Rick Perry Indicted

No sir I am not.

A Republican judge from Bexar County, Bert Richardson,*appointed*a special prosecutor, Michael McCrum, to handle the prosecution.

McCrum, a criminal defense attorney in San Antonio, is a former Dallas police officer who began his career as a federal prosecutor during the George H.W. Bush administration, according to his online bio. In 2009, the state's two Republican U.S. senators, John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison,*recommended him*to become U.S. attorney for the Western District, according to published reports

McCrum was selected as the special prosecutor by a Republican judge.

Earlier, he enjoyed bipartisan support for what would have been the crowning accomplishment of his career — being named by President Barack Obama as the U.S. attorney in San Antonio.

McCrum had the backing of Democratic Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Austin and the state’s two Republican senators, Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn.

But in 2010, McCrum withdrew his name from consideration because of wrangling in Washington that delayed a series of federal appointments.

According to campaign finance records, McCrum has made only a handful of contributions to state and federal candidates.

He gave $300 in 2007 to Steve Hilbig, a Republican judge on the state appeals court based in San Antonio.

Also that year, McCrum donated $500 to U.S. Rep. Charlie Gonzalez, a San Antonio Democrat.

The next year, he contributed $500 to Republican Robert “Bert” Richardson, a Bexar County district court judge. Richardson assigned McCrum as the special prosecutor after a watchdog group filed its abuse-of-office complaint against Perry.

Wisenberg, who served as deputy independent counsel in the investigation that led to President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, said McCrum is “deeply religious, intense and serious, but not afraid to laugh at himself.”

McCrum is a member of Riverside Community Church in Comal County. He and his wife, Ana, who works as his law office manager, have five children.

On his office’s website, McCrum wrote: “I choose to take difficult and challenging stands because of the life principle expressed so perfectly in the book of Isaiah: ‘Maintain justice and do what is right.’”

BACKGROUND: Michael McCrum

College: Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, Southwest Texas State University, 1978. Law degree, St. Mary's University School of Law, San Antonio, 1985. His office’s website says he “graduated with the third-highest scholastic average.”

Law officer: Arlington Police Department, 1978-79. Dallas Police Department, 1980-82. His office’s website says he graduated first in the Dallas police academy.

Legal career: Assistant U.S. attorney, Western District of Texas, 1989-2000. Private practice in San Antonio, 2000-07; with Thompson & Knight law firm, 2007-10; reopened private practice in 2011.

Gramps, here is the full information on the guy. As an assistant federal prosecutor that is not a political position. Federal prosecutors hire all kinds of assistants on their staffs and no ones knows their party affiliations. Also, he worked mostly under the Clinton administration. Also, based upon the above description. You have no idea what party he is affiliated with.
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However, I will grant you he is probably just trying to do the best job he can as a prosecutor. He was appointed by the judge and probably both believe that to show no partisanship let 12 jurors decide. But, that's what normally happens with thoughtful people. They tend to cave to liberal pressure so they don't appear to be partisan. You never see liberals doing that.
Yep sure did. Also voted for Reagan. I would have voted for Reagan and Clinton for a third term if they could have ran.
As far as Carter , the republicans of today voted for him look at the states he carried.

Perhaps....but unlike the zombie sheep of today's democratic voters they at least one termed his ass
However, I will grant you he is probably just trying to do the best job he can as a prosecutor. He was appointed by the judge and probably both believe that to show no partisanship let 12 jurors decide. But, that's what normally happens with thoughtful people. They tend to cave to liberal pressure so they don't appear to be partisan. You never see liberals doing that.

He has plenty of ties to the Republican party for this to be a political witch hunt.

Special prosecutor in Perry case known as thorough, dogged attorney - Houston Chronicle

People who know McCrum said he is not the type to use a case to play politics. San Antonio defense attorney Patrick Hancock said McCrum is known for spelling out just the facts in court, while Alan Brown said McCrum does not care for politics and tries to steer clear of courthouse politics.
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I think it is a political witch hunt payback by the prosecutor's office who have used two men of good conscience. I don't think the case goes far.

I posted earlier I did not think Perry broke the law. After researching McCrum, I am starting to wonder. It doesn't appear McCrum would procedure if he did not have a case. He appears to be legit. From what info has been released Perry info in good shape.
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I posted earlier I did not think Perry broke the law. After researching McCrum, I am starting to wonder. It doesn't appear McCrum would procedure if he did not have a case. He appears to be legit. From what info has been released Perry info in good shape.

Here is the coercion statute:

§ 36.03. COERCION OF PUBLIC SERVANT OR VOTER. (a) A person commits an offense if by means of coercion he:
(1) influences or attempts to influence a public servant in a specific exercise of his official power or a specific performance of his official duty or influences or attempts to influence a public servant to violate the public servant’s known legal duty

Perry did not do this.

If that wasn't case closed enough, the Texas Legislature included a specific exemption within the law to cover a govt official like Perry:

"(c) It is an exception to the application of Subsection (a)(1) of this section that the person who influences or attempts to influence the public servant is a member of the governing body of a governmental entity, and that the action that influences or attempts to influence the public servant is an official action taken by the member of the governing body. For the purposes of this subsection, the term “official action” includes deliberations by the governing body of a governmental entity."

Gramps, this case is total idiocy.
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Here is the coercion statute:

§ 36.03. COERCION OF PUBLIC SERVANT OR VOTER. (a) A person commits an offense if by means of coercion he:
(1) influences or attempts to influence a public servant in a specific exercise of his official power or a specific performance of his official duty or influences or attempts to influence a public servant to violate the public servant’s known legal duty

Perry did not do this.

