dogmatism is what sells.

I don't agree with that, necessarily. I don't think there is a "mass group" that I would consider open-minded. If I understand what you mean by radical moderates, I am sure there are a few topics we could bring up where they show their true dogmatic colors. For example, what happens if I ask the question:

"When it comes to differences of opinion over abortion, we must be careful not to compromise with those who believe differently from the way we do."

Radical moderates tend to either believe it's a matter of violence/murder or a fundamental choice we should all enjoy. People that take either position tend to not compromise, even if they are moderate on quite a few issues.
Perhaps "mass group" was not the best use, but I see the point as we find a higher frequency of open-mindedness, as it truly exists, with those in the middle of ideologies.
Perhaps "mass group" was not the best use, but I see the point as we find a higher frequency of open-mindedness, as it truly exists, with those in the middle of ideologies.

Seems likely.

I'm basically a libertarian, but I don't know whether I'd count as a moderate or as an extremist. For example, I distrust government to the point that I prefer anarcho-capitalism to democracy. Given that we have democracy, I am much more willing to accept a fiat currency than my libertarian constituents. Am I open-minded or not?
Actually, you can't "know" this, even with this research backing it up. Thinking you know this would be...close-minded.

Every mother f'g person with a whole brain knows this. However, you've PROVEN otherwise in other
threads that you lack any sense. Thus, I'm not surprised.

Did you seriously before this think that liberals are open-minded? If so, that's just plain stupidity.
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Thanks for the stellar input.

Also, congrats on thinking liberals are actually open-minded prior to this article, genius.

You would be tolerable if your insults weren't so dumb. You gotta up your game, man. At least be clever.

BTW, I've stated I don't think any group is open-minded, in this very thread. Try to keep up.
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Missing the point that conservatives are not open minded and less educated than liberals.

I have plenty of issues with conservatives.

What does your response have to do with anything in this thread? Now you're going all Muslim-rape-retarded on me. Again.

I said you should try harder. Please do so.
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You would be tolerable if your insults weren't so dumb. You gotta up your game, man. At least be clever.

BTW, I've stated I don't think any group is open-minded, in this very thread. Try to keep up.

Your thread title and corresponding article. If you can't keep up that's on you. My insults aren't insults in the traditional sense. I state facts. I don't play around. You're just flat out dumb. No hope. The fact that before right now in this thread you thought that liberals were open minded except for an article on says all everyone needs to know.

Thanks for playing baby.
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I have plenty of issues with conservatives.

What does your response have to do with anything in this thread? Now you're going all Muslim-rape-retarded on me. Again.

I said you should try harder. Please do so.

There's nothing worse than someone that fancies himself as quick witted and intellectual when they're neither.
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Your thread title and corresponding article. If you can't keep up that's on you. My insults aren't insults in the traditional sense. I state facts. I don't play around. You're just flat out dumb. No hope. The fact that before right now in this thread you thought that liberals were open minded except for an article on says all everyone needs to know.

Thanks for playing baby.

Are you Brendan Dassey or a troll? I really can't tell.
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It's because it's illegitimate "new" "research" by a dead guy.

I'm not even interested in what he posted. We don't encourage sociology enough in this country to even worry about taking things like this seriously. The amusement I've gained from this thread, is that I'm probably the most liberal person on this board, and Huff is easily one of the most conservative, yet more conservatives get along with me than huff.

I don't agree with much of what he says, but he's at least unique around here.

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