Recruiting Forum Football Talk XVIII

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@CoryGunkel: Interesting note: Butch mentioned Tiny Richardson is coming back to Knoxville to get his degree and hopefully help with the football.
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Hopefully he doesn't bring his false start habbits during teaching

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Aww guys are great.

No, seriously...thank you all. Every time I feel like I'm inundadting the thread about my little girl, someone asks or posts that they're still praying for her. Y'all don't know how much that means.

Thank you.
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My baby boy Sutton is doing great. Hasn't had a seizure since he was in the NICU. He's up to 8lb 3oz and growing steadily. We are so blessed he is doing fantastic. Once again I can't thank everyone enough for praying for helped out tremendously. He will be 3 weeks old this Saturday.

Glad to hear Sutton is doing well, SKV. Tell him he's got at least 162 more to go before he can suit up for the Vols!
Please do not apologize...was being my usual caring, smartasrse self.
Y'all are still in our prayers. Just realized no updates and worried a little.
Hang in there :salute:

I'm as smartarse as they come, you're in good company! No worries!

I freaked out once on here, won't do that again. Just know, so long as I'm posting about football, everything is going well.

I just don't want to take up too much in the thread...realizing that I've now posted four times in a row about this. :)
Depends on where you look, I guess. reddit's CFB has a somewhat favorable view on the Vols, as do the UK and South Carolina boards. Every other SEC message board, especially the Rant, seems to view UT as permanent bottom-dwellers.

Most Bama fans on there seem to know that TN is coming back but they aren't "scared" of us, which they shouldn't be yet. Georgia fans are kind of the same, but they are a bit more scared and a bit more in denial.

The teams that REALLY bash TN and act like they have no shot ever are some of the West programs especially, Ole Miss, Auburn, LSU and A&M. From the East we get very little respect from UF which I guess is fair and Missouri fans are the worst. If there are two games I could pick to win this year it would be UF and UGA (two biggest East rivals) but Missouri would probably be third.

I want to beat Bama bad, but for this season, they aren't the priority. That game will be THE game in 2016 to win.
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@CoryGunkel: Interesting note: Butch mentioned Tiny Richardson is coming back to Knoxville to get his degree and hopefully help with the football.

His attitude alone will be Vol worthy to have around; in addition to his ability to help coach them up. Glad he is coming back for his degree. VFL.

OB & SKV - Still praying and am very pleased with their progress. The Lord has plans for those two. Please continue bringing updates.

SIAP, but, if you haven't read the story yet about Butch and CRB with the autograph signings during the BO Caravan, you need to. It was in the KNS this AM. Don't have a link - but basically Butch asked Barnes if he was running a 4th quarter offense in the autograph line. Butch has each one down to 8-10 seconds. Barnes likes to visit more and writes his name more legibly, which means he is coming in at 20 seconds along with taking time to get to know folks, take photos, breaking the one item per person rule, etc. So Butch suggests Barnes needs a signing clock. Condredge and Jolette are seated between the two cracking up.

Could not be happier about who is handling our football and basketball programs.
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Most Bama fans on there seem to know that TN is coming back but they aren't "scared" of us, which they shouldn't be yet. Georgia fans are kind of the same, but they are a bit more scared and a bit more in denial.

The teams that REALLY bash TN and act like they have no shot ever are some of the West programs especially, Ole Miss, Auburn, LSU and A&M. From the East we get very little respect from UF which I guess is fair and Missouri fans are the worst. If there are two games I could pick to win this year it would be UF and UGA (two biggest East rivals) but Missouri would probably be third.

I want to beat Bama bad, but for this season, they aren't the priority. That game will be THE game in 2016 to win.

I agree - but let's just win them all and get over this thing. :)
Crap. I know how they will beat us this year.

Grier and Harris will both get abused by Barnett and Maggitt, but the SEC will approve Golson's transfer at halftime.

Golson will take over in the second half and UF will score 35 unanswered points.

He will then promptly retire from football.

Sounds about right.
Not to be a Debbie downer but who thinks Butch will be a heavily sought after coach in a couple of years? :)

But where? Who comes after Butch in a few years that has a realistic shot? If he gets this place back to where it should be, where is an option that is really that much better? Many have said the past few days, he doesn't fit as well with the NFL (recruiting, marketing, etc.). He turned down Michigan. Where else would he go?
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Here's Ashlee from 20 minutes ago...

Ashlee is super cute. I know it has been tough and really demanding, but she will improve step by step and day by day. Always need to remember that she went through a very challenging surgery. It would be tough for an adult let alone a new born. It just takes time for the body to heal. Don't forget that Ashlee, your wife, and you are in our thoughts and prayers.
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Here's something all the resident Gator fans will love:


South Carolina/Clemson:





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This is a really tough time of the year. Recruiting is slow, no team news, and no games to watch. For me, it is even tougher because the Caps were eliminated last night. Time to go to the DVR and watch one of the older Vols' games. Yard work and no football games makes for "no fun" days!!!!
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