Kamal Hadden's message to Volnation

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Apr 18, 2009

I'm not sure why he would be getting *disrespected* right now unless I missed something recently?! We need the depth at CB. He made several big plays for us and cost us some big plays. I guess he is talking about when he was running his mouth and costing his team? I'm not one to tweet at players or anything but when you play big boy ball in front of a big fan base, you're gonna get called out no matter where you are. If you make it to the NFL, you're going to have to have thicker skin.
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Given what I've seen some of our fans exhibit right here on VN, it wouldn't surprise me if he has encountered incidents with spitting Volfan cobras. There are times I see some things that make me wonder why such fans aren't euthanized, as they are so persistent in their spite. I think some even refuse to believe that players actually do read VN posts. We, from time to time, have parents of players drop in as well. Not necessarily actively participate, but stealth lurk. I suggest, let me repeat, I suggest caution. Some of those posts might serve as the catalyst for players to go portal.

Proceed to execute me for daring to post the above.
There have been plenty of posts about bad CB play on here so maybe that’s it or people tracked him down on social media or something?
Given what I've seen some of our fans exhibit right here on VN, it wouldn't surprise me if he has encountered incidents with spitting Volfan cobras. There are times I see some things that make me wonder why such fans aren't euthanized, as they are so persistent in their spite. I think some even refuse to believe that players actually do read VN posts. We, from time to time, have parents of players drop in as well. Not necessarily actively participate, but stealth lurk. I suggest, let me repeat, I suggest caution. Some of those posts might serve as the catalyst for players to go portal.

Proceed to execute me for daring to post the above.

You're not wrong but at some point players/parents need to realize that nothing that we(the fans) say has any control over their playing time and that they're going to get judged by the fans regardless of where they go. I understand what you're saying though, that's why I don't personally ever tweet or message the players. They're young and quick to get spiteful if a lot of fans are coming at them. That's a part of the territory though, no fanbase can control a million different fans personalities.
Given what I've seen some of our fans exhibit right here on VN, it wouldn't surprise me if he has encountered incidents with spitting Volfan cobras. There are times I see some things that make me wonder why such fans aren't euthanized, as they are so persistent in their spite. I think some even refuse to believe that players actually do read VN posts. We, from time to time, have parents of players drop in as well. Not necessarily actively participate, but stealth lurk. I suggest, let me repeat, I suggest caution. Some of those posts might serve as the catalyst for players to go portal.

Proceed to execute me for daring to post the above.

Euthanize? Execute? Somebody check this dude’s crawl space.

Tell me exactly what I can say to make Hadden hit the portal. At the least I’ll save draft with a wait and see attitude.

This kid wants to be abysmal in coverage.. and on top of that pick up dumb penalties for running his mouth on the field. Basically his mouth writing checks his a$$ can’t cash.

I have no doubt Vol twitter goes overboard at times, but this kid needs a thicker skin in more than one way. Frankly any kid that can’t handle criticism at a program with our revived expectations does as well. I’m not gonna tweet at one of our kids, but I’m also not gonna pull any punches here if he’s hurting the team. For his benefit or his Uncle Jimmy’s, or anybody else’s. Toughen up.

IF KH gets his mind right (sounds like he’s got a ways to go), and can work on his game instead of doing this type nonsense, I hope he stays. If he can’t handle, hit that portal son. Maybe for the best.
Yep, he has a little of the same problem as Banks had 2021 although a little different. Banks was getting 15 for hitting late or body slamming players etc.., actions that would made him a hero back in the 60's & 70's but now you get -15 and coaches and fans hate that, game killers. KH is an aggressive player and made some good plays/tackles. Hes bracketed in with all the DBs that need to improve on coverage and turning to the ball on 50/50s when hand fighting to avoid the -15. His biggest problem is running his mouth (yelling not trash talking) right when the cameras on him pushing a receiver out of bounds etc. like when him and the adolescent coach from USCjr started trading expletives on sidelines with cameras for replays etc... Talking back and forth regrettably has become a part of the game. KH uses that to excuse what he's doing is what others do. IMO it's like telling a child to use his or her inside voice. Where others talk and try to intimidate throughout the game, I just don't think KH realizes how animated he is, and it gets picked up by the announcers and all. Guess what, the refs then start eye balling him and talk before the game keep an eye on #5 don't want game to get out of hand. Then you wonder why you get called on the hand fighting for a 50/50 ball when others don't, KH has made himself the villain his yelling needs to be at least nuanced to normal trash talk that happens.
Hadden is an immature kid. Not surprising that he would say something idiotic like that and invite even more criticism. It’s not just Tennessee either it’s any crazy fan base is going to give him issues especially if he looks for criticism.

