Unofficial visitors at UK game



Senior Member
Apr 29, 2005
Only three names but they are big ones. Thats a good sign because those three are all studs and a self paid unofficial visit to watch us play UK signifies real interest from Carlos and Morgan.

Eric Berry
Carlos Dunlap
Morgan Burnett
not familiar with Burnett, so what's up? yopu know the last Burnett that played for us turned out pretty good.
Only three names but they are big ones. Thats a good sign because those three are all studs and a self paid unofficial visit to watch us play UK signifies real interest from Carlos and Morgan.

Eric Berry
Carlos Dunlap
Morgan Burnett

I am happy to see that Berry was there. That is a good sign.
Every time I read an interview with Berry it makes me think our chances of landing him are better and better. The good news about this trip is that apparently him and Morgan are friends and they actually rode to the game together. If Berry does commit to UT he might talk Morgan into coming with him. That would be a great CB-S combination.
Every time I read an interview with Berry it makes me think our chances of landing him are better and better. The good news about this trip is that apparently him and Morgan are friends and they actually rode to the game together. If Berry does commit to UT he might talk Morgan into coming with him. That would be a great CB-S combination.
Yes! That would be a great combo. Let's hope it turns out that way.
Does anyone have any information on Carlos Dunlap? do we have a legitimate shot with him?
have not heard any info on Smith in a long while....any news from anyone???
Dunlap says that Fulmer is telling him to come to UT and help us to a #1 class so CPF may be feeling confident about some of the studs we are pursuing. If we can get him to officially visit us, we will be in the thick of it with UF and USCe.

As for Smith, he is visiting UT on our big Dec 9/10 weekend and that may tell the tale.
it sure seems as though we are poised for a big finish, my fingers are crossed
Who is visiting that weekend?

December 10th and January 12th are both going to be pretty big weekends. December 10th being the biggest. Rivals does not have a very good updated visit list so I do not know for sure. I know these names for sure, but there are a lot more.

Chris Donald
Harrison Smith
Chris Walker
Brent said this is his first 10, but there would be more for sure(Dec 8-10 weekend):
1. Chris Donald
2. Art Evans
3. Chris Walker
4. Todd Campbell
5. Darris Sawtelle
6. DeAngelo Willingham
7. Brent Vinson
8. Kenny O'Neal
9. Ben Martin
10. Dale Martin
I finally figured out how to read properly. And I will list the players that rivals has reported that will be here on the weekend of Dec. 8th - 10th. I think wvwarrior's list is probably just as accurate if not more so since it came from Brent. I think Ben Martin could be a huge part of this class. He could be a difference maker at DE, which we need. He will be a tough pull out of Ohio but getting him on an official visit is a good sign.

Rivals says...
DeAngelo Willingham
Devin Parrish
Jeremiah Martin
Dale Martin
Ben Martin (whats with the "Martin" theme?)
Graig Cooper
Miguel Chavis
Chris Walker
Chris Donald
Harrison Smith
Add Kenny O'Neal.

It didnt say he would be here on Dec. 8th but it said he will be here the second weekend in December. I can figure out what weekend that is. Its not rocket science.
imposing list, man we need this to be a huge class after last years whiff
I finally figured out how to read properly. And I will list the players that rivals has reported that will be here on the weekend of Dec. 8th - 10th. I think wvwarrior's list is probably just as accurate if not more so since it came from Brent. I think Ben Martin could be a huge part of this class. He could be a difference maker at DE, which we need. He will be a tough pull out of Ohio but getting him on an official visit is a good sign.

Rivals says...
DeAngelo Willingham
Devin Parrish
Jeremiah Martin
Dale Martin
Ben Martin (whats with the "Martin" theme?)
Graig Cooper
Miguel Chavis
Chris Walker
Chris Donald
Harrison Smith
This weekend is what is going to make or break this class.
Seems to be solid guys with iffy guys. Hopefully the solid guys can do some recruiting. Do you think guys like B.J. Coleman would show up on campus and do recruiting too?
I loved the fact that Jimmy Clausen committed to ND and then began calling other recruits to convince them to get on board, we need a little of that that weekend
yeah, just go to their myspaces and you'll see the evidence of that, Todd has a real Tennessee heart

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