OK I'm looking for some advice on how to handle a fairly happy situation. I have unearthed some of my stepdad's baseball card collection from the depths of mom's storeroom and one of the finds was the complete Fleer '89 factory boxed set. I've gone through it quickly and a couple of the notable examples are these 2.
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Now this isn't the "GT500 Mustang in the barn" situation. That would be the Marlboro sign visible behind Randy and, ummmm, "coitus visage" written on the bottom of Bill's bat. (or even the whited out versions) Still they are considered worth some money and while I have no idea how to eyeball grade these things they are literally right out of Fleer's box. There's a bit of curvature, I suppose just from how they were packed, but I would think that could be flatted just by putting them under a book.
So what should I do from here? How should I go about best making these (and anything else I dig up, there's a whole other big labeled "cards" still taped shut) viable for sale?