To Protect and to Serve II

What a cluster f#$@........

Did they not know there was a suspect and a possible kidnapping victim? My god no one seemed to know what they were doing and no one appeared to be in charge calling out commands etc.

That entire departments leadership and tactical acumen needs to be called into question overhauled and then retrained. That was freelance shoot 'em up cowboy action right there.
Going 37 in a 30 with a busted headlight. Police doing a fine job of getting these violent thugs off the streets.

What I see is the Superman decal on the cop's vest. With the USA flag decorating it. To me, this echoes the police culture of , I'm God, or Superman. Obey my commands or get shot or otherwise assaulted." This tells me the squads known as Jump Out Boys, Goon Squads, Gun Trace Task Force, and other badged uniform thugs saturate police departments. Often with the blessings of their supervisors. Nothing will actually change unless citizens refuse to put up with this, and America get the guts to what needs to be done to put real officers on the street instead of state sanctioned thugs.

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