If that wasn't case closed enough, the Texas Legislature included a specific exemption within the law to cover a govt official like Perry:

"(c) It is an exception to the application of Subsection (a)(1) of this section that the person who influences or attempts to influence the public servant is a member of the governing body of a governmental entity, and that the action that influences or attempts to influence the public servant is an official action taken by the member of the governing body. For the purposes of this subsection, the term “official action” includes deliberations by the governing body of a governmental entity."

Gramps, this case is total idiocy.

Sand, where'd you go to law school? You seem to have more answers that a sitting judge and a highly decorated prosecutor.
It may not go anywhere, but it sure as hell torpedoed Perrys presidential aspirations.
Sand, where'd you go to law school? You seem to have more answers that a sitting judge and a highly decorated prosecutor.
It may not go anywhere, but it sure as hell torpedoed Perrys presidential aspirations.

If this does turn out to be a bogus lawsuit it could actually help Perry's chances in 2016, imo.
If this does turn out to be a bogus lawsuit it could actually help Perry's chances in 2016, imo.

That's why I think David Axelrod and now the New York Times are shaking their heads. It's not a winning issue for Democrats to get painted as playing politics with a weak economy and a border crisis going on.
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If this does turn out to be a bogus lawsuit it could actually help Perry's chances in 2016, imo.

IANAL but I don't think this is considered a "law suit", he's been charged and indicted and will stand trial.

Frankly, I think he played political hardball and got into a gray area of the law. I'd wager he'll ultimately walk since it's apparently a VERY difficult burden to overcome for the prosecution. A) he's got veto power and B)1st amendment rights. Heck even MSNBC is saying this is a shaky case to prosecute despite it not passing the smell test of coercion.

I think any trial with the name "Perry" and "Corruption" will be too much to overcome for a primary win. Shoot, wouldn't surprise me at all if Jeb Bush and family was pulling some strings on this. This is in Texas you know..
IANAL but I don't think this is considered a "law suit", he's been charged and indicted and will stand trial.

Frankly, I think he played political hardball and got into a gray area of the law. I'd wager he'll ultimately walk since it's apparently a VERY difficult burden to overcome for the prosecution. A) he's got veto power and B)1st amendment rights. Heck even MSNBC is saying this is a shaky case to prosecute despite it not passing the smell test of coercion.

I think any trial with the name "Perry" and "Corruption" will be too much to overcome for a primary win. Shoot, wouldn't surprise me at all if Jeb Bush and family was pulling some strings on this. This is in Texas you know..

He blew his shot last time around, move on to some real contenders.
He blew his shot last time around, move on to some real contenders.

Three reasons why Perry's still a contender.

1. Executive level leadership with extensive business experience.

2. Staunch conservative and family values christian.

3. I forget number three.
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Three reasons why Perry's still a contender.

1. Executive level leadership with extensive business experience.

2. Staunch conservative and family values christian.

3. I forget number three.

In other words he's everything Obama and Hillary aren't . I still don't see him or Jeb getting the nomination. Mitt had similar qualifications and that didn't turn out so well.
In other words he's everything Obama and Hillary aren't . I still don't see him or Jeb getting the nomination. Mitt had similar qualifications and that didn't turn out so well.

Who then?

Christie pooped in his own bed.
Mitt & Rick are retreads.
Rubio's not ready.
Palin is a big ole bag of fail.
Jeb has the name and the experience.

Who else is their? Paul? Or some other GOP contender TBD?
Who then?

Christie pooped in his own bed.
Mitt & Rick are retreads.
Rubio's not ready.
Palin is a big ole bag of fail.
Jeb has the name and the experience.

Who else is their? Paul? Or some other GOP contender TBD?

It's too early to tell, gotta take the senate back first. Rand has a great shot though.
Three reasons why Perry's still a contender.

1. Executive level leadership with extensive business experience.

2. Staunch conservative and family values christian.

3. I forget number three.

3. He has new glasses that make him look very intelligent. :)
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It's too early to tell, gotta take the senate back first. Rand has a great shot though.

You may be right. The problem will be that he will have to go further right than all his challengers to win the primary - he'll have to walk it all back to the middle in a general.

Come to think of it, it's not just a Paul problem - it's been an achilles heel for two election cycles now. America doesn't want a tree hugging, prius driving liberal or a bible thumping conservative.
You may be right. The problem will be that he will have to go further right than all his challengers to win the primary - he'll have to walk it all back to the middle in a general.

Come to think of it, it's not just a Paul problem - it's been an achilles heel for two election cycles now. America doesn't want a tree hugging, prius driving liberal or a bible thumping conservative.

Agreed well said.
Who then?

Christie pooped in his own bed.
Mitt & Rick are retreads.
Rubio's not ready.
Palin is a big ole bag of fail.
Jeb has the name and the experience.

Who else is their? Paul? Or some other GOP contender TBD?
Paul Ryan, Bobby Jindhal, Scott Walker, John Kasich
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It's too early to tell, gotta take the senate back first. Rand has a great shot though.

I still don't think he can win the nomination because the base can't agree with him on: 1) non-interventionist foreign policy; 2) immigration reform; 3) relaxation of drug laws and enforcement; and so on.

# 1 in particular will doom him through the first half of the primaries, and kill him in places like South Carolina.

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