Talladega Results - DownNDirty wins at 'Dega!



Senior Member
Nov 2, 2003
Congrats to DownNDirty on picking the race winner (25 points) and being "top dog" this week!:eek:k:
Scores were horrible again this week thanks to Brian Vickers!:bad:
That cost quite a few of us at least a 1st, 2nd or 5th-me anyway!:angry: :mega_shok:

Here are the results-read'em and weep!

1. DownNDirty------------------618
2. Dan4Vols--------------------583
3. Arclight----------------------575
4. Aksn907--------------------561
5. USAF_Vol-------------------550
6. TigerTalons-----------------548
7. TennFan--------------------532
8. BigOrangeFan---------------521
9. la.lovesorange---------------518
10. (tie) #10-Ainge-#10--------512
11. Jennvols--------------------503
12. Tidwell---------------------480
13. Mybloodrunnethorange------467
14. TYM888--------------------449
15. Volman130------------------420

Overall totals: (for those who compete at least once a month).
Congrats to Tidwell on surpassing 20K points!:salute:
We should have 4-5 more pass it after Lowe's!:yes: Good luck!
That means a minimum of 250 to a max of 580.

1. Tidwell-------------------------20,004
2. TennFan-----------------------19,754
3. Dan4vols-----------------------19,600
4. la.lovesorange------------------19,588
5. surfsidebeachvol-----------------19,531
6. Jennvols-------------------------19,424
7. TYM888--------------------------19,092
8. Volman130------------------------18,938
9. Mybloodrunnethorange (MBRO)-----18,811
10. TigerTalons----------------------18,518
11. #10-Ainge-#10------------------18,350
12. BigOrangeFan(BOF)--------------17,766
13. Aksn907-------------------------17,608
14. USAF_Vol-----------------------17,023
15. Rocky Top-----------------------12,298
16. Arclight---------------------------8815
17. DownNDirty-----------------------2294
Two straight weeks with a sub-500 score. That's galldang ridiculous.

Good call by DND on *******. I knew ******* would have the car, but I couldn't make myself put any faith into *******.

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