Hoosier's CBB Pick 6 Challenge- Week #14



Vol Stuck in B1G 10 Hell
May 26, 2005
Week #1 Winner(s): Lefteye & golfballs with 5 out of 6!
Week #2 Winner(s): Several posters with all 6
Week #3 Winners: Lefteye, golfballs, Tennesseefan2019, Kyvol55 and cncchris33 all with 4 picks!
Week #4 Winner(s): golfballs & JoAllen with 5 out of 6 and tied on the TB!
Week #5 Winner: JelloPuddinPop with 4 including TB
Week #6 Winner: sportsnut624 with 4 including TB
Week #7 Winner: Dallasbowlin with 7 including the TB!
Week #8 Winner(s): scsshortstop & Hoosier_Vol with 5 including the TB!
Week #9 Winner: TrumpedUpVol going 6-0 with TB!
Week #10 Winner: Plecoptra going 6-0 with TB!
Week #11 Winner: Hoosier_Vol going 5-1
Week #12 Winner: Jdw2920 going 5-1 with TB!
Week #13 Winner: Thunder Good-Oil goes 6-0!

* Thunder Good-Oil opens up a bit of a lead
* 19 players this week!

Week #14 Games:

VCU at Saint Louis
Tennessee at Auburn
Kansas at Baylor
Michigan at Purdue
Florida at Kentucky
Georgia at Vanderbilt
TB: Points for Fulkerson?

Standings After Week #13:

1.) Thunder Good-Oil........54
2.) cncchris33........................50
2.) Mr Vol................................50
4.) sportsnut624................ .49
4.) VEKZY................................49
6.) Lefteye .............................48
7.) Hoosier Vol.....................47
8.) Dallasbowlin...................46
8.) scsshortstop...................46
10.) Plecoptra.......................44
10.) Tnvols72.........................44
12.) Kyvol55...........................43
13.) TrumpedUpVol.............42
14.) Tennesseefan2019.........37
15.) JelloPuddinPop.............28
16.) sechamp2012.................27
17.) CBVols...............................26
18.) golfballs............................21
19.) Jdw2920............................19
20.) VFL49er...........................18
21.) aWhiteLotonChism.....13
22.) JoAllan.............................11
23.) Rrcox1951.......................9
24.) LESSARYVOLS05..........8
24.) scvol7906......................8
26.)The Artful Dodger.......7
27.) calban..............................6
27.) DocVol............................6
27.) VolAmerican..................6
27.) Ty4Vols............................6
27.) Dtj64.................................6
32.) Kingofkodak................4
32.) bmboomer.....................4
32.) Hartsvol..........................4
32.) horde of llamas...........4
36.) WiscVols.........................3
37) YankeeVol.....................2
37) miket4god....................2
VCU at Saint Louis
Tennessee at Auburn
Kansas at Baylor
Michigan at Purdue
Florida at Kentucky
Georgia at Vanderbilt
TB: Points for Fulkerson? 16
VCU at Saint Louis
Tennessee at Auburn
Kansas at Baylor
at Purdue
Florida at Kentucky
at Vanderbilt
TB: Points for Fulkerson? 14
VCU at Saint Louis
Tennessee at Auburn
at Baylor
Michigan at Purdue
Florida at Kentucky
at Vanderbilt
TB: Points for Fulkerson? 18
VCU at Saint Louis
Tennessee at Auburn
at Baylor
Michigan at Purdue
Florida at Kentucky
at Vanderbilt
TB: Points for Fulkerson? 16
VCU at Saint Louis
Tennessee at Auburn
at Baylor
Michigan at Purdue
Florida at Kentucky
at Vanderbilt
TB: Points for Fulkerson? 15
VCU at Saint Louis
Tennessee at Auburn
at Baylor
Michigan at Purdue
Florida at Kentucky
at Vanderbilt
TB: Points for Fulkerson -- 19
VCU at Saint Louis
Tennessee at Auburn
Kansas at Baylor
at Purdue
Florida at Kentucky
at Vanderbilt
TB: Points for Fulkerson? 15
VCU at Saint Louis
Tennessee at Auburn
at Baylor
Michigan at Purdue
Florida at Kentucky
at Vanderbilt
TB: Points for Fulkerson? 17
Last edited:
Vcu at Saint Louis
Tennessee at Auburn
Kansas at Baylor
at Purdue
Florida at Kentucky
at Vanderbilt
TB: Points for Fulkerson? 17
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Reactions: TrumpedUpVol
Sorry gang.....it's been kinda crazy around here.....I'll get standings updated and post this weekends games shortly.....
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Reactions: Vol49er

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