If someone sent him something on social media that’s over the line though but again this isn’t going to make things better for him.
I don’t wanna necessarily diagnose every message he’s gotten as “hate mail” as you do just because he didn’t use that terminology and I think the word “hate” is overused these days. I will say in a way I agree with you WoodsmanVol, it wouldn’t surprise me if people have sent him something like what he is claiming, but I‘ve got a different take.

(1) You are a D1 football player at a major D1 university. This type if thing is common and there should be some understanding from those around you when you come here or anywhere else, that this is an unfortunate reality and has always been. It doesn’t mean it‘s right or ok for people to send hateful or rude messages to players (IF that actually happened) but it’s been a reality for decades. So in a way, grow up a little and let it roll off your back. People nowadays are becoming a little to soft and sensitive to words in my opinion. Again I didn’t say it was right, but it’s not a new thing. And it’s not going to stop unfortunately.

(2) What the heck does he expect? He gets burned constantly, then like a moron he stands up and flex’s almost every stinking time. I’m all about letting the guy you bested know about it, but he does it every time he gets beat, which is OTFEN. VERY OFTEN. He’s reacting like he roasted somebody when he’s the one getting roasted. And the people who watch, who buy tickets, who help promote the brand, who buy jerseys, who help make sure that this is even possible, are quite frankly annoyed every time we see it. If the defense was in a better place, he likely wouldn’t see the field because he’s not a good player. Maybe he will grow into one and I hope he does.
Euthanize? Execute? Somebody check this dude’s crawl space.

Tell me exactly what I can say to make Hadden hit the portal. At the least I’ll save draft with a wait and see attitude.

This kid wants to be abysmal in coverage.. and on top of that pick up dumb penalties for running his mouth on the field. Basically his mouth writing checks his a$$ can’t cash.

I have no doubt Vol twitter goes overboard at times, but this kid needs a thicker skin in more than one way. Frankly any kid that can’t handle criticism at a program with our revived expectations does as well. I’m not gonna tweet at one of our kids, but I’m also not gonna pull any punches here if he’s hurting the team. For his benefit or his Uncle Jimmy’s, or anybody else’s. Toughen up.

IF KH gets his mind right (sounds like he’s got a ways to go), and can work on his game instead of doing this type nonsense, I hope he stays. If he can’t handle, hit that portal son. Maybe for the best.

What you said x1000. Completely agree.
Substitute "Larry Bird" for "Kamal Hadden" and I think you'll get what he means. I can't say that I get it, but there are definitely athletes who by personality are so wired that way, they don't know any other way to play.

Obviously it helps if you can back it up, but those guys know no other way, regardless. Ultimately, if it's not a problem for his teammates, then just hope he improves, and don't let him marry your daughter.

They don't (and maybe can't) compete only between the whistles. Competition (to them) is a war, and it's 24/7. Maybe they can't keep their edge if they don't talk trash. Like I said, I dunno. But he's right--those type of competitors are a definite "kind."
I don’t wanna necessarily diagnose every message he’s gotten as “hate mail” as you do just because he didn’t use that terminology and I think the word “hate” is overused these days. I will say in a way I agree with you WoodsmanVol, it wouldn’t surprise me if people have sent him something like what he is claiming, but I‘ve got a different take.

(1) You are a D1 football player at a major D1 university. This type if thing is common and there should be some understanding from those around you when you come here or anywhere else, that this is an unfortunate reality and has always been. It doesn’t mean it‘s right or ok for people to send hateful or rude messages to players (IF that actually happened) but it’s been a reality for decades. So in a way, grow up a little and let it roll off your back. People nowadays are becoming a little to soft and sensitive to words in my opinion. Again I didn’t say it was right, but it’s not a new thing. And it’s not going to stop unfortunately.

(2) What the heck does he expect? He gets burned constantly, then like a moron he stands up and flex’s almost every stinking time. I’m all about letting the guy you bested know about it, but he does it every time he gets beat, which is OTFEN. VERY OFTEN. He’s reacting like he roasted somebody when he’s the one getting roasted. And the people who watch, who buy tickets, who help promote the brand, who buy jerseys, who help make sure that this is even possible, are quite frankly annoyed every time we see it. If the defense was in a better place, he likely wouldn’t see the field because he’s not a good player. Maybe he will grow into one and I hope he does.

Nicely put, 100% agree.
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Given what I've seen some of our fans exhibit right here on VN, it wouldn't surprise me if he has encountered incidents with spitting Volfan cobras. There are times I see some things that make me wonder why such fans aren't euthanized, as they are so persistent in their spite. I think some even refuse to believe that players actually do read VN posts. We, from time to time, have parents of players drop in as well. Not necessarily actively participate, but stealth lurk. I suggest, let me repeat, I suggest caution. Some of those posts might serve as the catalyst for players to go portal.

Proceed to execute me for daring to post the above.
I've seen posters say they wanted him to portal in the last week.
Substitute "Larry Bird" for "Kamal Hadden" and I think you'll get what he means. I can't say that I get it, but there are definitely athletes who by personality are so wired that way, they don't know any other way to play.

