No Sotomayor Threads? Guess I'll start.

I've heard that the New Haven, CT firefighters test ruling that she made, was in fact, a precedent ruling, that had been made before in a lower court.

Doesn't mean I condone throwing out the tests. Just relaying what I've heard.

I don't like that they just threw out the tests. They could have found some middle ground, such as promoting the top scoring firefighters, and hiring some minorities as well. There could have been a compromise that was reached.

so your compromise would be to promote the less qualified based solely on race? Yeah, that's a great idea. What would be the point of even having a test?

Congrats for scoring so well on the test. Here are the other guys we promoted for the same title/pay who failed the same test you took.
so your compromise would be to promote the less qualified based solely on race? Yeah, that's a great idea. What would be the point of even having a test?

Congrats for scoring so well on the test. Here are the other guys we promoted for the same title/pay who failed the same test you took.

It is what it is. I don't particularly like the compromise idea. But it would be the only way to solve such problems facing the New Haven FD.
Preferably, the test would be biased towards competence and merit, concerning the position it is used for. Beyond that, the rest is meaningless.

you would think so. Personally I'm not really going to think about a person's skin color/race/religion/sex if they are saving my family. I just want the best they have available and not some guy who go the job while failing exams.
I've heard that the New Haven, CT firefighters test ruling that she made, was in fact, a precedent ruling, that had been made before in a lower court.

Doesn't mean I condone throwing out the tests. Just relaying what I've heard.

I don't like that they just threw out the tests. They could have found some middle ground, such as promoting the top scoring firefighters, and hiring some minorities as well. There could have been a compromise that was reached.

Does not matter if she truly was following precedent. She is a known activist judge. That is what they do. They find ways around precedent when they don't believe it would reach the right result and follow precedent when they do. The fact that she supposedly followed precedent this time is only because precedent reach the result she wanted.

If tables were turned and only minorities passed the test, I guaranty she would have found a way to argue against the precedent and keep the test results.
It is what it is. I don't particularly like the compromise idea. But it would be the only way to solve such problems facing the New Haven FD.

what does it solve? What incentive does it provide for a minority to work as hard as the rest to get ahead when he knows he'll be considered just because he's breathing? The best solution is to give the job to the most qualified. Can't hack it they can go find another profession.
The city and the fire department not getting sued for discrimination.

So what? Discrimination based on most qualified is not discrimination except in the eyes of a "smarter than you because I'm a Latina" judge. The guys who brought the lawsuit should be ashamed of themselves for failing but instead they think someone owes them something. In life there is always someone better/smarter than you. The sooner they learn that life lesson the better.
you would think so. Personally I'm not really going to think about a person's skin color/race/religion/sex if they are saving my family. I just want the best they have available and not some guy who go the job while failing exams.

Exactly. .
The city and the fire department not getting sued for discrimination.

So you are for solving problems by giving in to people that don't really have a problem, by giving the people what they want. Dude, in regards to parenting that is a pretty horrible philiosophy. It is probably a pretty horrible philosophy in any aspect of life.
So you are for solving problems by giving in to people that don't really have a problem, by giving the people what they want. Dude, in regards to parenting that is a pretty horrible philiosophy. It is probably a pretty horrible philosophy in any aspect of life.

I never said I condoned it. I just said it would be the best way to ensure that they don't get sued.

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