AJ's Twitter feed...

I heard this awesome quote from this awesome guy in this awesome book: "Let he is has not sinned cast the first stone" or something like that...
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I heard this awesome quote from this awesome guy in this awesome book: "Let he is has not sinned cast the first stone" or something like that...

if only , he died because men hated,and was jealous how dare he be a poor man..wtf..how dare he!!!
Would not go to a grand jury if the DA and/or police had definitive evidence to make an arrest or issue charges themselves. The whole grand jury thing is as much in AJs favor as anything. Because he'd be in jail right now otherwise.

Actually it HAS to go to grand jury to proceed to trial however, yes, if there was hard evidence he'd have been arrested and had a preliminary hearing beforehand.
Doesn't matter what I think.

AJ put himself in the position to:

1) be scrutinized
2) go to jail
3) lose millions of dollars in future income

I hope nothing happened, but no one but AJ, Mike and those 2 girls know what really went down.

He put himself in this position - that is a fact.

1)The only thing that put him in a position to be scrutinized was being the star of the defense. Are you saying that was a mistake on his part?

2) AJ could go to jail over this, guilty or not. If he is innocent and goes to jail, and you think that's his own fault, you really need to reexamine the way you look at the world.

3) He plays football, one injury can cost him millions of dollars. Every football player is perpetually in that position.

If AJ is guilty I hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If he is not, he is the victim in all of this. And, his accuser will probably face no repercussions. The situation at hand here is not cut and dry. If it was AJ would have been arrested.

The UT coaching staff handled this thing correctly. But, this could be a terrible tragedy for a player that has been a class act.

I hope that you have never been accused of doing something that you didn't do (whether the law was involved or not).
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Some of you guys talk as if these players are nothing but pack mules worth nothing past tackles and touchdowns. This kid's life is hanging in the balance and the best we can come up with is "He crapped his bed let him lay in it.". Absolutely wonderful.
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You're a miserable poster imo.. Everything u post is negative.

What was negative about that?! It's not even a comment about AJ.

It just struck me a little odd that somebody would cite a good reputation for "a majority of the time" as an actual quality.
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I really really agree with this post, as i said before..is a fence rider.

It's called calling it like you see it. I've just never been the blind homer or the miserable fan type. Sorry if that offends.
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I heard this awesome quote from this awesome guy in this awesome book: "Let he is has not sinned cast the first stone" or something like that...
This is King James Version..."Hee that is without sinne among you, let him first cast a stone at her".
I love a good conspiracy. Did CBJ tell Dobbs not to score a touchdown towards the end of the game so we could kick a field goal to make it 45? Sounds crazy right? I know it does but three straight running plays for Dobbs with no real misdirection read action or fakes? On one of the plays I think 2nd down it look like Dobbs could have walked into the end zone but he seemed to just stop and wait to get tackled. Ok honestly I don't believe any of this myself but what if?

It was pretty obvious that the coaches told Dobbs not to score so we could kick a FG. #45. :rock:
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In AJ's favor:

There are enough questionable activities by other draftees that must be questioned by pro teams, perhaps AJ, if no charges, will slide by much scrutiny;

He has made life long college friends who support him during this "limbo" and, hopefully, with just a few years in rear view mirror he will be welcomed back on campus in recognition for his achievements on the field, not his mistakes off the field;

He did graduate with a degree from a great university that, with our without any pro career, is a foundation for the rest of his life;

He has the opportunity to be one more "teachable moment" to the rest of UT roster regarding the undeniable truth of life: there is never a choice without a consequence.

here's hoping AJ can deal with all of those consequences.
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This whole case is BS. If no charges are brought against AJ he should sue the KPD and the DA. How the hell long does it take to finish gathering all the evidence in this case? How many people did they need to talk to? 5? Even if its 10-20, this is now going on two months with no charges and no forward motion. This goes way beyond being thorough. This is sacrificing AJ and his future so they don't have to to through the pains of either clearing him or charging him.
This whole case is BS. If no charges are brought against AJ he should sue the KPD and the DA. How the hell long does it take to finish gathering all the evidence in this case? How many people did they need to talk to? 5? Even if its 10-20, this is now going on two months with no charges and no forward motion. This goes way beyond being thorough. This is sacrificing AJ and his future so they don't have to to through the pains of either clearing him or charging him.

If there are no charges he should sue the girl not the PD. DA and PD are just doing job as normal. The idea that all this gets decided within a week is from TV shows but RL takes several months easily when things aren't clear cut. It's unfortunate for AJ but just the way it is.
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