Obviously it helps if you can back it up, but those guys know no other way, regardless. Ultimately, if it's not a problem for his teammates, then just hope he improves, and don't let him marry your daughter.

They don't (and maybe can't) compete only between the whistles. Competition (to them) is a war, and it's 24/7. Maybe they can't keep their edge if they don't talk trash. Like I said, I dunno. But he's right--those type of competitors are a definite "kind."

I completely get what you are saying and I see it. I will say the only difference here is that Larry delivered.
I don’t wanna necessarily diagnose every message he’s gotten as “hate mail” as you do just because he didn’t use that terminology and I think the word “hate” is overused these days. I will say in a way I agree with you WoodsmanVol, it wouldn’t surprise me if people have sent him something like what he is claiming, but I‘ve got a different take.

(1) You are a D1 football player at a major D1 university. This type if thing is common and there should be some understanding from those around you when you come here or anywhere else, that this is an unfortunate reality and has always been. It doesn’t mean it‘s right or ok for people to send hateful or rude messages to players (IF that actually happened) but it’s been a reality for decades. So in a way, grow up a little and let it roll off your back. People nowadays are becoming a little to soft and sensitive to words in my opinion. Again I didn’t say it was right, but it’s not a new thing. And it’s not going to stop unfortunately.

(2) What the heck does he expect? He gets burned constantly, then like a moron he stands up and flex’s almost every stinking time. I’m all about letting the guy you bested know about it, but he does it every time he gets beat, which is OTFEN. VERY OFTEN. He’s reacting like he roasted somebody when he’s the one getting roasted. And the people who watch, who buy tickets, who help promote the brand, who buy jerseys, who help make sure that this is even possible, are quite frankly annoyed every time we see it. If the defense was in a better place, he likely wouldn’t see the field because he’s not a good player. Maybe he will grow into one and I hope he does.
Exactly. You can be “chippy” and talk crap when you back it up a little. Hadden hasn’t to this point thus he gets criticism by fans and laughed at by rivals. “Kno his kind”? Does the guy seriously think he’s the first immature, dumb kid that’s got criticism for being an idiot on the football field? I say that as someone that was an immature, dumb kid at his age at one time in my life.

If I were to talk to him I would tell him to reign in the mouth a little bit, focus on getting better at his position, surround himself with people that can bring out his best and quit worrying about social media. Kid has the talent to make something out of himself if he can mature and block out the noise.
Substitute "Larry Bird" for "Kamal Hadden" and I think you'll get what he means. I can't say that I get it, but there are definitely athletes who by personality are so wired that way, they don't know any other way to play.

Obviously it helps if you can back it up, but those guys know no other way, regardless. Ultimately, if it's not a problem for his teammates, then just hope he improves, and don't let him marry your daughter.

They don't (and maybe can't) compete only between the whistles. Competition (to them) is a war, and it's 24/7. Maybe they can't keep their edge if they don't talk trash. Like I said, I dunno. But he's right--those type of competitors are a definite "kind."
I hated Bird with a burning passion. He was without peer as a trash talker, but you can't deny the dude backed it up. The hate for Bird was because he was so damned good and so damned cocky. I don't see "hate" for Hadden. Just a desire for him to shut up until he's actually able to back it up with his play on the field. Talk is cheap as the saying goes, but it's costly when he draws penalties or fires up the opposition without doing at least a little to slow them down. Not even close to a good comparison
His performance on the big stage of the Orange Bowl was embarrassing and a well known weakness in the defensive configuration all season, heightened by the mouth that brought a flag out. You compare Hadden to the skill, humility and character traits demonstrated by Hooker and Milton and you see why fans don't much care for that style of player and yes, fans probably don't know him and he has given them and the NIL team absolutely no reason to.
Substitute "Larry Bird" for "Kamal Hadden" and I think you'll get what he means. I can't say that I get it, but there are definitely athletes who by personality are so wired that way, they don't know any other way to play.

Obviously it helps if you can back it up, but those guys know no other way, regardless. Ultimately, if it's not a problem for his teammates, then just hope he improves, and don't let him marry your daughter.

They don't (and maybe can't) compete only between the whistles. Competition (to them) is a war, and it's 24/7. Maybe they can't keep their edge if they don't talk trash. Like I said, I dunno. But he's right--those type of competitors are a definite "kind."
There is a mile wide chasm between Larry Bird and Hadden. Bird could back up every bit of his trash talk. From what I saw, Hadden hasn’t backed up anything. As a couple of posters noted, he gets roasted like a Christmas turkey and gets up talking 💩. Sorry to tell him but if you do that, you are going to get criticized until you back it up with your play. Performance speaks for itself. If you are good, you don’t have to tell anybody. And you sure don’t have to post that you’re just not “understood”.
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